Skills for Practice in Occupational Therapy is an essential companion for all students and newly qualified practitioners working in the complicated field of occupational therapy. Written by Edward Duncan of the University of Stirling, the book provides a practical and pragmatic guide to becoming a successful practitioner. It covers everything from thinking and judgement to decision making, evidence-based practice and research skills, and leadership and management. It also guides the reader toward effective career advancement, getting their work noticed, and staying up to date in their field. This book is a companion to Duncan’s Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy, and provides the practical applications of the theory covered in that text.
Promoting and maintaining mental health continues to be a key challenge in the world today. Creek's Occupational Therapy and Mental Health is essential reading for students and practitioners across a wide range of health professions, capturing contemporary practice in mental health settings. Now fully updated in its sixth edition, it retains the clarity and scholarship associated with the renowned occupational therapist Jennifer Creek while delivering new knowledge in a fresh perspective. Here readers can find everything they need on mental health for learning, practice, and continuing professional development. Complex topics are presented in an accessible and concise style without being oversimplified, aided by summaries, case studies, and questions that prompt critical reflection. The text has been carefully authored and edited by expert international educators and practitioners of occupational therapy, as well as a diverse range of other backgrounds. Service users have also co-authored chapters and commentaries. Evidence-based links between theory and practice are reinforced throughout. This popular title will be an indispensable staple that OTs will keep and refer to time and again.
The new edition of this landmark international work builds on the previous two volumes, offering a window onto occupational therapy practice, theory and ideas in different cultures and geographies. It emphasizes the importance of critically deconstructing and engaging with the broader context of occupation, particularly around how occupational injustices are shaped through political, economic and historical factors. Centering on the wider social and political aspects of occupation and occupation-based practices, this textbook aims to inspire occupational therapy students and practitioners to include transformational elements into their practice. It also illustrates how occupational therapists from all over the world can affect positive changes by engaging with political and historical contexts. Divided into six sections, the new edition begins by analyzing the key concepts outlined throughout, along with an overview on the importance and practicalities of monitoring and evaluation in community projects. Section Two explores occupation and justice emphasizing that issues of occupational injustice are present everywhere, in different forms: from clinical settings to community-based rehabilitation. Section Three covers the enactment of different Occupational Therapies with a focus on the multiplicity of occupational therapy from the intimately personal to the broadly political. Section Four engages with the broader context of occupational therapy from the political to the financial. The chapters in this section highlight the recent financial crisis and the impact it has had on people’s everyday life. Section Five collects a range of different approaches to working to enable a notion of occupational justice. Featuring chapters from across the globe, Section Six concludes by highlighting the importance and diversity of educational practices.
Learn to confidently manage the growing number of stroke rehabilitation clients with Gillen’s Stroke Rehabilitation: A Function-Based Approach, 4th Edition. Using a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, this text remains the only comprehensive, evidence-based stroke rehabilitation resource for occupational therapists. The new edition has been extensively updated with the latest information, along with more evidence-based research added to every chapter. As with previous editions, this comprehensive reference uses an application-based method that integrates background medical information, samples of functionally based evaluations, and current treatment techniques and intervention strategies.
This book is the companion volume to Duncan: Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy 5e and provides a comprehensive guide to the practice applications of the theory base. It is designed to be a 'basic and beyond' text, of value to students throughout their studies but also a valuable reference text to clinicians. The sections cover the following essential skills for effective occupational therapy practice: clinical skills, management and leadership skills, evidence-based and research skills, and thinking, judgement and decision-making skills.
The companion text to Occupational Therapy without Borders - Volume 1: learning from the spirit of survivors! In this landmark text writers from around the world discuss a plurality of occupation-based approaches that explicitly acknowledge the full potential of the art and science of occupational therapy. The profession is presented as a political possibilities-based practice, concerned with what matters most to people in real life contexts, generating practice-based evidence to complement evidence-based practice. As these writers demonstrate, occupational therapies are far more than, as some critical views have suggested, a monoculture of practice rooted in Western modernity.Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu captures the ethos of this book, which essentially calls for engagements in the service of a purpose that is larger than the advancement of our profession's interests:"Your particular approach to advancing our wellbeing and health strikes me as both unique and easily taken for granted. Whilst you value and work with medical understandings, your main aim seems to go beyond these. You seem to enable people to appreciate more consciously how what we do to and with ourselves and others on a daily basis impacts on our individual and collective wellbeing. As occupational therapists you have a significant contribution to make [.] allowing people from all walks of life to contribute meaningfully to the wellbeing of others."
The authors, specialists in the UK, draw on developmental theory to propose a model of practice specifically for dementia care. The number of people who suffer from dementia is increasing and in consequence the problems it presents are affecting a growing number of therapists and carers. Many of these problems are peculiar to dementia and the models of care used with other client groups have proved inadequate when dealing with the provision of quality of care to people who have dementia. This revised edition contains a new opening chapter which brings our understanding of dementia up-to-date. The book looks at the relationship between occupation, wellbeing and dementia and examines the critical role of the carer in developing therapeutic interventions.
Directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States, Client-Centered Practice in Occupational Therapy continues to be the only book that provides the reader with both the theoretical underpinnings of client-centred practice as well as guidance on the practical application of this approach. For this second edition, all chapters have been updated and new concepts incorporated, and a new chapter on paediatrics has been added.
It explores issues that are central to rehabilitation, such as the nature of the body, the idea of independence, the rehabilitation process, evidence-based practice and client-centred practice. Seeking always to ground theoretical ideas in the realities of every-day rehabilitation practice, and drawing from a wealth of research evidence, the book continually examines the implications of these perspectives for the education, practice, service delivery, research and theoretical development of the rehabilitation professions.
This important resource investigates topics related to clinical education, professional supervision, and mentoring. Beyond student supervision, it discusses supervision of professionals in the work place and the emerging importance of professional mentoring for ongoing professional development. Its broad perspective is relevant to a wide range of health professions, including audiology, dietetics, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry, prosthetics and orthotics, radiography, and speech-language pathology. Complex theoretical material is presented in a straightforward, "person-centered" approach that makes information easily accessible and applicable to practice.