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Journals in Internal medicine

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Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America

  • ISSN: 1052-5157
A perfect source to consult for those in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics provides answers to clinical questions, information on the latest advances in endoscopic procedures, and numerous clinical images. Published quarterly—in January, April, July, and October—each issue offers state-of-the-art reviews on the use of endoscopic procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. Procedural videos are also included with many of the articles and are available to subscribers through
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America

General Hospital Psychiatry

  • ISSN: 0163-8343
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.1
Psychiatry, Medicine and Primary CareGeneral Hospital Psychiatry explores the many linkages among psychiatry, medicine, and primary care. In emphasizing a biopsychosocial approach to illness and health, the journal provides a forum for professionals with clinical, academic, and research interests in psychiatry's role in the mainstream of medicine.
General Hospital Psychiatry

Growth Hormone & IGF Research

  • ISSN: 1096-6374
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Growth Hormone & IGF Research is a forum for research on the regulation of growth and metabolism in humans, animals, tissues and cells. It publishes articles on all aspects of growth-promoting and growth-inhibiting hormones and factors, with particular emphasis on insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and growth hormone. This reflects the increasing importance of growth hormone and IGFs in clinical medicine and in the treatment of diseases.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Growth Hormone & IGF Research

Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America

  • ISSN: 0889-8588
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.5
Hematology/Oncology Clinics updates you on the latest trends in patient management, keeps you up to date on the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Under the direction of an experienced guest editor, each issue focuses on a single topic in hematology and oncology, including hemostasis and thrombosis, molecular and cellular basis of hematology, coagulation disorders, and cancers—bone, gastrointestinal, head and neck, lymphomas, neuroendocrine, breast, renal cell, melanoma, and more. Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America is published six times each year, in February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America

Human Immunology

  • ISSN: 0198-8859
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Human Immunology publishes full-length, original, hypothesis-driven basic and clinical research articles as well as brief communications, reviews and editorials covering immunogenetics, transplantation immunology, autoimmunity, and immunity to infectious diseases in humans. It also publishes short population reports, which are tied to the database, describing allele frequencies of HLA and KIR.The journal's scope includes understanding the genetic and functional mechanisms that distinguish human individuals in their immune responses to allografts, pregnancy, infections or vaccines as well as the immune responses that lead to autoimmunity, allergy or drug hypersensitivity. It also includes examining the distribution of the genes controlling these responses in populations.Research areas include: • Studies of the genetics, genomics, polymorphism, evolution, and population distribution of immune-related genes • Studies of the expression, structure and function of the products of immune-related genes • Immunogenetics of susceptibility to infectious and autoimmune disease, and allergy • The role of the immune-related genes in hematopoietic stem cell, solid organ, and vascularized composite allograft transplant • Histocompatibility studies including alloantibodies, epitope definition, and T cell alloreactivity • Studies of immunologic tolerance and pregnancy • T cell, B cell, NK and regulatory cell functions, particularly related to subjects within the journal's scope • Pharmacogenomics and vaccine development in the context of immune-related genesHuman Immunology considers immune-related genes to include those encoding classical and non-classical HLA, KIR, MIC, minor histocompatibility antigens (mHAg), immunoglobulins, TCR, BCR, proteins involved in antigen processing and presentation, complement, Fc receptors, chemokines and cytokines. Other immune-related genes may be considered.Human Immunology is also interested in bioinformatics of immune-related genes and organizational topics impacting laboratory processes, organ allocation, clinical strategies, and registries related to autoimmunity and transplantation.Original papers with new data will be given preference over uninvited reviews and meta- analyses.Original papers with new data will be given preference over uninvited reviews and meta- analyses. As the flagship scientific publication of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI), Human Immunology is primarily directed to readers with an interest in histocompatibility, immunogenetics, transplantation, anthropology/population studies, HLA disease association and pharmacogenomics. These include basic and clinical scientists as well as histocompatibility laboratory professionals.
Human Immunology

Human Pathology

  • ISSN: 0046-8177
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Human Pathology is designed to bring information of clinicopathologic significance to human disease to the laboratory and clinical physician. It presents information drawn from morphologic and clinical laboratory studies with direct relevance to the understanding of human diseases. Papers published concern morphologic and clinicopathologic observations, reviews of diseases, analyses of problems in pathology, significant collections of case material and advances in concepts or techniques of value in the analysis and diagnosis of disease. Theoretical and experimental pathology and molecular biology pertinent to human disease are included. This critical journal is well illustrated with exceptional reproductions of photomicrographs and microscopic anatomy.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterCase reports should be submitted to our open access companion title, Human Pathology: Case Reports .
Human Pathology

Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America

  • ISSN: 0889-8561
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America updates you on the latest trends in patient management; keeps you up to date on the newest advances; and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue focuses on a single topic in immunology and allergy and is presented under the direction of an experienced guest editor. Topics include allergens, immunotherapy, anaphylaxis, asthma, drug allergy, eosinophilrelated disorders, food allergy, immunodeficiency states (non-HIV), basic science, mast cell disorders, rhinitis and sinusitis, and urticaria and angioedema. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America is published four times each year, in February, May, August, and November.
Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America

Infectious Disease Clinics of North America

  • ISSN: 0891-5520
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.3
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America updates you on the latest trends in the clinical diagnosis and management of patients with infectious diseases, keeps you up to date on the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue focuses on a single topic in infectious disease, including clinical microbiology, compromised host infections, gastrointestinal infections, global health, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, hospital-acquired infections, travel medicine, infection control, bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, and viral infections. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America is published four times each year, March, June, September, and December.
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America


  • ISSN: 0020-1383
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.2
Injury, founded in 1969 is the official journal of The British Trauma Society, The Australasian Trauma Society, and The Saudi Orthopaedic Association in Trauma . Our primary aim is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques and information among all members of the trauma team.Topics covered include: trauma systems and management; surgical procedures; epidemiological studies; surgery (of all tissues); resuscitation; biomechanics; rehabilitation; anaesthesia; radiology; basic science of local and systemic response to trauma and tissue healing.Regular features include: original research papers; review articles; case reports; ideas and innovations detailing novel and effective solutions to surgical problems; book reviews; calendar of world-wide meetings.Letters that comment on an article previously published in Injury are particularly encouraged, and the authors will be given the opportunity to respond.Authors are also welcome to submit case reports to Injury?s companion title, Trauma Case Reports.

International Journal of Medical Informatics

  • ISSN: 1386-5056
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.6
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Official journal of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) and IMIA.International Journal of Medical Informatics provides an international medium for dissemination of original results and interpretative reviews concerning the field of medical informatics. The Journal emphasizes the evaluation of systems in healthcare settings. The scope of journal covers:Information systems, including national or international registration systems, hospital information systems, departmental and/or physician's office systems, document handling systems, electronic medical record systems, standardization, systems integration etc.;Computer-aided medical decision support systems using heuristic, data structure, algorithms, statistical methods as exemplified in decision theory, protocol development, artificial intelligence and, machine learning studies among other techniques to new knowledge discovering. Thus, it is recommended to follow the IJMI editorial that provides clear guidance to the articles on medical Artificial Intelligence. (Cabitza, G; Campagner A) The need to separate the wheat from the chaff in medical informatics: introducing a comprehensive checklist for the (self-)assessment of medical AI studies. computer based programs pertaining to medical informatics or medicine in general;Organizational, economic, social, clinical impact, ethical and cost-benefit aspects of IT applications in health care.Short technical communications concerning (solved) problems in implementing or using existing information systems are welcome. Review articles concerning subjects falling in the scope of the journal are also invited.
International Journal of Medical Informatics