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Books in Respiratory care

Workbook for Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology

  • 10th Edition
  • August 3, 2019
  • Douglas S. Gardenhire + 1 more
  • English
Take an easier path to respiratory pharmacology mastery. Workbook for Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology, 10th Edition features a variety of engaging learning exercises for each of the 23 chapters in the core text. Examples include NBRC-type questions, critical thinking exercises, case studies, definitions, and appropriate content review to further your understanding of challenging pharmacology principles, develop your critical-thinking skills, and prepare you for success on the NBRC exam. Thoroughly revised by clinical educator Sandra Hinski, the Rau’s workbook is part of the complete learning package for your continued success!

Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology

  • 10th Edition
  • June 23, 2019
  • Douglas S. Gardenhire
  • English
You can breathe a little easier knowing there’s a proven way to master respiratory pharmacology! For over 30 years, Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology has been considered the preeminent text on the subject. With easy to grasp terminology, relatable explanations, and reader-friendly writing, the 10th edition simplifies the process of learning pharmacology material like never before. As in previous editions, Rau’s is organized into three logical sections, covering the basics of respiratory care, frequently used drugs, and critical care medications. New to this edition is a Clinical Connections feature that helps you to connect lessons from the book with the clinical setting. Rau’s truly is the best source for preparing you for success on your exams and in professional practice!

Hough’s Cardiorespiratory Care

  • 5th Edition
  • November 23, 2017
  • Alexandra Hough
  • English
The latest edition of this must-have text book promises an evidence-based and practical approach covering the very latest in cardiorespiratory care. The textbook covers a wide range of cardiorespiratory conditions and discusses treatment of patients in different clinical settings such as critical care, the ward area and out-patient departments. It begins with physiology and pathology and progresses into a detailed patient assessment section and a discussion of specific respiratory and cardiac conditions. The final section covers different groups of people who may require physiotherapy such as infants, children, and adults with specific conditions including a considered section on palliative care. Critical thinking is facilitated by clinical reasoning boxes in the text, and problem-solving is aided by case studies at the end of each chapter. There are also relevant practice tips to enable transfer of learning into the clinical environment. The text is supported by over 280 line drawings and diagrams along with over 70 x-rays and photographs to further illustrate the points under discussion.

Respiratory Care Anatomy and Physiology

  • 4th Edition
  • March 22, 2017
  • Will Beachey
  • English
Prepare to think critically, take a more clinical perspective, and connect theory with practice! Written specifically for respiratory care students in an easy-to-understand format, Respiratory Care Anatomy and Physiology: Foundations for Clinical Practice, 4th Edition details applied respiratory and cardiovascular physiology and how anatomy relates to physiological functions. Content spans the areas of detailed anatomy and physiology of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and renal systems, and covers the physiological principles underlying common therapeutic, diagnostic, and monitoring therapies and procedures. Thoroughly updated to reflect changes in the NBRC exam, this comprehensive, clinically relevant text features open-ended concept questions that help you learn how to think like the expert you aim to become.

Ruppel's Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing

  • 11th Edition
  • January 11, 2017
  • Carl Mottram
  • English
Use this authoritative guide as an on-the-job reference — and to prepare for the CPFT and RPFT credentialing examinations! Ruppel's Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, 11th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of common pulmonary function tests, testing techniques, and the pathophysiology that may be evaluated by each test. It also includes information on equipment, computers, and quality assurance, so you can develop the testing skills you need to find and assess lung abnormalities and conditions including asthma, COPD, emphysema, and cystic fibrosis. Written by Carl Mottram, a well-known expert in pulmonary function procedures, this bestselling guide helps you get accurate test results every time.