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Journals in Ecology

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Ecological Engineering

  • ISSN: 0925-8574
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 3.9
The Journal of Ecosystem RestorationEcological engineering has been defined as the design of ecosystems for the mutual benefit of humans and nature. The journal is for those involved in designing, monitoring, or restoring ecosystems, and serves as a bridge between the fields of ecology and engineeringSpecific topics covered in the journal include: habitat reconstruction; ecotechnology; synthetic ecology; bioengineering; restoration ecology; ecology conservation; ecosystem rehabilitation; stream and river restoration; reclamation ecology; non-renewable resource conservation. Descriptions of specific applications of ecological engineering are acceptable only when situated within context of adding novelty to current research and emphasizing ecosystem restoration. We do not accept purely descriptive reports on ecosystem structures (such as vegetation surveys), purely physical assessment of materials that can be used for ecological restoration, small-model studies carried out in the laboratory or greenhouse with artificial (waste)water or crop studies, or case studies on conventional wastewater treatment and eutrophication that do not offer an ecosystem restoration approach within the paper.The journal welcomes full papers, short communications, reviews, and letters to the editor. We are pleased to publish papers from multidisciplinary approaches that are pertinent to a wide range of scholars, managers, practitioners, and policymakers across ecological sciences.All papers will be subject to peer review and they will be dealt with as speedily as is compatible with a high standard of presentation.
Ecological Engineering

Environmental Pollution

  • ISSN: 0269-7491
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.3
  • Impact factor: 7.6
Environmental Pollution is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality research papers and review articles about all aspects of environmental pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human health. The journal welcomes high-quality process-oriented and hypothesis-based submissions that report results from original and novel research and contribute new knowledge to help address problems related to environmental pollution at a regional or global scale.Subject areas include, but are not limited to: • Sources and occurrences of pollutants that are clearly defined and measured in environmental compartments, food and food-related items, and human bodies; • Interlinks between contaminant exposure and biological, ecological, and human health effects, including those of climate change; • Contaminants of emerging concerns (including but not limited to antibiotic resistant microorganisms or genes, microplastics/nanoplastics, electronic wastes, light, and noise) and/or their biological, ecological, or human health effects; • Laboratory and field studies on the remediation/mitigation of environmental pollution via new techniques and with clear links to biological, ecological, or human health effects; • Modeling of pollution processes, patterns, or trends that is of clear environmental and/or human health interest; • New techniques that measure and examine environmental occurrences, transport, behavior, and effects of pollutants within the environment or the laboratory, provided that they can be clearly used to address problems within regional or global environmental compartments.Papers focusing on the following areas are likely to be returned to the authors without review: • Routine surveys or monitoring programs primarily of local or regional interest; • Descriptions of well-known contaminants, such as legacy pollutants, in yet another location; • Studies relating to waste treatment that do not have specific relevance to pollution within the environment; • Synthesis/fabrication of new materials solely for remediation and/or mitigation of pollution without any direct environmental relevance; • Nitrogen or phosphorus deposition or biogeochemical processes with little or no relation to environmental consequences and/or climate change; • Studies on eutrophication and secondary pollution by eutrophication without illuminating their governing mechanisms and factors; • Studies within which the concentrations of toxicants used are higher than those that are typically found in an environmental pollution context. Authors of toxicology studies must justify the concentrations that they are using by reference to environmentally relevant concentrations that have been reported in the literature.Please DO NOT ask the Editors-in-Chief for permission before submitting a manuscript. Kindly check the guidelines to determine whether your manuscript is within the scope of the journal; if yes, please go ahead and submit it.
Environmental Pollution

European Journal of Soil Biology

  • ISSN: 1164-5563
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.7
The European Journal of Soil Biology is dedicated to exploring the biology and ecology of soil organisms, emphasizing the important role of soil biodiversity for ecosystem functioning. Contributions to the journal must provide information on the soil organisms involved with a clear link to the conditions in the soil. The journal welcomes contributions across all scales, from detailed mechanistic pot-scale experiments to global ecosystem analyses, with a special interest in field-scale studies. Research is considered at various levels of biological organization from individuals and populations to communities and ecosystems. The journal seeks to incorporate cutting-edge technologies and cross-disciplinary methodologies to enhance our knowledge of soil biological interactions and their effects on ecosystem functions.
European Journal of Soil Biology


