Get the science background you need to master massage therapy! Mosby’s Essential Sciences for Therapeutic Massage, 7th Edition, provides full-color, easy-to-read coverage of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, kinesiology, and pathologic conditions for the entire body. Realistic examples apply A&P content directly to the practice of massage therapy, and learning activities help you review key material and develop critical thinking skills. Written by noted massage therapy educators Sandy Fritz and Luke Allen Fritz, this guide provides a solid foundation in the sciences and positions you for success on licensing and certification exams.
Gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in massage therapy! Mosby's Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage, 8th Edition helps you prepare for licensing and certification exams as well as professional practice. The book provides an in-depth understanding of the principles of therapeutic massage and helps you develop the ability to reason effectively and make informed decisions — from assessing problems and planning treatment to mastering massage protocols and techniques. Hundreds of photographs demonstrate massage techniques step by step, and case studies allow you to apply concepts to real-world situations. Featuring dozens of online "how-to" videos, this resource from massage therapy experts Sandy and Luke Fritz is your text of choice.
A user-friendly guidebook for anyone interested in enhancing health and wellness, Integrative Healthcare Remedies for Everyday Life marries modern medical knowledge with a cross-cultural understanding of health and healing. The authors are a family of modern physicians who share a passion for the rapidly growing field of holistic and integrative health. Representing both Western diagnostics and complementary medicine, this reference offers practical guidance on incorporating simple remedies and therapies into everyday life.
Trust this approachable, all-in-one text to help you master the essential principles of massage therapy! Covering massage fundamentals, techniques, and anatomy and physiology, Massage Therapy: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition prepares you for success in class, on exams, and in practice settings. This user-friendly text includes more than 700 images, expanded information on the latest protocols, critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter, and updated pathologies which reflect what you will encounter in the field.
Build the clinical reasoning and clinical judgment skills you need for effective muscle palpation! The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual with Trigger Points, Referral Patterns, and Stretching, 3rd Edition provides an in-depth guide to the art and science of palpation, along with clear instructions for massage assessment and treatment techniques. It describes how to palpate, how to stretch, and how to utilize trigger points, preparing you for practice with coverage of ligaments, all major massage strokes and draping methods, and a thorough chapter on body mechanics. Written by noted lecturer and educator Joseph Muscolino, this text includes access to an Evolve website with more than four hours of video demonstrating muscle palpations.
The role of the fascia in musculoskeletal conditions and as a body-wide communication system is now well established. Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body constitutes the most comprehensive foundational textbook available that also provides the latest research theory and science around fascia and their function. This book is unique in offering consensus from scientists and clinicians from across the world and brings together the work of the group behind the international Fascia Research Congress. It is ideal for advanced sports physiotherapists /physical therapists, musculoskeletal/orthopaedic medicine practitioners, as well as all professionals with an interest in fascia and human movement. The comprehensive contents lay the foundations of understanding about fascia, covering current scientific understanding of physiology and anatomy, fascial-related disorders and associated therapies, and recently developed research techniques.
Get complete massage pathology information in one convenient text! Mosby's Pathology for Massage Professionals, 5th Edition provides concise pathology information, along with specific therapeutic recommendations. Coverage of more than 300 pathologies shows you how to appropriately tailor treatment, and more than 500 full-color photographs make it easier to recognize common pathologies. Written by massage therapy educator, researcher, and practitioner Dr. Susan Salvo, this resource provides the pathology knowledge you need to succeed in the classroom and in your career.
Nuad, die traditionelle Thai-Massage, kombiniert aus dem Yoga kommende intensive Dehnpositionen mit Drucktechniken und Gelenkmobilisationen. Zusammen mit Energielinienarbeit können physische Probleme so auf unterschiedlichen Wirkungsebenen (physisch, energetisch und spirituell) angesprochen werden. Dieses praxisorientierte Lehrbuch erläutert, wie diese Wirkung zustande kommt und beschreibt die Grundlagen und Techniken: - anatomische Hintergründe: die wichtigsten Muskelgruppen und Faszienverläufe in übersichtlichen Illustrationen - mit detaillierten Abbildungen werden alle Übungen und Techniken ausführlich im Behandlungsablauf erklärt - Wirkungsweise, Kontraindikationen und mögliche Fehler bei der Ausführung sind aufgeführt - Fallbeispiele aus dem Alltag beschreiben die konkrete Anwendung von Nuad bei verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern Die Autorin ist Nuad-Praktikerin und -Ausbilderin. Das macht das Buch ideal zum Lernen und zum Nachschlagen im Praxisalltag.
Get the science background you need to master massage therapy! Mosby’s Essential Sciences for Therapeutic Massage, 6th Edition provides full-color, easy-to-read coverage of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, kinesiology, and pathologic conditions for the entire body. Realistic examples apply A&P content directly to the practice of massage therapy, and learning activities help you review key material and develop critical thinking skills. Written by noted massage therapy educators Sandy Fritz and Luke Allen Fritz, this guide provides a solid foundation in the sciences and positions you for success on licensing and certification exams.