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Journals in Urban and regional planning general

African Transport Studies

  • ISSN: 2950-1962
African Transport Studies (AFTRAN) is a refereed international journal. It is the official journal of the Society for African Transport Research. AFTRAN aims at providing useful insights into solving Africa-specific transport-related issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It covers all transport modes and all issues in the transport sector.The journal favours papers that report on empirical research findings or engage in critical reflection on transport policies and practices in Africa. Purely literature review papers will only be considered with prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief, and will normally be invited by the AFTRAN editorship.Types of papers:Research papers:Papers reporting original research are the lifeblood of the journal. They should engage with, and build, the prevailing body of literature, and should report research aims, methods, results, and discussion. Research papers should normally be no longer that 8 000 words.Reponses and rejoinders:Discussion on published research papers, and subsequent rejoinders from the authors, are welcome. Responses and rejoinders should normally be no longer than 1 500 words.Case study papers:Case study papers are research papers that focus on a particular geographical context, often profiling the transport system of an African city or country. Case study papers should normally be no longer that 8 000 words.Editorials:Special issue collections of papers should be preceded by editorials, which signal the importance of the special issue theme and how it advances current debates in the field. Editorials should normally be no longer than 2 000 words.Technical notes:Technical notes will often discuss a single methodological issue of particular importance to the African context. The method described may either be novel, or may offer an improvement on an existing method. Technical notes should normally be no longer that 2 000 words.The Society for African Transport Research is an international cooperative society of researchers and practitioners who are either based in Africa or focus their research there. Its primary objectives are to foster and support excellence in transportation research and practice and to stimulate professional interchanges in all aspects and modes of transportation. It organizes an international conference on transportation research every two years.
African Transport Studies

City, Culture and Society

  • ISSN: 1877-9166
City, Culture and Society is a multi-disciplinary, international, and peer-reviewed journal for the scholarship of cities with a primary focus on the cultural dimensions of the urban condition. The journal aims to publish pioneering urban research that provides critical perspective on the diverse urban policy and development dynamics at play in cities around the globe. For over a decade City, Culture and Society has advanced theoretical debates and produced original empirical analysis on cities as they adapt to the challenges of the 21st century.The journal welcomes contributions that make a critical contribution to urban studies scholarship across a diverse range of disciplines including geography, sociology, planning, cultural studies, anthropology, environmental studies, economic development, politics, policy studies, history, and architecture.Please see our Guide for Authorsfor information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
City, Culture and Society

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

  • ISSN: 0198-9715
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.5
  • Impact factor: 7.1
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research on urban systems, systems of cities, and built and natural environments , that privileges the geospatial perspective. The journal provides a stimulating presentation of perspectives, research developments, overviews of important new technologies and uses of major computational, information-based, and visualization innovations. Applied and theoretical contributions demonstrate the scope of computer-based analysis fostering a better understanding of urban systems, the synergistic relationships between built and natural environments, their spatial scope and their dynamics.Application areas include infrastructure and facilities management, physical planning and urban design, land use and transportation, business and service planning, coupled human and natural systems, urban planning, socio-economic development, emergency response and hazards, and land and resource management. Examples of methodological approaches include decision support systems, geocomputation, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems and artificial intelligence, visual analytics and geovisualization, ubiquitous computing, and space-time simulation.Contributions emphasizing the development and enhancement of computer-based technologies for the analysis and modeling, policy formulation, planning, and management of environmental and urban systems that enhance sustainable futures are especially sought. The journal also encourages research on the modalities through which information and other computer-based technologies mold environmental and urban systems.Audience: Urban and regional planners and policy analysts, environmental planners, economic geographers, geospatial information scientists and technologists, regional scientists and policy makers, architectural designers.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

European Transport Studies

  • ISSN: 2950-2985
European Transport Studies (ETS) is a refereed international journal published by Elsevier in collaboration with the European Platform of Transport Sciences (EPTS). ETS aims at providing useful insights into solving European transport-related issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It treats all types of transport modes and all issues in the transport sector. While papers dealing with issues specific to Europe are especially welcome, more general transportation papers by authors based in Europe are also within the scope of this journal.The European Platform of Transport Sciences (EPTS) is an independent association of organizations working in the field of transport sciences. Its purpose is to enhance dialogue between politicians, policymakers, scientists and researchers in the field of European transport. It organizes the annual European Transport Congress.
European Transport Studies

