Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain (CLSCN) is an international, transdisciplinary companion journal to the Journal of Cleaner Production focusing on the domain of green, sustainable, and circular logistics and supply chain management. CLSCN serves as a platform for addressing and discussing how each paper contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to a zero-carbon society within the domain of cleaner logistics and supply chain management. High quality contributions are welcome from both academics and professionals working in the field of logistics and supply chain management.Methodologically, CLSCN covers the full range of empirical, conceptual, modeling, quantitative, and qualitative research studies. All empirical studies should contribute to theory. Application of technologies to achieve sustainability is within the journal's scope, but technology development alone are not research papers suitable for CLSCN.CLSCN articles can include original research, short communications and technical notes, covering all aspects of logistics and supply chain management in general or to a specific industry. Topics can include, but are not limited to, the following:Green, sustainable, and/or circular operations, logistics and supply chainsSustainable and circular business model innovation for logistics and supply chainsGreen, sustainable, and/or circular procurement and supply managementGreen, sustainable, and/or circular manufacturing and supply chainsGreen, sustainable, and circular performance measurement, indicators, and performance managementSustainability in reverse and closed-loop supply chainsSupply chain sustainability in a globalized economySupply chain sustainability in emerging economies and at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP)Industry 4.0 applications to promote CLSCNDigitalization for green or sustainable logistics and supply chainsSupply chain sustainability and risk managementResilient and robust CLSCN planning and response to emergencies, disasters or pandemicsGreen and sustainable freight transportation and warehouse managementGreen and sustainable routing and schedulingPlanning and decision-making for logistics and supply chain sustainabilityCorporate social responsibility in logistics and supply chainsGreen, Sustainable and/or circular operations in urban settings and planningInteractions between multiple stakeholders for CLSCN topicsGovernment, regulatory, inter-governmental and non-governmental relationships to CLSCN topicsAgility, Flexibility, and CLSCN topicsPolicy and sociological behavioral concerns for CLSCN topicsWe encourage those interested in organizing a special issue or a virtual special issue within the scope of the journal to fill out this form and contact the editors-in-chief for more information.
The official journal of the International Transportation Economics AssociationEconomics of Transportation publishes scholarly papers that make important contributions to transportation economics. The journal also publishes papers that research the interaction between transportation and other economic activities; papers that seek to promote cross fertilization with other fields of economics including labor, trade, urban economics, and industrial organization; and substantive papers on timely policy issues relating to transportation. The journal welcomes both theoretical and applied papers. Papers are welcome regardless of the originating discipline provided they contribute to the goals of the journal. Economics of Transportation aims to uphold the highest standards of scientific originality and quality.
The Journal of Urban Economics provides a focal point for the publication of research papers in the rapidly expanding field of urban economics. It publishes papers of great scholarly merit on a wide range of topics and employing a wide range of approaches to urban economics. The Journal welcomes papers that are theoretical or empirical, positive or normative. Although the Journal is not intended to be multidisciplinary, papers by noneconomists are welcome if they are of interest to economists. Brief Notes are also published if they lie within the purview of the Journal and if they contain new information, comment on published work, or new theoretical suggestions.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center