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Journals in Earth surface processes

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Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography

  • ISSN: 0954-0504
Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography provides broad coverage of the literature associated with Earth studies in a manageable reference journal. The extensive team of subject specialist editors and scientific advisors ensure relevance to the academic community at any given time, reviewing the division and emphasis of material and monitoring changes in the balance of published literature.The journal is divided into eight subjects: synoptic geography; landforms; the Quaternary; sedimentology; soils; hydrology; meteorology and climatology; remote sensing, mapping and GIS.Features: • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of the original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE subject/regional/author annual index included in subscription priceAvailable online as GEOBASE through DIALOGCD-ROM version available through SilverPlatter on GEOBASE CD-ROMAlso of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography, Ecological and Geological Abstracts
Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography

Geological Abstracts

  • ISSN: 0954-0512
Geological Abstracts is a key bibliographic reference source to the world's geological literature. Entries drawn from over 2,000 periodicals plus books, conference proceedings and other material are published yearly. This is the only geological reference source to provide an informative abstract for every entry. Commenced publication 1982.Features • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals. • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of the original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author index included in subscription price.Available online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOGA CD-ROM version is available through SilverPlatter on GEOBASE CD-ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography, and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering.
Geological Abstracts


  • ISSN: 0169-555X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Geomorphology publishes peer-reviewed works across the full spectrum of the discipline from fundamental theory and science to applied research of relevance to sustainable management of the environment.Our journal's scope includes geomorphic themes of:past, present and future environmental changes;tectonics and regional structure, interactions between tectonic and surface processes;volcanic processes and landforms;glacial, paraglacial and periglacial processes and landforms;fluvial processes and landforms;hillslope processes and evolution, mass movements;weathering, soil erosion and related landforms;aeolian processes and landforms;karst processes and forms;coastal and submarine processes and landforms, estuaries and lakes;biogeomorphology;anthropogenic geomorphology;geomorphic hazards;planetary geomorphology;theoretical, experimental and quantitative geomorphology;GIS, remote sensing and modeling methods and applications, sedimentary records and dating.

Global and Planetary Change

  • ISSN: 0921-8181
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4
Global and Planetary Change publishes high-quality studies addressing all aspects of Earth System Science. The objective of the journal is to develop a multi-disciplinary understanding of planetary change and to improve knowledge of processes relevant at a global-scale. As such, the journal focuses equally on the geological and historical past as well as present-day and future scenarios based on observational records, experimental studies, and/or modelling. Regional or process-oriented studies are welcome provided that they are useful for understanding aspects of the Earth System.Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, studies of the dynamic Deep Earth and lithosphere to (near-)surface processes; changes in the dynamics and composition of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere; climate change, the carbon cycle, and sea level fluctuations; global ecology, biogeography, and extinction; planetary boundaries and ecosystem resilience/thresholds; and global change impacts on food security, water resources, and urban sustainability.Key criteria for the consideration of manuscripts include (a) their relevance for the global scientific community and/or (b) their wider implications for global-scale problems, preferably combined with (c) having a significance beyond a single discipline. Manuscripts may be submitted as either original research papers or as authoritative review articles. Every effort should be made to present research outcomes in a way that is understandable for a broad international readership.Please ensure your submission fulfils the following checklist of requirements to maximise the likelihood of consideration:A title and abstract that emphases its relevance to global-scale process and/or eventsA list of at least 5 potential reviewers that includes scientists from outside your network selected from across the global communityA short cover letter that concisely explains the wider global implications of your work
Global and Planetary Change

