**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Infectious Disease**For 125 years, physicians have relied on Manson's Tropical Diseases for a comprehensive clinical overview of this complex and fast-changing field. In the fully revised 24th Edition, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, along with an internationally recognized editorial team, global contributors, and expert authors, deliver the latest coverage on parasitic and infectious diseases from around the world. From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, this highly readable, award-winning reference prepares you to effectively handle whatever your patients may have contracted.
Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia: Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac anesthesiology, helping you to optimize perioperative outcomes, avoid complications, and ensure maximum patient safety. Dr. Joel A. Kaplan, along with an expert team of associate editors, guides you through today’s clinical challenges, including expanded coverage of critical care, the newest approaches to perioperative assessment and management, state-of-the art diagnostic techniques, and cardiovascular and coronary physiology.Â
**American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Book of the Year Awards, 1st Place in Adult Primary Care, 2023**Featuring a holistic, woman-centered focus and uniquely organized for consistency with the AWHONN/NPWH Guidelines for Practice and Education, this completely new textbook for primary care Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and other primary care practitioners responsible for women’s health provides a strong, evidence-based clinical foundation for primary care of women. Coverage includes foundational concepts in women’s health, well-woman care throughout the lifespan, and primary care management of common conditions affecting women.
Infection prevention and control (IPC) is everybody’s responsibility. Healthcare-associated Infections in Australia is the first Australian text to address the challenges posed by infectious diseases and healthcareassociated infections (HAIs) for all members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team.Drawing on the expertise of a wide author team, and based on current research, this important and comprehensive text provides a clear pathway for the reader to increase their knowledge and understanding of IPC. The text is designed for both students and practising clinicians, and is presented in two sections – Principles and Practice – for ease of use.With IPC principles and guidelines now embedded into all health-related curricula, and mandated by standards and guidelines across all areas of healthcare, this is a book no health professional should miss.
Behavior Problems of the Dog & Cat, 4th Edition retains the highly practical approach that has proved so successful in previous editions, offering diagnostic guidelines, preventive advice, treatment guidelines and charts, case examples, client forms and handouts, and product and resource suggestions, along with details on the use of drugs and natural supplements to help optimize the behavior services offered in practice.
Offering authoritative coverage, Steinert's Cataract Surgery, 4th Edition, takes you step by step from preoperative evaluation and preparation through the full range of surgical techniques and the mitigation and management of complications. New editors, Drs. Sumit (Sam) Garg and Douglas D. Koch, along with a who’s who list of top international experts, provide practical technical guidance on all aspects of cataract surgery in a newly streamlined, easy-to-read format. From IOL calculations to glaucoma and astigmatism considerations, perioperative drug delivery to methods of iris repair, this up-to-date 4th Edition delivers essential clinical information, core foundational knowledge, and advanced techniques from cover to cover.Â
Long regarded as the undisputed leading text of its kind, Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of both basic science and clinical topics in anesthesiology. Under the experienced editorial leadership of Dr. Manuel C. Pardo, Jr., the 8th Edition has been meticulously updated to reflect the latest advances in practice and important aspects of contemporary anesthesia care, including pathophysiology, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, anesthetic management, and special problems and patient groups. It remains the first learning resource of choice for anesthesia providers, including anesthesia residents and fellows, medical students, and student registered nurse anesthetists, and is also a valuable review tool for practitioners undergoing maintenance of certification or recertification.Â
Master the pharmacologic principles and drug information you need to safely and effectively prescribe drugs for primary care! Edmunds' Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider, 5th Edition is written for Nurse Practitioners, other Advanced Practice Nursing prescribers, and Physician Assistants. Unlike other pharmacotherapeutics textbooks, it focuses on the drugs most commonly used in primary care settings. A new chapter format and body-system approach make learning easier, and standardized clinical guidelines ensure best practices in pharmacotherapeutics. Updated and impeccably accurate drug content includes the latest drug classes, specific drugs, and therapeutic uses in primary care. Continuing to emphasize health promotion strategies, this new edition includes new chapters on pharmacogenetics, drugs for ADHD, nutritional supplements, and more.
Provide preventive care and evidence-based treatment for potbellied pigs! Covering a subject that gets little or no attention in other veterinary references, Potbellied Pig Veterinary Medicine is today’s definitive guide to all aspects of care for these unique animals. Topics include everything from the physical examination to handling and restraint, common illnesses, diagnosis and treatment, vaccination protocols, behavior, husbandry, sedation, surgery, and much more. Written by Dr. Kristie Mozzachio, a potbellied pig specialist and toxicologic pathologist, this clinical reference is a must-have for every veterinary practice.
Reinforce your understanding of physical examination and health assessment! Corresponding to the chapters in Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 10th Edition, this student laboratory manual helps you master the skills you need to perform a complete physical examination and health assessment. Engaging exercises and activities help you conduct health history interviews, develop critical thinking skills, and apply your knowledge to clinical practice. It’s both a comprehensive lab manual and a practical workbook!