This issue covers a comprehensive review of Johne’s Disease (Paratuberculosis) guest edited by Dr. Michael Collins! Topics will include: epidemiology and economics, pathogenesis, treatment and chemoprophylaxis (monensin), genetic resistance, vaccination, diagnostic methods, control of paratuberculosis in beef cattle, control of paratuberculosis in dairy cattle, control of paratuberculosis in small ruminants, paratuberculosis in wildlife and zoological collections, food safety and zoonotic concerns, state and federal efforts at control, international efforts at paratuberculosis control, case studies, and more!
Cytologic and hematologic evaluations are important primary diagnostic activities for veterinarians. Approximately 50% of samples are processed on site in the veterinary office; that number is growing, as veterinarians seek to bring more laboratory revenue to their practices. In doing so, however, it is important for veterinarians and staff to understand correct collection and handling procedures to avoid costly errors and make accurate diagnoses.DIAGNOSTIC CYTOLOGY AND HEMATOLOGY OF THE HORSE is a practical reference that presents common clinical findings in an easy-to-use text/atlas format. Following a general chapter on sample collections and techniques, the remainder of the book takes a "systems" approach, followed by chapters on specific types of fluid. Within systems chapters, normal findings are presented first. Then, abnormal findings are presented by "class" of problems, such as bacterial lesions, fungal lesions, parasitic lesions, and so on, in the case of the eye. Algorithms (flow charts) on sample evaluations enhance text discussions by guiding readers to the most likely cytologic diagnosis. In addition, there is a colour plate section featuring 64 illustrations for quick viewing and comparing cell types and infectious agents. The detailed index will aid utilization of this edition as a quick photographic and textual reference.