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

  • ISSN: 0924-2716
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.8
  • Impact factor: 10.6
Official Publication of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)The ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS) is the official journal of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). The Journal provides a channel of communication for scientists and professionals in all countries working in the many disciplines that employ photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial information systems, computer vision, and related fields. The Journal is designed to serve as a source reference and archive of advancements in these disciplines.The P&RS objective is to publish high quality, peer-reviewed, preferably previously unpublished papers of a scientific/research, technological development or application/practical nature. P&RS will publish papers, including those based on ISPRS meeting presentations*, which are regarded as significant contributions in the above-mentioned fields. We especially encourage papers: of broad scientific interest; on innovative applications, particularly in new fields; of an interdisciplinary nature; on topics that have not been dealt with (or to a small degree) by P&RS or related journals; and on topics related to new possible scientific/professional directions. Preferably, theoretical papers should include applications, and papers dealing with systems and applications should include theoretical background.The scope of the journal is extensive and covers sensors, theory and algorithms, systems, experiments, developments and applications. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:Sensors• Airborne and spaceborne multispectral and hyperspectral imaging systems • Airborne and terrestrial cameras • Airborne, terrestrial and mobile laser scanning • Range imaging • Active and passive imaging sensor characterisation • Sensor calibration and standardisation • Geosensor networks • Internet of ThingsMethods and procedures• Spatial data handling technologies • Integrated sensor calibration and orientation • Surface and object reconstruction, modelling and interpretation • GIS data modelling, representation and structures • Database systems • Mapping from imagery • Visualisation, animation and virtual reality • Physical measurements and spectral signatures • Point cloud processing • Extraction of geometric and semantic information from SAR • SAR Interferometry • Image classification algorithms • Image segmentation and GEOBIA • Image time series analysis • Hyperspectral data analysis • Big image data analysis • Crowd sourcing • Feature extractionApplications and products• 3D urban GIS • Close-range imaging and metrology • Architectural & archaeological photogrammetry • Determination of forest metrics • Medical image analysis and biometry • Resource and environmental modelling • Global monitoring and assessment • Thematic applications • DTM and orthoimage generation • Location based servicesSubmitted articles may be:• Papers (detailed discussions involving new research, technological developments or applications); • Review Papers (extensive state-of-the-art surveys of established or emerging topics or application areas); or • Contributions for special Journal columns (letters to the Editor about the journal or to authors commenting on previously published papers; new useful ideas and brief pertinent comments of a technical nature; editorials, mainly after an invitation by the Editorial Advisory Board).NOTE: All articles, except correspondence, will be peer-reviewed and should be of high scientific level.* Journal paper submissions based on past conference publications are only allowed if the submitted manuscript is significantly extended or otherwise enhanced. That is, the journal article will only be considered if more extensive experiments and discussion are presented (even if the same methods are used) and/or the methods have been significantly improved and/or advanced (even if the same datasets have been used). The burden of explicitly describing the differences between these publications rests with the author(s). In case of a strong overlap with another publication, the manuscript should be rejected.P&RS issues may be devoted to specific scientific topics of high or increasing importance (Theme Issues), especially in relation to one or more ISPRS Working Groups, as well as to special events, geographic regions, professional activities etc. The number and topics of Theme Issues will be such that the P&RS still remains of interest to the majority of its subscribers.For more details on the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, visit
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

  • ISSN: 0169-7722
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.5
The Journal of Contaminant Hydrology is an international journal publishing scientific articles contributing to a broad understanding of contamination of water resources. Emphasis is placed on investigations of the physical, chemical, and biological processes influencing the behaviour and fate of organic and inorganic contaminants in the aqueous environment including ecological impacts. Water-based science, technology and management approaches that monitor, assess, control and mitigate contamination and its eco-environmental impacts at multiple scales are invited. Broad latitude is allowed in identifying contaminants of interest, and includes legacy and emerging pollutants, nutrients, nanoparticles, microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and protozoa), microplastics, and various constituents associated with energy production (e.g., methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide).The journal's scope embraces a wide range of topics that include: surface and subsurface hydrology as it relates to contamination; experimental and computational investigations of contaminant sorption, diffusion, biological and chemical transformation, volatilization and transport in the surface and subsurface; characterization of soil and sediment properties only as they influence contaminant behaviour; development and testing of mathematical models of contaminant behaviour; innovative techniques for restoration of contaminated sites; development of new tools or techniques for monitoring the extent of soil, sediment, and water contamination; development of mathematical models and system analysis techniques for understanding and managing surface and subsurface water resources systems including hyporheic zone processes; analyses of interactions between water-use activities and the environment; carbon sequestration and turnover; and water contamination issues associated with energy production.Types of paper There are some types of papers that are not suitable for publication in the journal, namely: Environmental monitoring. We are pleased to see field data, but we do not publish reports of, for example, unusual observations in the field unless they are interpreted at a process level. Similarly, we do not act as a public repository for datasets unless they are interpreted. Case studies. We will not publish case studies unless they provide insight into processes relevant to other sites or conditions. Thus, a paper based on a particular site must draw out principles, prove a conceptual model, or develop and test a method; these principles, models, or methods must have broader applicability than to a site of study. Methods. We are keen to see new methods of analysis, experimentation, field investigation, or interpretation developed and published. However the journal will not publish papers that present only method development, nor methods that have no major advance over existing approaches. Manuscripts that demonstrate how new or existing methods lead to new insights, or that extend the scope or demonstrate the practical use of existing methods will be welcome. Normally, measured data or observations will be used to validate the method.The last comments on Methods apply particularly to the development of new analytical and numerical solutions to flow, transport and reaction equations. A new mathematical solution must be a significant and useful advance over present methods. The new solution should also lead to new understanding of contaminant behavior. When possible, new analytical or numerical solutions should be compared with existing methods and/or with real data/observations. The inverse of these comments on new models applies to papers that focus on experimental and field investigations. It is not sufficient to present data, no matter how elegant the experiment or interesting the field site! Data must be interpreted with a conceptual model of processes so that the results are potentially valuable to other sites and experiments.Despite these comments, the editors are not trying to set up a rigid or bureaucratic system. If you believe your paper should be an exception, explain this simply in your cover letter at submission. We are all active researchers, and we do not want to discourage our peers from submitting any manuscript that they feel is significant and important for the journal. Rather, we hope you will join us in our wish to ensure that all the papers in the journal have real value to the community.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Journal of Geochemical Exploration

