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Journals in Public policy

Health Policy OPEN

  • ISSN: 2590-2296
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Health Policy OPEN, the journal on health systems and policies, complements Health Policy and shares an objective to be a vehicle for the exploration and discussion of various aspects of health policy reforms, health systems analysis, and performance. Offering a truly global perspective, from low- to high-income countries, Health Policy OPEN covers universally important topics such as equity in coverage and access to healthcare; quality, safety, and responsiveness in healthcare; economic aspects of health policy change; and health systems? outcomes, including assessment of efficiency, improved health, financial and social protection, and sustainability.The journal is aimed at enhancing communication between health policy and system researchers, legislators, decision-makers, and professionals concerned with developing, implementing, and analyzing health policy, health systems and health care reforms.Areas of particular interest include:Measuring, visualizing, explaining, and assessing key concepts and issues surrounding health systems and policyPolicies and reforms promoting coverage, access, and equity in healthcareCurrent and future challenges of health systems, such as health workforce, universal coverage and funding, and sustainability of health systemsPreparedness and responses to shocks on health systems such as epidemics and pandemics, wars and conflicts, natural disasters, and socio-economic crisesAssessment of the performance of health systems, including quality, safety, and responsiveness in healthcare; efficiency, improved health, financial and social protectionFinancing global health policy and reforms, as well as the development of Sustainable Development Goal 3 and Universal Health Coverage
Health Policy OPEN

Journal of Urban Management

  • ISSN: 2226-5856
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 3.9
The Official Journal of Zhejiang University and the Chinese Association of Urban Management An international, peer-reviewed open access journal covering planning, administering, regulating, and governing urban complexityThe year of 2007 marked a special moment. More than half of the world population now lives in cities globally. In China, rapid urbanization has taken place since the economic reform in 1978. Managing urban complexity effectively will thus be one of the most challenging tasks faced by human beings for the 21st century. Based on the presumption that cities are complex systems and that plans for urban development alone cannot deal sufficiently with the deteriorated urban environment and the related issues that are derived from rapid urbanization, the Journal of Urban Management (JUM) has its two-fold aims set to integrate the studies across fields in urban planning and management, as well as to provide a more holistic perspective on problem solving.Explore innovative management skills for taming thorny problems that arise with global urbanization Provide a platform to deal with urban affairs whose solutions must be looked at from an interdisciplinary perspective.We are particularly interested in theoretical work and applications that are targeted at urban management worldwide, including developing and developed countries. The term urban management is defined broadly here to cover studies and research in planning, administering, regulating, and governing (PARG) urban complexity. The urban phenomena that are of interest cut across ecological, physical, economic, political, and social settings, with a belief that these settings interact with each other and should be treated as a whole. The JUM publishes four issues per year and we accept manuscripts throughout the year.Topics published in the JUM include, but are not limited to:A. GeneralManaging Global Urbanization, Urban Management and Society, Local Government Management, Participatory Urban Management, OtherB. ComplexityCities and Complexity, Urban Complexity Theory, Urban Morphology, Social Physics, Social Network, OtherC. PlanningCities and Plans, Urban Development, Land Development, Planning Theory, Planning Analysis, Urban and Regional Spatial Change, Urban Modeling, Urban Economics, Quantitative Methods, OtherD. AdministrationCities and Administration, Policy Analysis, Organizational Theory, Decision Theory, Leadership, OtherE. RegulationsCities and Regulations, Regulatory System, Economic Analysis of Laws, Economic Analysis of Property Rights, Institutional Economics, OtherF. GovernanceCities and Governance, Political Institutions, Positive Political Theory, Urban Politics, Public Goods Economics, Collective Choices, Collective Actions, OtherG. ApplicationsTransportation and Land Use Planning, Building and Construction, Urban Design , Landscape Architecture, Housing Policy, Urban Regeneration, Ecological and Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Planning, Real Estate Investment, Disaster Mitigation, Slums, Urban Finance, Urban Crimes, Social Welfare, Educational Policy, Labor Market, Inter-City Migration, Governmental Organization and Administration, Informational City and Technology, E-Government, Climate Change and Energy, Globalization and City Competitiveness, OtherH. OtherSports, Tourism , Culture, Other Special Topics
Journal of Urban Management

Transport Policy

  • ISSN: 0967-070X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 6.3
The official journal of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS)Transport Policy is an international refereed journal aimed at improving quality of transport policy and strategy analysis, designing and sharing innovative policy and management practices, and application bridging the gap between theory and practice in transport. Its subject areas reflect the concerns of policymakers in government, management strategists in industry, and the public at large, providing independent, original and rigorous analysis to understand how policy and strategy decisions have been made, monitor their effects, and suggest how they may be improved.The journal covers the entire transport sector including all modes: air, maritime, urban, intercity, domestic and international transport economics, policy and strategy issues, etc. Policy and strategy concerns in transport are wide and cover safety, efficiency, economic development, infrastructure, environment, energy, land-use, equity and access. Papers are expected to have clear policy and strategy relevance, to analyze/evaluate transport policies and strategies using up-to-date research methods (both quantitative and qualitative). Papers are also welcomed which focus on understanding the nature and influences affecting policy and strategy change, including technical, attitudinal, institutional, structural and political constraints, including those which provide a comparative analysis. Papers focusing only on methodological development without clear policy focus and relevance will NOT be considered. However, we welcome qualitative policy papers that build on the body of literature, and show clear contributions over and above what exist in the literature, and/or widely applicable to other jurisdictions. (Qualitative papers will NOT be considered if the author(s) advocate certain policy positions without presenting a rigorous framework of analysis.) Papers that focus entirely on individual case studies are more appropriate for our sister journal Case Studies in Transport Policy.Types of Paper:Full articles: Articles should normally be no longer that 8000 words. Authors are responsible for ensuring that all manuscripts (whether original or revised) are accurate before final submission. Manuscripts must be submitted on-line through Editorial Manager. Initial submissions may be submitted through the "My Paper My Way" approach, but final acceptances will require completion to the Elsevier standard.Shorter Items: Shorter items of between 1500 and 2500 words are also welcomed. These can take the form of a Topical Issues paper, which allows for the expression of reasoned opinion that may stimulate debate. Such articles should clearly signal how the debate relates to the literature and why it is topical for a significant part of the global readership. This section also welcomes reports on noteworthy developments from conferences and seminars. The editors may invite responses to such papers from other commentators. The shorter form article is not well suited to describing research projects.Special Issues: Proposals for Special Issues are welcome. Proposals should contain a clear set of objectives, and indication of the number of papers and likely authors. All papers in Special Issues are refereed to the same standard as normal submitted papers.AUDIENCE: Local, national and international government agencies and their advisers, responsible for transport policy implementation; academics and researchers involved in teaching and analysis; managers and analysts in the transport industries responsible for strategy formulation and evaluation; activists in the voluntary sector, charities and campaigning groups; students of transport studies, economics, business studies, engineering, geography, planning, sociology and environmental studies
Transport Policy