The new edition of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing focuses on practice in mental health and psychiatric care integrating theory and the realities of practice. Mental wellness is featured as a concept, and the consideration of a range of psychosocial factors helps students contextualise mental illness and psychiatric disorders. The holistic approach helps the student and the beginning practitioner understand the complex causation of mental illness, its diagnosis, effective interventions and treatments, and the client’s experience of mental illness.
This new edition of Mental Health Nursing: an evidence-based approach has been fully updated to include the latest research-based guidance. A wide variety of client problems is covered with , so that students are assured that what they learn is underpinned by a sound evidence base for treatment, and qualified mental health nurses can be confident that their practice is informed by the most up-to-date research. Skills acquisition is emphasised and experiential exercises encourage connections between theory and practice.
"Mental Health Practice: a guide to compassionate care" examines the relationship between mental health professionals and people using services during the recovery process. The disabling distress experienced by many people with mental health problems is viewed from a holistic, person-centred perspective with the road to recovery being seen as the result of true collaboration between professionals and service users.
Welche Pflege brauchen Patienten in der Psychiatrie? Wie können Sie den Gesundheitszustand durch Kommunikation ergründen oder sogar beeinflussen? Was können Sie tun, damit Patienten sich auf der Station wohl fühlen? Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen die verschiedenen Facetten von Aktivierung und Beschäftigung, die Sie gezielt in Ihr pflegerisches Handeln integrieren können. Es greift das Modell der Selbstfürsorge nach Dorothea Orem auf und erläutert häufige und relevante pflegerische Angebote: - Lebenspraktisches Training - Soziale Kompetenz und Kommunikation - Freizeitgestaltung - Umgang mit Erkrankungen - Persönliches Wohlbefinden und Hygiene - Geistige Aktivierung Auf medizinische Details verzichtend, werden nur reine Arbeitstechniken – die Einzel- oder Gruppenaktivitäten - aufgezeigt.
Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse provides the nurse psychotherapist with a useful “how-to” primer that contains practical techniques and interventions without a lot of theoretical jargon. Topics include the basics of psychotherapy, from how to respond to a patient’s initial call to termination of care. Selected approaches, interpersonal, cognitive-behavioral, and psychodynamic psychotherapy are highlighted with discussion of evidence-base research. Specific techniques for working with commonly seen patient populations that require special consideration: those who have experienced trauma, children, and older adults are included. In addition, how to integrate psychopharmacology and psychotherapy is discussed in detail.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This book will help to identify the skills and resources that students already have and show how these can be developed into the essential skills needed for nursing in the mental health practice environment. Essential Mental Health Nursing Skills draws on the policy and theory underpinning mental health nursing but focusses on the practical aspects, providing an easily understandable guide to what to do and how to do it. It also provides a practical framework that can be applied in any setting. Examples are given to show how skills can be applied across the diversity of modern mental health nursing. Essential Mental Health Nursing Skills is also designed to be taken into the practice environment so that it can easily be referred to it when learning a skill.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. In this book the author charts the journey of recovery from severe and disabling mental health problems. The book's optimistic tone challenges the prevailing notion that recovery is an outcome open only to a minority. It describes the necessary transformation of mental health services into a recovery culture. At the heart of the book are five recovery stories which are a testament to the indomitable nature of the human spirit that enables us to rise above adversity. It is these themes that mental health professionals must engage with if they are to be guides and companions to people on their recovery journeys.
This book is unique, because no other psychiatric/mental health nursing text has ever brought together 'opposing' or contrasting views of the same issue, and subsequently invited two seperate chapters to be written in order to articulate the different perspectives in the debate. Further, no book has then followed up such a wide and thorough discussion by inviting a third party to offer commentary. The purpose of this book is to present a range of key issues that psychiatric/mental health nurses face. They are practice, policy, research and education related issues. The purpose then is to present the most complete, balanced arguments possible in order to inform, educate, and stimulate psychiatric/mental health nurses.Furthermore the purpose of the book is to make psychiatric/mental health nurses more aware of the, often, uncertain nature of much of psychiatric/mental health nursing practice and knowledge. Psychiatric/mental health nursing is not characterised by 'black and white', easily delineated issues, and is perhaps characterised by various 'shades of grey'. Indeed, it is often stated as axiomatic that psychiatric/mental health nurses can be described as a 'broad church'. Consequently, the purpose of this book is to help psychiatric/mental health nurses appreciate this broad church, be able to understand the various 'shades of grey', be able to understand that, often, there are differing views, inconclusive arguments and contentious debates and for this to influence their clinical practice. As the international range of contributors illustrates, these debates (to a greater or lesser extent) are issues and debates that psychiatric/mental health nurses face the world over; these are matters of real international importance and significance. These issues have been touched upon, and to a limited extent, debated at psychiatric/mental health nursing conferences and, to an even lesser extent, within some psychiatric/mental health nursing journals. Thus, they are real issues that many nurses are facing, talking about and trying to resolve.
The most comprehensive psychiatric nursing care planning text available assists students and practitioners in providing effective care in a variety of settings. Clear presentation of information, consistent use of the nursing process, correlation of nursing and medical diagnoses, and prioritization of interventions make this text an invaluable resource. Grounded in the latest classification of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) and the most current list of NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, this text covers a wide range of disorders, their psychopathology, and appropriate nursing interventions with rationales. Care plans use real clinical situations and include therapeutic and nontherapeutic dialogue examples to familiarize nurses with likely scenarios and equip them with the tools they need to feel confident in any clinical setting.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. As health and social care organisations respond to the health modernisation agenda, the use of integrated care pathways in mental health is fast growing. The combination of knowledgeable discussion and credible experience of the contributors make this is an innovative text which will be of great value to those who are challenged with developing mental health care.