  • ISSN: 0367-2530
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of PlantsFLORA, the scientific botanical journal with the longest uninterrupted publication sequence (since 1818), considers manuscripts in a range of areas of botany which appeal to a broad international scientific readership. The journal publishes original contributions and review articles on plant structure (morphology and anatomy), plant developmental biology (ontogeny), phytogeography (including phylogeography), plant population genetics, plant functional ecology (including ecophysiology), plant population ecology, biotic interactions between plants and other organisms, plant community ecology, and ecosystem ecology. Suggestions for Special Issues are welcome, as are compilations of manuscripts (both original and review articles) for Special Features on a specific topic. Manuscripts on the following subjects are highly welcome, especially when they integrate between areas or research approaches: comparative and evolutionary aspects of morphology, anatomy and development, ecophysiology of plant species related to their distribution, mechanisms of ecological interactions in plant communities (e.g. plant-plant interactions, plant-soil feedback, and plant-animal interactions), reproductive ecology including plant-pollinator interactions, genetic and spatial structure of plant populations, and functional diversity in plant communities. Manuscripts focused on floristics or vegetation studies will only be considered if they go beyond a purely descriptive approach and have relevance for interpreting plant structure, distribution or ecology. Manuscripts whose content is restricted to taxonomy, phylogeny, nomenclature, or geobotany of local interest, or applied agricultural, horticultural, pharmacological or silvicultural aspects, or experimental studies dealing exclusively with investigations at the cellular or subcellular level will not be considered for publication.Submission of Papers with Graduate or Undergraduate Students as Lead Authors FLORA has initiated a section in its journal dedicated to highlighting exceptional, original research publications that are part of PhD, graduate, or undergraduate student theses and carry the name of the student, preferably as the lead author.Papers in this category will be published under the heading "Highlighted Student Research" and will be marked accordingly in the table of content of the volume in which it is published.The papers must be recommended for this honor by FLORA Handling Editors, following the normal peer review process and additionally taking the following criteria into account:the student contribution to the work is substantialinnovative research question or methodologyhigh quality of study / experimental design and dataabove-average quality of data analysis, presentation and discussionwell written textStudents who wish their papers to be considered for the honor have to explain in the cover letter the main reasons why the paper represents an outstanding contribution to the field, referring to the criteria above, and should indicate such a wish by marking the appropriate box as a FLORA Highlighted Student Research paper during the online submission process. The supervisor should confirm in the cover letter that research was generated during a BSc, MSc, or PhD degree.

Forest Ecology and Management

  • ISSN: 0378-1127
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Science to Sustain the World’s ForestsForest Ecology and Management focuses on scientific articles linking forest ecology with forest management, with potential application of biological and ecological knowledge to the management and conservation of plantations and natural forests.The journal encourages communication between scientists in disparate fields who share a common interest in ecology and forest management, bridging the gap between scientists and forest managers. A peer-review process ensures the quality and international interest of the manuscripts accepted for publication. Authors are invited to benefit from editorials that provide advice for constructing strong papers.We encourage submission of papers that will be of strong interest and value to the Journal's international readership. Some key features of papers with strong interest include: 1. Clear connections between the ecology and management of forests; 2. Novel ideas or approaches to important challenges in forest ecology and management; 3. Studies that address a population of interest beyond the scale of single research sites (see the editorial, Three key points in the design of forest experiments, Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 2022-2023); 4. Review Articles on timely, important topics. Authors are invited to contact one of the Editors to discuss the suitability of a potential review manuscript, which can be a regular review, an Mini review or a Tamm review (see the Guide for Authors for details about each type of review article).We invite to read the following editorial article with more advice in relation to preferred articles: How to avoid having your manuscript rejected: Perspectives from the Editors of Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 473, 1 October 2020, 118321.The Journal encourages proposals for special issues examining important areas of forest ecology and management. Potential guest editors should contact one of the Editors to initiate a discussion about topics, potential papers, and other details.
Forest Ecology and Management

Fungal Ecology

  • ISSN: 1754-5048
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.9
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Published by Elsevier on behalf of The British Mycological SocietyFungal Ecology publishes investigations into all aspects of fungal ecology, including the following (not exclusive): population dynamics; adaptation; evolution; role in ecosystem functioning, nutrient cycling, decomposition, carbon allocation; ecophysiology; intra- and inter-specific mycelial interactions, fungus-plant (pathogens, mycorrhizas, lichens, endophytes), fungus-invertebrate and fungus-microbe interaction; genomics and (evolutionary) genetics; conservation and biodiversity; remote sensing; bioremediation and biodegradation; quantitative and computational aspects - modelling, indicators, complexity, informatics. The usual prerequisites for publication will be originality, clarity, and significance as relevant to a better understanding of the ecology of fungi.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Fungal Ecology