Global Challenges & Regional Science

  • ISSN: 3050-502X
Global Challenges & Regional Science (GCRS) is a fully open access journal and welcomes submissions from all authors. Article Publishing Charges (APCs) are fully waived up to 1st June 2026.GCRS is the official journal of the European Regional Science Association. The journal encourages high quality scholarship on a broad range of topics dealing with the local (regional, spatial, urban) effects of, and responses to, structural changes caused by global challenges. These topics include, but are not limited to, the changing configuration of the local economy, of the locational patterns of firms, of a city or a territory caused by economic crises, climate change, technological advances, migration, geopolitical conflicts.The journal publishes papers that make a new contribution to the interpretation of the new territorial configurations caused by structural changes through theory, methods, and models related to urban and regional science. The editors invite submissions of papers from diverse disciplines, including economics, geography, planning and development, that apply theoretical frameworks, methods, and models in regional science, useful to interpret the regional and urban effects of the major challenges affecting the world nowadays.
Global Challenges & Regional Science

Habitat International

  • ISSN: 0197-3975
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.1
  • Impact factor: 6.5
A Journal for the Study of Human Settlements See also Elsevier's Geography, Planning and Development portalSupporting the Building and Social Housing Foundation: www.bshf.orgHabitat International is dedicated to the study of urban and rural human settlements: their planning, design, production and management. Its main focus is on urbanisation in its broadest sense in the developing world. However, increasingly the interrelationships and linkages between cities and towns in the developing and developed worlds are becoming apparent and solutions to the problems that result are urgently required. The economic, social, technological and political systems of the world are intertwined and changes in one region almost always affect other regions. Habitat International welcomes reports of research on urban issues such as policy and implementation, the links between planning, building and land, finance and management, urban design, the interaction between the natural environment and urban areas the provision of urban services and other related problems. Papers on topics which clearly have broad implications and interrelationships based on the experiences of the developing or developed world will be considered. Submissions exploring these issues within the development context are particularly welcomed. Quality papers, short communications, comments on published papers and reports on relevant conferences from all parts of the world are presented as it is recognised that such urban problems arise everywhere. Hopefully, Habitat International will contribute to their solution.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Habitat International

Journal of Urban Management

  • ISSN: 2226-5856
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 3.9
The Official Journal of Zhejiang University and the Chinese Association of Urban Management An international, peer-reviewed open access journal covering planning, administering, regulating, and governing urban complexityThe year of 2007 marked a special moment. More than half of the world population now lives in cities globally. In China, rapid urbanization has taken place since the economic reform in 1978. Managing urban complexity effectively will thus be one of the most challenging tasks faced by human beings for the 21st century. Based on the presumption that cities are complex systems and that plans for urban development alone cannot deal sufficiently with the deteriorated urban environment and the related issues that are derived from rapid urbanization, the Journal of Urban Management (JUM) has its two-fold aims set to integrate the studies across fields in urban planning and management, as well as to provide a more holistic perspective on problem solving.Explore innovative management skills for taming thorny problems that arise with global urbanization Provide a platform to deal with urban affairs whose solutions must be looked at from an interdisciplinary perspective.We are particularly interested in theoretical work and applications that are targeted at urban management worldwide, including developing and developed countries. The term urban management is defined broadly here to cover studies and research in planning, administering, regulating, and governing (PARG) urban complexity. The urban phenomena that are of interest cut across ecological, physical, economic, political, and social settings, with a belief that these settings interact with each other and should be treated as a whole. The JUM publishes four issues per year and we accept manuscripts throughout the year.Topics published in the JUM include, but are not limited to:A. GeneralManaging Global Urbanization, Urban Management and Society, Local Government Management, Participatory Urban Management, OtherB. ComplexityCities and Complexity, Urban Complexity Theory, Urban Morphology, Social Physics, Social Network, OtherC. PlanningCities and Plans, Urban Development, Land Development, Planning Theory, Planning Analysis, Urban and Regional Spatial Change, Urban Modeling, Urban Economics, Quantitative Methods, OtherD. AdministrationCities and Administration, Policy Analysis, Organizational Theory, Decision Theory, Leadership, OtherE. RegulationsCities and Regulations, Regulatory System, Economic Analysis of Laws, Economic Analysis of Property Rights, Institutional Economics, OtherF. GovernanceCities and Governance, Political Institutions, Positive Political Theory, Urban Politics, Public Goods Economics, Collective Choices, Collective Actions, OtherG. ApplicationsTransportation and Land Use Planning, Building and Construction, Urban Design , Landscape Architecture, Housing Policy, Urban Regeneration, Ecological and Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Planning, Real Estate Investment, Disaster Mitigation, Slums, Urban Finance, Urban Crimes, Social Welfare, Educational Policy, Labor Market, Inter-City Migration, Governmental Organization and Administration, Informational City and Technology, E-Government, Climate Change and Energy, Globalization and City Competitiveness, OtherH. OtherSports, Tourism , Culture, Other Special Topics
Journal of Urban Management

