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Books in Lpn and lvn

Leading and Managing in Contemporary Health and Social Care

  • 1st Edition
  • January 18, 2022
  • Elizabeth Anne Rosser + 1 more
  • English
An understanding of leadership and management theory and practice is integral to the success of a new generation of health and social care professionals, and managers of services. It is equally important for educators in the field. Leading and Managing in Contemporary Health and Social Care by Elizabeth Rosser and Cate Wood supports the development of all health and social care professionals as managers and leaders in today’s rapidly evolving environment. This new title addresses pertinent topics including: integration and enhancement of health and social care services; interprofessional working; the importance of a strong organizational culture; developing individual resilience; leading innovation; and practising successful project and financial management within global and culturally sensitive contexts. With a growing mandate for health and social care professionals to understand leadership and management within their organizations, and a strong appreciation of these skills by employers, this new book is an important contribution that students and educators alike will welcome.

Prescripción temporal de cuidados

  • 1st Edition
  • May 17, 2021
  • Loreto Maciá Soler
  • Spanish
Cuidados de Salud Avanzados es una colección de monografías cuyo objetivo es ampliar los conocimientos básicos adquiridos durante el grado, proporcionando contenidos avanzados en cada materia. Su orientación recoge las cuatro funciones que la OMS otorga a las profesiones sanitarias: asistencial, docente, gestora e investigadora. Esta nueva monografía, que forma parte de la colección, contribuye a la investigación sobre la prescripción temporal de cuidados de enfermería, aún pendiente de una mayor evidencia científica sobre la eficacia de los procedimientos que se aplican. Cada uno de los ocho capítulos está escrito por profesionales de la docencia o la enfermería clínica que, además de con el prestigio en su entorno, cuentan con gran experiencia y utilizan la evidencia en su trabajo, lo que se refleja en la bibliografía incluida en cada uno de los capítulos. Pretende ser una obra útil para docentes, gestores, investigadores y enfermeros clínicos, que realmente son quienes pueden aplicar la prescripción de cuidados.  

Gestión clínica

  • 2nd Edition
  • April 21, 2021
  • Loreto Maciá Soler
  • Loreto Maciá Soler
  • Spanish
Cuidados de Salud Avanzados es una colección de monografías cuyo objetivo es ampliar los conocimientos básicos adquiridos durante el grado, proporcionando contenidos avanzados en cada materia. Su orientación recoge las cuatro funciones que la OMS otorga a las profesiones sanitarias: asistencial, docente, gestora e investigadora. La segunda edición de la monografía resalta la importancia y la necesidad de una formación en gestión en todos los niveles del sistema sanitario. Gestionar servicios implica tomar decisiones dentro del ámbito sanitario que afectan directamente a los cuidados que se prestan y, para ello, se precisa de una formación específica, complementaria a la formación propia de su titulación en ciencias de la salud y relacionada con gestión sanitaria. Los aspectos clave de la gestión clínica se implementan en los ocho capítulos del libro, en los que se analiza y revisa las competencias relacionadas con la gestión de centros asistenciales y la importancia de la formación de grado y posgrado en gestión clínica, se desarrolla la gestión por procesos como elemento clave de gestión en el siglo XXI, y se detallan programas de gestión de la calidad, buenas prácticas e indicadores de calidad, identificando sus elementos y resaltando la importancia de la mejora continua en el desarrollo de las actividades asistenciales. Es el resultado del trabajo de un amplio grupo de profesionales expertos en gestión Sanitaria y resultará de gran interés tanto a estudiantes como a profesionales y a todos aquellos que quieran completar sus conocimientos sobre gestión sanitaria, especialmente clínica, desde una perspectiva actualizada y amplia.  

Second Generation QSEN, An Issue of Nursing Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 47-3
  • September 6, 2012
  • Jane Barnsteiner + 1 more
  • English
This issue of Nursing Clinics of North America, Guest Edited by Joanne Disch, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, FAAN, will focus on Second Generation Work with QSEN, with article topics including: Second Victim; Interprofessional education for QSEN; The Quality Burden; New technologies for teaching quality and safety; Creating Academic/Clinical Partnerships; Incorporating QSEN into Pre-Licensure Programs; Innovative Strategies for Embedding QSEN; Gaining Senior Level Support for QSEN; and Nursing Internships to Promote Quality and Safety.

Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives

  • 4th Edition
  • July 18, 2012
  • Cheryl Jones + 2 more
  • English
Covering the financial topics all nurse managers need to know and use, this book explains how financial management fits into the healthcare organization. Topics include accounting principles, cost analysis, planning and control management of the organization's financial resources, and the use of management tools. In addition to current issues, this edition also addresses future directions in financial management.

Patient Education, An Issue of Nursing Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 46-3
  • August 22, 2011
  • Stephen D. Krau
  • English
This issue of Nursing Clinics of North America will focus on Patient Education. Article topics will include legal, ethical and social issues in patient education, assessing patient learning styles, patient teaching and health outcomes, tools to measure patient teaching, designing patient education, and roles for patient educators.

A Nurse's Survival Guide to Mentoring

  • 1st Edition
  • February 1, 2011
  • Karen Elcock + 1 more
  • English
Are you mentoring students? This is an indispensable handbook for: both new and experienced mentors seeking practical advice academic staff who deliver mentorship programmes link lecturers who support mentors in practice.

Essential Decision Making and Clinical Judgement for Nurses

  • 1st Edition
  • July 17, 2009
  • Carl Thompson + 1 more
  • English
This book provides the skills and knowledge to use information effectively when exercising professional judgement and clinical decisions. By integrating theory with practical examples, it provides an overview of the key issues facing nurses in decision making today.

Managing Diversity & Inequality in Health Care

  • 1st Edition
  • August 17, 2001
  • Carol Baxter
  • English
This volume focuses specifically on the importance of managing diversity in todays health services. It examines what is meant by managing diversity and outlines the nature of current inequalities in the UK, and their implications for health care professionals. A practicaland practice focussed guide to developing the management skills and understanding required, this book provides an accessible mix of theory and practice, and a unique emphasis on real life applications. These are drawn from all sectors of healthcare, acute and primary, as well as the private and independent sectors. It explicitly and realistically explores the interface between management skills and knowledge and quality, fit-for-purpose practice.