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Journals in Social sciences and humanities

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International Business Review

  • ISSN: 0969-5931
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.8
  • Impact factor: 5.9
The International Business Review (IBR) is a premier international journal in the discipline of international business, and the official journal of the European International Business Academy (EIBA). The journal publishes original and insightful papers on the theory and practice of international business, broadly defined to embrace firms' internationalization strategies, the cross-border management of firms' operations, and comparative studies of the business environments in different countries. Put simply, the journal is interested in publishing papers that inform the international operations of firms (whether SMEs or large MNEs), or guide the actions of policy-makers in home or host countries. The journal welcomes conceptual papers, empirical papers and review articles, and is open to contributions from strategy, finance, management, marketing, economics, HRM and organizational scholars. IBR embraces methodological plurality, and papers using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are equally welcome.
International Business Review

International Development Abstracts

  • ISSN: 0262-0855
Your guide to the international development literature International Development Abstracts was founded in response to the need for a reference journal covering the growing literature on topics and issues relating to developing countries and remains the leading bibliographical reference source in the field.Papers are divided into 40 main headings including sections on agriculture and rural development; environment and development; industrial policy; social policies such as health, housing, and education; health, demography; gender and culture; aid, international relations and politics.Features • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author indexes included in subscription priceAvailable online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOGA CD-ROM version is available through Silver Platter on GEOBASE CD-ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography, and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering.
International Development Abstracts

International Economics

  • ISSN: 2110-7017
International Economics publishes top-quality, original research in applied international economics. Topics covered include trade, trade policy, macroeconomics and finance. A section is devoted to "Data, Tools, and Replication". Submission options include "Fast track" and "Transfer" from top journals.International Economics, is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of research in the area of applied international economics. The journal especially welcomes empirical contributions that include, but are not limited to, topics in international trade, commercial policy, open economy macroeconomics, international finance, exchange rates, financial and monetary policies, economic development, migration and factor movements.The journal also has a "Data, Tools, and Replication" section that is devoted to the publication of short notes presenting new and innovative datasets in the area of international economics, new tools useful for research in international economics, and/or replications of existing empirical studies in the field of international economics. As for all articles submitted to International Economics, papers for the "Data, Tools and Replication" section follow the standard refereeing process. For more details about the "Data, Tools and Replication" section, please see the file DataToolsReplication.pdf.The current turnaround time to a first decision is 39 days, with an approximate acceptance rate of 12%. To avoid unnecessary delay for authors, the editor might decide to return the paper to the author(s) before full review if she/ he determines that the paper is not suitable for the journal. The decision is always motivated.The journal also offers authors the possibility of choosing a "Fast Track" option. Under this option, there will be no revision, i.e., the decision is either a rejection or to basically publish the paper as is (with possibly minor changes asking for some clarifications). When choosing the "Fast Track" option a decision will be made within 6 weeks. To utilize the "Fast Track", please accompany the submission by a cover letter specifying explicitly that you chose this channel.International Economics also offers a transfer option for papers which were marginally rejected from top field or general purpose journals. Authors could require the editors of International Economics to consider reports and editorial decisions taken within the last six months from such journals. The submission should then be accompanied by (i) a cover letter indicating that the paper is submitted through the informal cascading option, (ii) the previous referee reports and (iii) a document describing how the authors have incorporated the comments of the referees and editors of the journal which earlier rejected the paper.International Economics encourages young researchers to submit their work. The journal will also organize special issues to emphasize new research directions.The journal is indexed by EconLit, RePEc and Scopus.
International Economics

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems

  • ISSN: 1467-0895
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 4.1
The International Journal of Accounting Information Systems will publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that examine the rapidly evolving relationship between accounting and information technology. Therefore, submitted articles must be focused on topics that fall within the intersection of accounting and information technology and are expected to be motivated as such. Authors may employ a variety of research methods, and may address (but are not limited to) the following specific issues: control and auditability of information systems; management of information technology and implications for accounting; data science and artificial intelligence research in accounting; development issues in accounting and information systems; human factors issues related to information technology; development of theories related to information technology, and systems in the accounting domain; methodological issues in accounting systems research; accounting systems validation; the important point here is research in the field of accounting information systems.
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems

