Master the basics of sleep medicine with this easy to read, award-winning text! Fundamentals of Sleep Medicine, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Richard B. Berry, Mary H. Wagner, and Scott M. Ryals, is an ideal resource for sleep medicine fellows and trainees, sleep technicians, and sleep medicine practitioners as a concise, clinically focused alternative to larger references. Beginning with core content, it then proceeds to information useful for everyday practice—all written in a clear, direct style designed for quick and easy access.
Master the basics of sleep medicine with this easy to read, award-winning text! Fundamentals of Sleep Medicine, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Richard B. Berry, Mary H. Wagner, and Scott M. Ryals, is an ideal resource for sleep medicine fellows and trainees, sleep technicians, and sleep medicine practitioners as a concise, clinically focused alternative to larger references. Beginning with core content, it then proceeds to information useful for everyday practice—all written in a clear, direct style designed for quick and easy access.
Master the basics of sleep medicine with this easy to read, award-winning text! Fundamentals of Sleep Medicine, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Richard B. Berry, Mary H. Wagner, and Scott M. Ryals, is an ideal resource for sleep medicine fellows and trainees, sleep technicians, and sleep medicine practitioners as a concise, clinically focused alternative to larger references. Beginning with core content, it then proceeds to information useful for everyday practice—all written in a clear, direct style designed for quick and easy access.
Ideal for sleep specialists, pediatricians, or family medicine practitioners, Assessment and Treatment of Infant Sleep provides in-depth information about normal aspects of sleep in infancy, as well as both medical and behavioral sleep problem assessment and management. This unique resource offers concise, consolidated guidance when preparing for a clinic or rotation with patients in infancy or when engaging in treatment planning for young children with sleep problems.
Ideal for sleep specialists, pediatricians, or family medicine practitioners, Assessment and Treatment of Infant Sleep provides in-depth information about normal aspects of sleep in infancy, as well as both medical and behavioral sleep problem assessment and management. This unique resource offers concise, consolidated guidance when preparing for a clinic or rotation with patients in infancy or when engaging in treatment planning for young children with sleep problems.
Ideal for sleep specialists, pediatricians, or family medicine practitioners, Assessment and Treatment of Infant Sleep provides in-depth information about normal aspects of sleep in infancy, as well as both medical and behavioral sleep problem assessment and management. This unique resource offers concise, consolidated guidance when preparing for a clinic or rotation with patients in infancy or when engaging in treatment planning for young children with sleep problems.
Today more than ever, sleep specialists can take advantage of innovative telemedicine technologies for optimal treatment of sleep disorders. In recent years, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has been committed to advancing the adoption of telemedicine in order to improve access to high-quality, patient-centered care. Principles and Practice of Sleep Telemedicine is the first reference of its kind to provide direction to sleep physicians on using telemedicine in clinical practice. In a single convenient volume, this new resource serves as a step-by-step guide for practitioners to effectively treat and diagnose their patients in this contemporary clinical setting.
Today more than ever, sleep specialists can take advantage of innovative telemedicine technologies for optimal treatment of sleep disorders. In recent years, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has been committed to advancing the adoption of telemedicine in order to improve access to high-quality, patient-centered care. Principles and Practice of Sleep Telemedicine is the first reference of its kind to provide direction to sleep physicians on using telemedicine in clinical practice. In a single convenient volume, this new resource serves as a step-by-step guide for practitioners to effectively treat and diagnose their patients in this contemporary clinical setting.
Today more than ever, sleep specialists can take advantage of innovative telemedicine technologies for optimal treatment of sleep disorders. In recent years, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has been committed to advancing the adoption of telemedicine in order to improve access to high-quality, patient-centered care. Principles and Practice of Sleep Telemedicine is the first reference of its kind to provide direction to sleep physicians on using telemedicine in clinical practice. In a single convenient volume, this new resource serves as a step-by-step guide for practitioners to effectively treat and diagnose their patients in this contemporary clinical setting.
Informieren Sie sich wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah über die Zusammenhänge von biologischen Rhythmen und Gesundheit. Das Buch bietet Ihnen:Kenntnisse über die biologischen Rhythmen unseres OrganismusEmpfehlungen präventiver Maßnahmen zur Förderung der circadianen Gesundheit bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und ErwachsenenWissen über die Bedeutung der Chronomedizin für die Therapie von Schlaf-Wach-Störungen und den Stellenwert der Chronomedizin für personalisierte Behandlungen häufig auftretender ErkrankungenOnline abrufbar erhalten Sie:Empfehlungen für einen intakten Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus bei Erwachsenen / Tipps für einen erholsamen Kinderschlaf / Muster eines SchlafprotokollsDas Buch eignet sich für:Fachärzt*innen Innere MedizinFachärzt*innen AllgemeinmedizinFachärzt*innen Psychosomatische MedizinPsychotherapeut*innenSchlafmediziner*innen