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation

  • ISSN: 0964-8305
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.1
The Official Journal of the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation SocietyInternational Biodeterioration and Biodegradation publishes original research papers and reviews on the biological causes of deterioration or degradation.– The causes may be macro– or microbiological, whose origins may be aerial, aquatic, or terrestrial.– The effects may include corrosion, fouling, rotting, decay, infection, disfigurement, toxification, weakening or processes that liquefy, detoxify, or mineralize.– The materials affected may include natural, synthetic or refined materials [such as metals, hydrocarbons and oils, foodstuffs and beverages, pharmaceuticals, cellulose and wood, plastics and polymers, fibres, paper, leather, waste materials or any other material of commercial importance]; and structures or systems [such as buildings, works of art, processing equipment, etc.] as well as hazardous wastes, and includes environmental and occupational health aspects resulting from the activities of the biological agents described above.Papers on all aspects of cause, mode of action, treatment, protection and prevention, analysis and testing, detoxification, upgrading, commercial implications, biocides and substitutes and related areas are welcome. However, papers that are strictly related to engineering aspects of biotechnological processes and those that aim at developing or assessing mathematical-based predictive models used in the designing of biotechnological processes are excluded.International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation is the Official Journal of the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society.For more information visit the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society website.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation

Landscape and Urban Planning

  • ISSN: 0169-2046
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.7
  • Impact factor: 7.9
An International Journal of Landscape Science, Planning and DesignLandscape and Urban Planning is an international journal aimed at advancing conceptual, scientific, and applied understandings of landscape in order to promote sustainable solutions for landscape change. Landscapes are visible and integrative social-ecological systems with variable spatial and temporal dimensions. They have expressive aesthetic, natural, and cultural qualities that are perceived and valued by people in multiple ways and invite actions resulting in landscape change. Landscapes are increasingly urban in nature and ecologically and culturally sensitive to changes at local through global scales. Multiple disciplines and perspectives are required to understand landscapes and align social and ecological values to ensure the sustainability of landscapes. The journal is based on the premise that landscape science linked to planning and design can provide mutually supportive outcomes for people and nature.Landscape science brings landscape ecology and urban ecology together with other disciplines and cross-disciplinary fields to identify patterns and understand social-ecological processes influencing landscape change. Landscape planning brings landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape and ecological engineering, and other practice-oriented fields to bear in processes for identifying problems and analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating desirable alternatives for landscape change. Landscape design brings plans, designs, management prescriptions, policies and other activities and form-giving products to bear in effecting landscape change. The implementation of landscape planning and design also generates new patterns of evidence and hypotheses for further research, providing an integral link with landscape science and encouraging transdisciplinary collaborations to build robust knowledge and problem solving capacity.
Landscape and Urban Planning


  • ISSN: 0075-9511
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.2
  • Impact factor: 2
Ecology and Management of Inland WatersLimnologica publishes peer-reviewed articles addressing biological, physical and chemical aspects of freshwater ecosystems and adjacent habitats. We particularly invite contributions dealing with applied topics (e.g. ecotechnology, bioindication, restoration and conservation) and with less frequently investigated aquatic ecosystems and world regions such as South America, Africa and Asia).Limnologica is a primary journal for limnologists, aquatic ecologists, freshwater biologists, restoration ecologists and ecotoxicologists working with freshwater habitats.

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

  • ISSN: 1433-8319
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.5
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (PPEES) publishes outstanding and thought-provoking articles of general interest to an international readership in the fields of plant ecology, evolution and systematics. Of particular interest are in-depth articles that provide a broad understanding of key topics in the field. There are four issues per year.To maintain high scientific standards, manuscripts are submitted to two or more reviewers for evaluation of their scientific soundness and significance. Authors will be generally notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of their manuscripts within three months.Biological flora series (monographs of model species) PPEES is particularly interested in contributions to the knowledge of species that are flagship species for conservation, invasive species of particular concern, or species that are frequently used as models in ecological research. Prospective authors should contact the editorial office of PPEES before starting to write a contribution and enquire whether their planned manuscript would be of interest to PPEES.Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics is included in the Research4Life program. Research4Life is a partnership of United Nations agencies, universities, and publishers that makes journal articles available for free or at very low cost to institutions in developing countries. For more details go to:
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics