Improve your radiographic interpretation skills, regardless of your level of experience with Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 8th Edition, your one-stop resource for understanding the principles of radiographic technique and interpretation for dogs, cats, and horses. Within this bestselling text, high-quality radiographic images accompany clear coverage of diagnostic radiology, ultrasound, MRI, and CT. User-friendly direction helps you develop essential skills in patient positioning, radiographic technique and safety measures, normal and abnormal anatomy, radiographic viewing and interpretation, and alternative imaging modalities. This edition has been thoroughly revised to include the latest advances in the field, expand the number of image examples, and include a new ebook with every new print purchase!
Make accurate diagnoses and achieve successful treatment outcomes with this highly visual, comprehensive atlas! Featuring a substantial number of new high-contrast images, Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy and Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition, provides an in-depth look at both normal and non-standard subjects, along with demonstrations of proper technique and image interpretations. Expert authors Donald E. Thrall and Ian D. Robertson describe a wider range of "normal" as compared to other books — not only showing standard dogs and cats, but also non-standard subjects such as overweight and underweight pets and animals with breed-specific variations. Each body part is put into context with a description that helps explain why a structure appears as it does in radiographs, enabling you to appreciate variations of normal based on an understanding of basic radiographic principles.
This issue of PET Clinics focuses on Evolving Role of PET-guided Interventional Oncology Based Procedures, and is edited by Drs. Abass Alavi (the Consulting Editor of PET Clinics), Marnix Lam, Stephen Hunt, and Ghassan El-Haddad. Articles will include: Y-90 PET/CT and radioembolization; FDG-PET and radioembolization; Ga-68-PSMA PET and HCC; C11 Acetate-PET for hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing radioembolization; FDG-PET for Ablation Treatment Planning, Intraprocedural Monitoring and Response; Global FDG Response Assessment to IR Procedures with Concomitant Immunotherapy; PET Assessment of Abscopal Effects and Pseudoprogression from IR Procedures; FDG-PET for monitoring response to embolotherapy (TACE) in primary and metastatic liver disease; and more!
This issue of PET Clinics focuses on PET-CT-MRI based Cardiovascular Imaging, and is edited by Drs. Abass Alavi (the Consulting Editor of PET Clinics), Poul Flemming Høilund-Carlsen, and Ali Salavati. Articles will include: Evolving role of PET in detecting and characterizing atherosclerosis; Applications of modern CT techniques in assessing cardiovascular disorders; Applications of conventional MRI techniques in assessing cardiovascular disorders; PET/CT Assessment of ischemic heart disease; PET/CT evaluation of cardiac sarcoidosis; PET/MRI in cardiovascular imaging; Evolving role of PET in detecting and characterizing cardiovascular disorders; PET/CT evaluation of infectious diseases of the heart; State of PET-based gating in cardiac imaging; Potential role of PET in assessing cardiac arrhythmias; PET-based cardiovascular imaging tracers; and more!
This issue of PET Clinics is Part II of a two-part issue, and focuses on PET-CT-MRI Applications of Musculoskeletal Disorders. It is edited by Drs. Abass Alavi (the Consulting Editor of PET Clinics), Ali Salavati, Ali Gholamrezanezhad and Ali Guermazi. Articles will include:Applications of PET-CT-MR in the management of benign musculoskeletal disorders; Diagnostic management of primary and secondary spinal neoplastic disease: The role of PET-CT-MRI; Skeletal Metastasis Evaluation: Value and impact of PET/CT on Diagnosis, Management and Prognosis; Hybrid imaging (PET CT/PET MRI) of bone metastases; Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Evaluating Bone Metastases; Imaging of Osteoarthritis by Conventional Radiography, MRI, PET-CT and PET-MRI; Evolving Role of MRI and PET in Assessing Osteoporosis; Evolving Role of Novel PET-CT-MRI based quantitative technique for Assessing Muscle Disorders; Pediatric musculoskeletal applications of PET-CT-MRI; In vivo molecular imaging of inflammation and infection; Future perspective of the application of PET-CT-MRI in musculoskeletal disorders; and more!
This issue of PET Clinics is Part I of a two-part issue, and focuses on PET-CT-MRI Applications of Musculoskeletal Disorders. It is edited by Drs. Abass Alavi (the Consulting Editor of PET Clinics), Ali Salavati, Ali Gholamrezanezhad and Ali Guermazi. Articles will include: Basic principles, methodology, and imaging protocol for musculoskeletal applications; Sodium 18F-Fluoride PET-CT-MR of bone and joint disorders; In vivo molecular imaging of inflammation and infection; Radionuclide therapy for osseous metastases; Novel whole-body MR imaging techniques in MSK disorders; MRI of joint infection and inflammation with emphasis on DCE-MRI; Quantitative techniques for musculoskeletal MRI at 7 Tesla; Role of contrast enhanced (including iodine overlay image), spectral, and dual energy CT in MSK applications; Percutaneous thermal ablation in musculoskeletal system: Post-procedural PET-CT imaging; Soft tissue sarcomas of Musculoskeletal Origin; Application of PET/CT, PET/MR on primary bone malignancies; Future perspective of the application of PET-CT-MRI in musculoskeletal disorders, and more!
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Veterinary Medicine**Learn the latest advances in veterinary diagnostic radiology! Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 7th Edition, is a one-stop resource covering the principles of radiographic technique and interpretation for dogs, cats, and horses. Within this bestselling text, high-quality radiographic images accompany clear coverage of diagnostic radiology, ultrasound, MRI, and CT. User-friendly direction helps you to develop essential skills in patient positioning, radiographic technique and safety measures, normal and abnormal anatomy, radiographic viewing and interpretation, and alternative imaging modalities. This new edition has been thoroughly revised to include important advances in the field, information about contrast media, dental radiography, and more!
Equip yourself to make accurate diagnoses and achieve successful treatment outcomes with this highly visual comprehensive atlas. Featuring a substantial number of new high contrast images, Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy and Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat, 2nd Edition provides an in-depth look at both normal and non-standard subjects along with demonstrations of proper technique and image interpretations. Expert authors Donald E. Thrall and Ian D. Robertson describe a wider range of "normal" as compared to competing books — not only showing standard dogs and cats, but also non-standard subjects such as overweight and underweight pets and animals with breed-specific variations. Every body part is put into context with a textual description to help explain why a structure appears as it does in radiographs, and enabling practitioners to appreciate variations of normal that are not included, based on an understanding of basic radiographic principles.
The complexity of issues associated with gating studies with PET imaging are mostly unknown among practitioners of the field, which is posing a significant danger to those who undergo such studies. This is particularly true for respiratory gating examination. Topics in this issue include both basic and clinical topics, including views from radiation oncology physicians.
With a focus on birds, reptiles, and mammals, Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging: Avian and Exotic Pets discusses veterinary diagnostic imaging and new technologies for multiple modalities to help you accurately diagnose and pinpoint common injuries and disease. Divided into three sections — Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles — each section includes valuable information on positioning for specific structures, imaging findings, and more for each species with a wealth of photographs to provide real-life examples.