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Journals in Social sciences and humanities

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Addictive Behaviors Reports

  • ISSN: 2352-8532
Addictive Behaviors Reports is a companion title to Addictive Behaviors . This open access, peer-reviewed journal is online only and offers an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of research in addictive behaviors. The journal accepts submissions that are scientifically sound on all forms of addictive behavior (alcohol, drugs, gambling, Internet, nicotine and technology) with a primary focus on behavioral and psychosocial research. The emphasis of the journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance. We are particularly interested in 'non-traditional', innovative and empirically oriented research such as negative/null data papers, replication studies, case reports on novel treatments, and cross-cultural research. Studies that might encourage new lines of inquiry as well as scholarly commentaries on topical issues, systematic reviews, and mini reviews are also very much encouraged. We also welcome multimedia submissions that incorporate video or audio components to better display methodology or findings.
Addictive Behaviors Reports

Advanced Engineering Informatics

  • ISSN: 1474-0346
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 8
The science of supporting knowledge-intensive activitiesAdvanced computing methods and related technologies are changing the way engineers interact with the information infrastructure. Explicit knowledge representation formalisms and new reasoning techniques are no longer the sole territory of computer science. For knowledge-intensive tasks in engineering, a new philosophy and body of knowledge called Engineering Informatics is emerging.Advanced Engineering Informatics solicits research papers with particular emphases both on 'knowledge' and 'engineering applications'. As an international Journal, original papers typically:• Report progress in the engineering discipline of applying methods of engineering informatics. • Have engineering relevance and help provide the scientific base to make engineering decision-making more reliable, spontaneous and creative. • Contain novel research that demonstrates the science of supporting knowledge-intensive engineering tasks. • Validate the generality, power and scalability of new methods through vigorous evaluation, preferably both qualitatively and quantitatively.In addition, the Journal welcomes high quality review articles that summarise, compare, and evaluate methodologies and representations that are proposed for the field of engineering informatics. Similarly, summaries and comparisons of full-scale applications are welcomed, particularly those where scientific shortcomings have hindered success. Typically, such papers have expanded literature reviews and discussion of findings that reflect mastery of the current body of knowledge and propose novel additions to contemporary research.Papers missing explicit representation and use of knowledge, such as those describing soft computing techniques, mathematical optimization methods, pattern recognition techniques, and numerical computation methods, do not normally qualify for publication in the Journal. Papers must illustrate contributions using examples of automating and supporting knowledge intensive tasks in artifacts-centered engineering fields such as mechanical, manufacturing, architecture, civil, electrical, transportation, environmental, and chemical engineering. Papers that report application of an established method to a new engineering subdomain will qualify only if they convincingly demonstrate noteworthy new power, generality or scalability in comparison with previously reported validation results. Finally, papers that discuss software engineering issues only are not in the scope of this journal.
Advanced Engineering Informatics

Advances in Accounting

  • ISSN: 0882-6110
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 1.2
Founded in 1982, Advances in Accounting publishes original research that promises to advance our understanding of accounting over a diverse range of topics and research methods. The Journal welcomes research of significance across a wide range of basic and applied research methods including analytical, archival, experimental, survey and case study. Research published in Advances in Accounting demonstrates original demanding analysis of issues of importance in the areas of financial and managerial accounting, taxation, auditing, government and nonprofit accounting, social and environmental accounting, accounting information systems, forensics and public policy.Although the Journal welcomes a wide range of topics, research that is deemed too narrow in interest or in scope or of unacceptable written quality may not be reviewed for publication in the Journal.Submission Fee: $75.
Advances in Accounting

Advances in Applied Energy

  • ISSN: 2666-7924
  • 5 Year impact factor: 13.1
  • Impact factor: 13
Advances in Applied Energy is an open access journal that publishes cutting-edge applied research on all aspects of energy innovation that bridge the gaps between research, development, and implementation. The journal is a companion journal to the highly regarded journal Applied Energy .Advances in Applied Energy welcomes work with significant impact and broad readership, on future energy transition topics such as, but not restricted to:New development trends: advances in cutting-edge applied energy areas, including renewable energy, clean energy conversion and utilization, smart and flexible system integration and optimization, energy storage, climate change mitigation, and energy sustainability;Systems characteristics: integrated energy systems such as industry, transport, and buildings; renewable energy; advanced conversion technologies; energy storage; emission mitigations; smart grids and mini/micro grids; distributed energy systems; e-mobility; and sustainability of energy systems;Energy nexus and synergy with other critical global issues: energy-water, energy-emissions, power-to-x, waste-to-energy, flexibility of renewable energy systems.The journal considers full length articles, reviews, letters, commentaries, perspectives, forums and news & views for publication.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)
Advances in Applied Energy

Advances in Archaeomaterials

  • ISSN: 2667-1360
Archaeological sciences are now more than ever a fully integrated aspect within the field of archaeology. With the enormous wealth of techniques, methodologies, theoretical approaches, and regional case studies that have been published over the past two decades, it is time that a journal dedicated to reporting the "state of the field" of various archaeometric sub-disciplines be issued. For example, review articles can cover the use of a specific technique or methodology within a class or type of materials, a region, or some combination thereof that reports on a body of scientific approaches to the materiality of the past. Beyond excavation, it is these techniques that have delivered some of the greatest archaeological discoveries in the past two decades, and regional or methodological syntheses stand to greatly enhance the dissemination of cutting edge case studies within a broader context. Additionally, Advances in Archaeomaterials will also welcome original research, as long as it is contextualized within an expanded introductory framework, in the fields of archaeological science, cultural and industrial heritage, science and technology studies including history of science, and conservation science-as long as the focus is archaeometric research on human-made materials. Finally, special issues can be published in certain circumstances (contact the editors with queries), and manuscripts of interest to a broad audience published in Chinese can be translated into English and published as an article.This will be the only journal dedicated to:Articles synthesizing archaeological science research results in a regionArticles synthesizing archaeological science research results for a method or techniqueArticles synthesizing archaeological science research results of specific ancient material classes (organic and inorganic)Original research in the fields of archaeological science, cultural and industrial heritage, science and technology studies including history of science, and conservation sciencePublishing English translations of Chinese scholarship to make it available to non-Chinese audiences.Special issues can be published in certain circumstances (contact the editors with queries).
Advances in Archaeomaterials

Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy

  • ISSN: 0146-6402
AIMS AND SCOPEThis journal publishes extended reports and reviews of research in the theory and practice of behaviour therapy. The aim is to encourage and facilitate the dissemination of new ideas, findings and formulations in the field. In particular the editors hope to provide research and clinical workers with the opportunity to describe progress and convey their ideas in depth. The arrangement of the journal is especially suited to longer papers, each issue is made up of one major paper of about 35,000 words or two shorter related papers. The journal publishes papers that critically review a topic, present a systematic theoretical analysis or any integrated series of experiments, or a combination of these three types of presentation. Preference is given to papers that attempt to relate the theory, methods and results of experimental psychology to behavioural and emotional problems and their modification.
Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy

Advances in Life Course Research

  • ISSN: 1040-2608
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Advances in Life Course Research publishes articles dealing with various aspects of the human life course. Seeing life course research as an essentially interdisciplinary field of study, it invites and welcomes contributions from anthropology, biosocial science, demography, epidemiology and statistics, gerontology, economics, management and organisation science, policy studies, psychology, research methodology and sociology. Original empirical analyses, theoretical contributions, methodological studies and reviews accessible to a broad set of readers are welcome. Articles might focus on specific events as well as on whole segments of the life course, including determinants and consequences, social relationships and policy implications, without restrictions over time and space.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Life Course Research

Advances in Life Course Research

  • ISSN: 1569-4909
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Advances in Life Course Research publishes articles dealing with various aspects of the human life course. Seeing life course research as an essentially interdisciplinary field of study, it invites and welcomes contributions from anthropology, biosocial science, demography, epidemiology and statistics, gerontology, economics, management and organisation science, policy studies, psychology, research methodology and sociology. Original empirical analyses, theoretical contributions, methodological studies and reviews accessible to a broad set of readers are welcome. Articles might focus on specific events as well as on whole segments of the life course, including determinants and consequences, social relationships and policy implications, without restrictions over time and space.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Life Course Research

Aerospace Traffic and Safety

  • ISSN: 2950-3388
Aerospace Traffic and Safety is a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on aerospace traffic and safety method, technology and application. It is aiming to report the first-class original papers and top reviews in the field and its interdisciplinary research, and builds international academic communication platform.Topics include, but not limited to:Aerospace traffic planning and management: advanced theory, analytical method, experiment and application of aerospace traffic planning, and the latest achievements in aerospace traffic management, such as air traffic flow, aircraft conflict detection and resolution, and spacecraft autonomous mission plan.Aerospace information perception technology: new advances and breakthroughs in the theory and experimental analysis methods, techniques and equipment of aerospace information perception technology, including aerospace communication, navigation, and surveillance, etc.Aerospace safety strategy and management: latest achievements in the theory and experimental analysis methods, techniques and equipment of aerospace safety strategy and management, such as aerospace emergency rescue, human factors, and accident analysis.Aircraft design and airworthiness: new method and technique of aircraft design and breakthroughs of airworthiness, such as spacecraft dynamics and control, reusable rocket, and aviation maintenance.Aircraft reliability: latest achievements in the theory and experimental analysis methods, techniques and equipment of aircraft lifetime, reliability design of aircraft, aircraft maintenance, reliability theory, etc.Aerospace traffic infrastructure: new advances and breakthroughs in the theory and experimental analysis methods, techniques and equipment of aerospace traffic infrastructure, including airport engineering, wind engineering, and spacecraft launch site, etc.
Aerospace Traffic and Safety

African Transport Studies

  • ISSN: 2950-1962
African Transport Research (AFTRAN) is a refereed international journal. It is the official journal of the Society for African Transport Research. AFTRAN aims at providing useful insights into solving Africa-specific transport-related issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It covers all transport modes and all issues in the transport sector.The journal favours papers that report on empirical research findings or engage in critical reflection on transport policies and practices in Africa. Purely literature review papers will only be considered with prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief, and will normally be invited by the AFTRAN editorship.Types of papers:Research papers:Papers reporting original research are the lifeblood of the journal. They should engage with, and build, the prevailing body of literature, and should report research aims, methods, results, and discussion. Research papers should normally be no longer that 8 000 words.Reponses and rejoinders:Discussion on published research papers, and subsequent rejoinders from the authors, are welcome. Responses and rejoinders should normally be no longer than 1 500 words.Case study papers:Case study papers are research papers that focus on a particular geographical context, often profiling the transport system of an African city or country. Case study papers should normally be no longer that 8 000 words.Editorials:Special issue collections of papers should be preceded by editorials, which signal the importance of the special issue theme and how it advances current debates in the field. Editorials should normally be no longer than 2 000 words.Technical notes:Technical notes will often discuss a single methodological issue of particular importance to the African context. The method described may either be novel, or may offer an improvement on an existing method. Technical notes should normally be no longer that 2 000 words.The Society for African Transport Research is an international cooperative society of researchers and practitioners who are either based in Africa or focus their research there. Its primary objectives are to foster and support excellence in transportation research and practice and to stimulate professional interchanges in all aspects and modes of transportation. It organizes an international conference on transportation research every two years.
African Transport Studies