Journal of Urban Mobility

  • ISSN: 2667-0917
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.7
The Journal of Urban Mobility is supported by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable. Learn more: eiturbanmobility.euThe Journal of Urban Mobility is a fully Open Access journal, initiated and supported by the EIT Urban Mobility, offering prompt publication and wide dissemination of new urban mobility research to a global audience. The journal publishes peer-reviewed contributions in all areas of urban mobility that will accelerate solutions that improve our collective use of livable urban spaces, while ensuring accessible, convenient, safe, efficient, sustainable and affordable multimodal mobility. The journal is unique in that it takes a systemic approach to urban mobility and encourages multi- or cross-disciplinary triple-helix publications, bringing together academics and practitioners, businesses (industry and small-and-medium-sized companies) and cities.Submissions are welcome in areas including, but not limited to:innovation and entrepreneurship in the domain of urban mobilitydemonstration projects and case studies on urban mobility innovationssmart mobility data and analyticsinnovative urban mobility technologyfuture mobility markets and servicessustainable urban mobility transitionsurban transport networks decongestioneco-efficient and safe urban transporturban mobility governancecity logisticsintegrating urban mobility innovation into multi-disciplinary educationstudent-centred learning-by-doing in urban mobility education.The journal invites conceptual innovations and theoretically informed advances on urban mobility, empirically-oriented contributions, best urban mobility practices (stemming from start-ups and scale-ups), short reports on collaborative activities focusing on research, technology, societal innovation and governance, project summaries, discussions of new research data and case studies.Those wishing to submit articles, viewpoints, short reports, project summaries, discussions of new research data and case studies for publication should refer to the Guide for Authors.
Journal of Urban Mobility

Landscape and Urban Planning

  • ISSN: 0169-2046
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.7
  • Impact factor: 7.9
An International Journal of Landscape Science, Planning and DesignLandscape and Urban Planning is an international journal aimed at advancing conceptual, scientific, and applied understandings of landscape in order to promote sustainable solutions for landscape change. Landscapes are visible and integrative social-ecological systems with variable spatial and temporal dimensions. They have expressive aesthetic, natural, and cultural qualities that are perceived and valued by people in multiple ways and invite actions resulting in landscape change. Landscapes are increasingly urban in nature and ecologically and culturally sensitive to changes at local through global scales. Multiple disciplines and perspectives are required to understand landscapes and align social and ecological values to ensure the sustainability of landscapes. The journal is based on the premise that landscape science linked to planning and design can provide mutually supportive outcomes for people and nature.Landscape science brings landscape ecology and urban ecology together with other disciplines and cross-disciplinary fields to identify patterns and understand social-ecological processes influencing landscape change. Landscape planning brings landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape and ecological engineering, and other practice-oriented fields to bear in processes for identifying problems and analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating desirable alternatives for landscape change. Landscape design brings plans, designs, management prescriptions, policies and other activities and form-giving products to bear in effecting landscape change. The implementation of landscape planning and design also generates new patterns of evidence and hypotheses for further research, providing an integral link with landscape science and encouraging transdisciplinary collaborations to build robust knowledge and problem solving capacity.
Landscape and Urban Planning

Multimodal Transportation

  • ISSN: 2772-5863
The APC for papers published from 2022 to 2025 will be fully covered by Southeast University. Please contact the editor via [email protected] to get the waiver or discount.MULTRA provides a forum for high-quality, cutting-edge research in transportation science and technology. MULTRA covers all modes - road, rail, air, maritime - and the integration of multimodal transport. Papers concerning multimodal integration or emerging transportation technologies are particularly welcome, as is work focusing on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Smart Transportation, or Big Data, as applied to transport planning, network modeling or traffic safety. MULTRA is an interdisciplinary journal and embraces work from a wide range of disciplines, including, but not limited to, transportation, logistics, economics, operations research, and urban planning.MULTRA publishes papers in two categories:Theory and Methodology: Papers in this category employ mathematical modeling, optimization theory, etc., to develop new concepts and technologies, rather than the refinement of established theories.Empirical Research: Papers in this category can either employ quantitative techniques from statistics, AI, machine learning etc., or qualitative research methods such as one-on-one interviews, focus groups, case study research etc., to obtain new insights into specific aspects of transportation science.Regardless of the category, MULTRA papers are expected to clearly articulate their expected impact on the practice of transportation science.
Multimodal Transportation