  • ISSN: 0375-6742
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Journal for Environmental and Economic GeochemistryJournal of Geochemical Exploration is mostly dedicated to publication of original studies in exploration and environmental geochemistry and related topics.Contributions considered of prevalent interest for the journal include researches based on the application of innovative methods to:define the genesis and the evolution of mineral deposits including transfer of elements in large-scale mineralized areas.analyze complex systems at the boundaries between bio-geochemistry, metal transport and mineral accumulation.evaluate effects of historical mining activities on the surface environment.trace pollutant sources and define their fate and transport models in the near-surface and surface environments involving solid, fluid and aerial matrices.assess and quantify natural and technogenic radioactivity in the environment.determine geochemical anomalies and set baseline reference values using compositional data analysis, multivariate statistics and geo-spatial analysis.assess the impacts of anthropogenic contamination on ecosystems and human health at local and regional scale to prioritize and classify risks through deterministic and stochastic approaches.Papers dedicated to the presentation of newly developed methods in analytical geochemistry to be applied in the field or in laboratory are also within the topics of interest for the journal.Submission of studies presenting results related with global and continental-wide geochemical prospecting activities and review articles covering topics of interest for a broad international audience is also encouraged specially when accompanied by cartographic products.To ensure high quality of both the peer review process and the published papers, associate editors are assigned to individual submissions in accordance with their own expertise.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration

Journal of Geodynamics

  • ISSN: 0264-3707
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.1
The Journal of Geodynamics is an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication of results and discussions of Solid Earth research covering the entire multitude of scientific methods aimed at understanding deep and shallow processes in various tectonic settings and acting at different time- and length-scales. The Journal publishes results based on a multitude of research disciplines, including geophysics, geodesy, geochemistry, geology, and based on field observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations.The Journal invites original research papers, including 'letters', as well as topical reviews with focus on geodynamics, including:Plate tectonic processes: driving mechanisms, paleo-geodynamics, numerical and analogue modeling in compressional and extensional tectonic settings in continents and oceans, including all stages of the Wilson cycle, and basin dynamics;Mantle geodynamics: mantle convection, hot spots and plumes, mantle transition zone, and secular evolution of the Earth;Geophysical geodynamics: crust - mantle and lithosphere - asthenosphere interaction based on seismic, gravity, magnetic, and thermal observation and interpretation with links to global and regional geodynamic processes in different tectonic settings;Stress field and deformation: geodetic observations of horizontal and vertical crustal movements; seismic, electrical and magnetic anisotropy; seismicity, tsunami hazards and impacts;Crustal and mantle rheology: laboratory experiments and numerical simulations; physical properties of rocks; water in the mantle;Geodynamics of magma transport: geophysical observations and numerical simulations of magma transport and emplacement; modelling of volcanic eruptions, geodynamic control on evolution of magmatic passive margins, large igneous provinces and dyke swarms;Geodynamics of topographic change: role of deep processes on large-scale regional evolution of topography, including dynamic topography, and sea level variation;Geodynamics of large ice sheets: ice basal melting, glacial isostasy, ice-seismicity;Geodynamic control on ore and hydrocarbon mineral deposits.
Journal of Geodynamics

Journal of Hydrology

  • ISSN: 0022-1694
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 5.9
Journal of Hydrology publishes original research papers and comprehensive reviews in all the subfields of the hydrological sciences, including water based management and policy issues that impact on economics and society. These comprise, but are not limited to the physical, chemical, biogeochemical, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydrometeorology, hydrogeology and hydrogeophysics. Relevant topics incorporating the insights and methodologies of disciplines such as climatology, water resource systems, ecohydrology, geomorphology, soil science, instrumentation and remote sensing, data and information sciences, civil and environmental engineering are within scope. Multi- and inter-disciplinary analyses of hydrological problems are invited, specifically ones that broaden the understanding of hydrologic science through integration with social, economic, or behavioural sciences. The science published in the Journal of Hydrology is relevant to catchment scales rather than exclusively to a local scale or site. Studies focused on urban hydrological issues are included. Submissions focusing on region-specific problems, past and future conditions, analysis, review and solutions, can be submitted to the journal's companion title, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.Journal of Hydrology is part of the Journal of Hydrology family of journals, alongside Journal of Hydrology X and Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies .Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Journal of Hydrology

Quaternary Science Reviews

  • ISSN: 0277-3791
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.2
The International Journal of Earth, Climate and Life InteractionsQuaternary Science Reviews caters for all aspects of Quaternary science, and includes, for example, geology, geomorphology, geography, archaeology, soil science, palaeobotany, palaeontology, palaeoclimatology and the full range of applicable dating methods. The dividing line between what constitutes the review paper and one which contains new original data is not easy to establish, so QSR also publishes papers with new data especially if these perform a review function. All the Quaternary sciences are changing rapidly and subject to re-evaluation as the pace of discovery quickens; thus the diverse but comprehensive role of Quaternary Science Reviews keeps readers abreast of the wider issues relating to new developments in the field. Quaternary Science Reviews includes Special Issues on topical subjects arising from recent scientific meetings, in response to significant changes in Quaternary subject matter, or to acknowledge the achievements of some outstanding Quaternary Scientist.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterAuthors are also welcome to submit to the journal?s open access companion title, Quaternary Science Advances.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals
Quaternary Science Reviews