International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction

  • ISSN: 2212-8689
The International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction serves as a forum to communicate original, high-quality research in child-computer interaction and interaction design and children. IJCCI employs a double-blind review process, utilizing a minimum of two (2) referees. The journal welcomes contributions on the following topics:• New methods for working with children in design, evaluation and research; • Models that help designers and researchers better understand children and their relationships with technology; • Interaction design cases that demonstrate novel and well designed technologies for children; • Studies of how children interact with and through technology; • Research about the use of, and the design of, technologies for play, learning, sociality and communication; • Reviews of the literature, theories around child development and technology design; • Studies of gaming and the application of serious games theories to children's technologies; • Evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for children.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction

International Journal of Drug Policy

  • ISSN: 0955-3959
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.4
The International Journal of Drug Policy provides a forum for the dissemination of current research, reviews, debate, and critical analysis on drug use and drug policy in a global context. It seeks to publish material on the social, political, legal, and health contexts of psychoactive substance use, both licit and illicit. The journal is particularly concerned to explore the effects of drug policy and practice on drug-using behaviour and its health and social consequences. It is the policy of the journal to represent a wide range of material on drug-related matters from around the world.Please submit your article via
International Journal of Drug Policy

International Journal of Educational Development

  • ISSN: 0738-0593
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.8
The purpose of the International Journal of Educational Development is to report new insight and foster critical debate about the role that education plays in development. Aspects of development with which the journal is concerned include economic growth and poverty reduction; human development, well being, the availability of human rights; democracy, social cohesion and peace-building; resilience and environmental sustainability. IJED seeks to help make available new evidence-based theories and understandings as to the extent and nature of educational change in diverse settings. It stresses the importance of appreciating the interplay of local, national, regional and global contexts and dynamics in shaping education and development.Traditional notions of development concerning growth, industrialization and poverty reduction are under scrutiny. While much attention in the past has concentrated on school achievement and other empirical products of schooling there is a new awareness of education's role in affecting community social cohesion and other social goals. The notion of development itself is broadening, both as a theoretical construct and in its policy and program manifestations. Education is prominent in discussions and critiques of development. Here too perspectives may vary. Education is designed to promote human capability and better the chances for social justice, promote competitiveness and productivity; reduce inequality, poverty and disease; mitigate conflict and crisis. At the same time, education is also being scrutinized for entrenching differences; challenging local values and culture; and for fostering counterproductive experiences of many pupils.The International Journal of Educational Development is concerned with education in its broadest sense, including formal and non-formal modes, from preschool to adult education. IJED is interested in comparative studies that lead to new insights and challenge orthodox theories; that have potential for policy impact; and that apply to broad range of settings, including industrial democracies as well as low and middle income countries, countries in political transition and countries recovering from armed conflict and social unrest. The IJED also considers papers that look at education and development through the policies and practices of official development assistance and commercial education trade. The IJED does not encourage articles which may be more appropriate for journals of pedagogy, education technology and psychology unless the relevance to feasible public policy is clearly demonstrated. IJED engages these approaches to deepen understanding of the relationship between education policy and development. Further, the IJED does not encourage articles that focus on a certain methodological approach as the central topic of interest. Instead, we encourage the appropriate use of both qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques as means to shed light on key problems of educational policy and development. The IJED will not publish a manuscript with a title which includes a methodology unless the methodology is unprecedented.The International Journal of Educational Development welcomes papers from all prospective authors, especially from scholars and practitioners who come from low and middle income countries.
International Journal of Educational Development

International Journal of Educational Research

  • ISSN: 0883-0355
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.6
The International Journal of Educational Research publishes research papers in the field of Education. Papers published in IJER address themes of major interest to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers working in different international contexts. Work must be of a quality and context that the Editorial Board think would be of interest to an international readership. The aims and scope of the journals are to: Publish high quality papers that are of international significance in terms of design and/or findings;Publish papers on topics that are of international significance across educational contexts and which discuss explicitly how the findings of the paper can inform research, policy, or practice beyond the context in which the original work is undertaken;Promote greater equality and representation in academic publishing and be inclusive of a variety of knowledge traditions. This means that papers that challenge established paradigms and present alternative approaches to educational research are of special interest to us;Encourage collaboration by international teams of researchers to create special issues on these topics;Publish papers that are accessible to a wide audience of educationalists with varied backgrounds.What can papers/special issues be about?Proposals for special issues and individual papers can be on any contemporary educational topic of international interest. Reports of high quality educational research involving any discipline and methodology will be welcome. However, the journal's aim is to ensure it publishes high quality research that could potentially inform research, policy, or practice beyond the context in which the original work is undertaken.The research reported does not have to be comparative in the traditional sense of comparing aspects of education in different countries or cultures; a paper may report research carried out in just one location or cultural setting. Work can be drawn from any context or research paradigm. All papers, even those that focus on only one country's case study, must engage with broader theories and discussions in the field. We are specifically looking for originality and clear significance to an international readership.All manuscripts submitted to the Journal must have the following features:Explanation of how the question addressed in the paper relates to the existing literature;Explicitly stated research question;Detailed description of the research design and data analysis;Discussion of the results (a) in light of the existing literature, (b) highlighting how the results inform research, policy, or practice beyond the context in which the original work is undertaken;All advice listed in the 'Instructions for Authors' must be followedAs well as papers, which report the findings of empirical research, papers, which provide critical literature reviews of research on specific educational topics of international interest, will also be welcome. Literature reviews need to explain in great detail the systematic procedures used for the selection of the literature included in the analysis.Manuscripts can also be submitted to the Journal's open access companion title, the International Journal of Educational Research Open .Types of publicationThe International Journal of Educational Research publishes research papers and special issues on specific topics of interest to international audiences of educational researchers. Regular issues of research papers have an open call for manuscripts. Strong manuscripts will be reviewed. There is an Editorial Board policy that weaker manuscripts or manuscripts that do not follow the Guidelines for Authors will be rejected before review.Special issues are usually composed of individually invited manuscripts handled by a guest editor. Guest editors have responsibility for putting together the author team and handling the peer review process. Note that proposals for Special Issues must follow the format descripted in the Guide for Authors.How are papers assessed?Papers (including those in special issues) are subject to a peer review process, using an international panel of researchers who are expert in relevant fields. Referees are asked to judge the quality of research and also the relevance and accessibility of a paper for an international audience. The journal uses double anonymized peer reviews, meaning any reviewers are unable to establish the author(s) of a manuscript. Authors must propose three reviewers for their manuscripts. These reviewers should be international in scope and at least one of them should be from an English language speaking country. Authors should not suggest reviewers from their own institution or reviewers where a conflict of interest may arise for the reviewer. For special issues, referees are asked first to judge the quality of a proposal, and then to judge the entire contents of a draft issue. More detailed information on this process is provided under Guide for Authors.Ethical guidelinesWork must be undertaken in an ethical manner. Research must have been undertaken in accordance with Elsevier's guidelines on ethical research available at:
International Journal of Educational Research

International Journal of Forecasting

  • ISSN: 0169-2070
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.8
  • Impact factor: 6.9
Official Publication of the International Institute of ForecastersThe International Journal of Forecasting is the leading journal in its field. It is the official publication of the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF) and shares its aims and scope. More information about the IIF may be found at International Journal of Forecasting publishes high quality refereed papers covering all aspects of forecasting. Its objective (and that of the IIF) is to unify the field, and to bridge the gap between theory and practice, making forecasting useful and relevant for decision and policy makers. The journal places strong emphasis on empirical studies, evaluation activities, implementation research and ways of improving the practice of forecasting. It is open to many points of view and encourages debate to find solutions for problems facing the field.Topics covered in the International Journal of Forecasting:• Economic and econometric forecasting • Marketing forecasting • New products forecasting • Financial forecasting • Production forecasting • Technological forecasting • Forecasting applications in business, government, and the military • Demographic forecasting • Energy forecasting • Climate forecasting • Crime forecasting • Seasonal adjustments and forecasting • Time series forecasting • Legal and political aspects of forecasting • Implementation of forecasting • Judgmental/psychological aspects of forecasting • Impact of forecast uncertainty on decision making • Organizational aspects of forecasting • Sport forecasting • Machine Learning forecasting • Forecasting methodology • Election forecasting • Big data forecasting Features of the IJF include research papers, research notes, discussion articles, book reviews, editorials and letters.Data and computer programs associated with articles published in the International Journal of Forecasting are provided as online supplements on ScienceDirect.ObjectivityTo ensure fairness and objectivity, double-blind reviewing will be used.Replication studiesThe IJF encourages replication studies, especially of highly cited papers. See Encouraging replication and reproducible research (an editorial published in 2010) for further information. A replication study that confirms that a published paper can be successfully replicated would normally be quite short (about a page is often sufficient to describe what calculations and comparisons have been done). Where a previously published paper has not been successfully replicated, more details are required to explain how the results differ from those previously published.
International Journal of Forecasting

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

  • ISSN: 1750-5836
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Carbon Capture — Transport — Utilization — StorageThe International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control is a peer reviewed journal focusing primarily on Carbon Capture, Transport, Utilization & Storage. If your paper is not related to this area, it is not in scope for the Journal. The Journal invites research covering applied science and engineering advances in control of greenhouse gas emissions and reductions of their atmospheric concentrations through carbon dioxide capture, transport and storage. The Journal publishes results of experimental and pilot studies, technology demonstrations, process design and optimization, and techno-economic, policy, and life-cycle analyses relevant to applications in the power sector, major resource, manufacturing and production industries, and negative emissions technologies. Original research, review and comment papers are included.The scope of the journal (whilst not exclusive to) includes:CO2 captureNew research results relevant for large scale CO2 capture systems using chemical solvents, solid sorbents, chemical looping, calcium looping, membranes and membrane reactors and hybrid systems, PSA, cryogenics etc.Advances in CO2 capture processes (post combustion, pre combustion, oxy combustion) for power plants, cement and steel plants, refineries, petrochemicals, and other large industriesExperimental results at pilot level from laboratory scale to demonstration, and relevant modelling work for scaling upCO2 capture process simulation for energy penalty reductions. Dynamic modelling.Cost analyses and cost reduction strategiesEnvironmental impacts/risk, safety and life-cycle assessment of capture facilitiesCO2 TransportDesign and material/technical issues for CO2 transport systemsEconomic analyses and systems level optimization of CO2 transport systemsRisk assessments and safety issuesPermitting and regulatory issuesCO2 Geological storageGeological formation/storage capacity assessmentsMatching emissions sources and storage opportunitiesSite selection and characterizationModelling the fate and effects of stored CO2Integrity of the storage site, including caprocks and wellsTest injection research resultsRisk assessments and managementMonitoring tool developments and applicationsEnvironmental impact assessmentsDemonstration project results and operational experiencesInduced seismicity, pressure maintenance, brine displacement, groundwater impactsRemediation and measurement, monitoring and verification issuesExperiences from natural/industrial analoguesAlternative storage optionsEx situ mineral carbonation (research results, safety/risk assessments, environmental/energy/legal issues, public acceptance, regulation and costs)Advanced weatheringOcean storageAlternative mitigation options/negative emission optionsBioCCS and other bioenergy mitigation optionsNegative emission accounting principlesComparison of different GHG mitigation options such as energy efficiency, renewables and nuclear power and their potential to reduce CO2 emissionsSystem integration and infrastructure developmentFlexibility of operation of plants and on energy systems, integration issues, infrastructure development issues, financing and policiesImplementation issuesLegal and regulatory developments/issuesHuman/engineering capacity constraintsPublic awareness/acceptance issuesIndustry case studies on GHG mitigation technology implementation, learning by doing, knowledge transfer, stakeholder engagement and financing optionsIntegrated assessments, economic instruments that would induce commercial CCS deploymentEnergy and economic modelling of the role that CCS will play in the broader portfolio of emissions mitigation options under different scenariosAnalyses of policy options (national and international) to reduce GHG emissions and how these impact the commercial deployment of CCS systemsIf your paper is not related to Carbon Capture, Transport, Utilization & Storage, it is not in scope for the Journal.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control