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Books in Arts and humanities

1201-1210 of 1247 results in All results

Aspects of British Politics 1904–1919

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • Doreen Collins
  • G. M. D. Howat
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 7 2 3 - 0
Aspects of British Politics 1904-1919 investigates various aspects of British politics during the period 1904-1919, with emphasis on the varied reactions to the changes in British foreign policy that were made after losing its power at the beginning of the twentieth century and the resulting diminution of confidence in the government's handling of foreign affairs. The effect of World War II both on the nature of foreign affairs and on the traditional machine for the execution of foreign policy in Britain is discussed, along with the loss of morale within the Foreign Service. This book is comprised of eight chapters and begins with an introduction to the objectives and conduct of British foreign policy, followed by an analysis of developments in Whitehall concerning diplomacy. Subsequent chapters focus on the debate over the conduct of foreign policy, especially before World War II; the fusion of politics and strategy during World War II with respect to the conduct of foreign affairs; and the setbacks suffered by British diplomacy in the first years of the war in the Balkans. Two developments with implications for foreign affairs are examined: the recognition of the importance of the economic factor in modern warfare and the development of propaganda techniques. The final two chapters are devoted to the Anglo-American relations and the demand for greater democracy in international affairs in Britain during the closing stages of World War II. This monograph will appeal to politicians, diplomats, political scientists, and others interested in the nature of international relations.

Some Approaches to Teaching Autistic Children

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • P. T. B. Weston
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 8 2 2 - 0
Some Approaches to Teaching Autistic Children: A Collection of Papers has been compiled by the National Society for Autistic Children to satisfy a demand by teachers, parents, and other interested people for information giving guidance on the education and handling of the autistic child. This book presents the experience of pioneer teachers in this field, the ways they have devised to enable the children to compensate for their handicaps and develop their potential, and the results they are achieving. The book begins by describing the day treatment center pioneered by Dr. Carl Fenichel. Fenichel opened the League School for Seriously Disturbed Children, in Brooklyn. His hope was that children living at home could progress socially as well as academically in a day school with a program carefully tailored to the individual child's needs. Separate chapters present accounts of autistic children in a day nursery in Canada and the educational treatment of psychotic children at Smith Hospital, Henley-On-Thames. Also discussed are the diagnosis of non-learning children and medical aspects of the education of psychotic (autistic) children

How to Find Out About the Arts

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • Neville Carrick
  • G. Chandler
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 8 8 2 - 4
How to Find Out About the Arts: A Guide to Sources of Information discusses the main sources of information, printed or otherwise, in the field of the arts. The book begins by describing where information on art careers can be found. Separate chapters then discuss how information on art can be traced in libraries by means of the catalogue and classification scheme; and turning to bibliographies when information on a particular aspect of art cannot be traced by these means. Subsequent chapters deal with sources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, general indexes to reproductions and portraits, works on iconography, periodicals, directories, yearbooks, and sales records. This book aims to serve some of the needs of the student of art, the experienced artist, and indeed all of those with an intelligent interest in the arts. In particular, it should help those in libraries, colleges, and other educational institutions whose task it is to guide others to the right sources.

Background to Eastern Europe

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • F. B. Singleton
  • D. F. Bratchell + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 0 8 1 - 6
Background to Eastern Europe provides a historical overview of Eastern Europe. The book is comprised of seven chapters that detail several turning points in Eastern Europe history. The text first discusses the geography, climate, society, and economy of Eastern Europe. Next, the title provides a historical survey of Eastern Europe, which covers the growth of multi-national empires and nationalist movements. The next two chapters talk about major conflicts in Eastern Europe history. The remaining chapters deal with contemporary Eastern Europe. The book will be of great use to individuals who have a keen interest in the historical trend of Eastern Europe.

Medical Advance, Public Health and Social Evolution

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • Charles Wilcocks
  • D. F. Bratchell + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 1 8 7 - 9
Medical Advance, Public Health and Social Evolution is an attempt to relate medical progress to the intellectual climate of the various broad periods of history, and to the social changes which took place in those periods and which influenced—and were influenced by—medical progress. Since the intellectual developments and historical events which have impinged upon medical progress have occurred in the setting of history, it has therefore been convenient to divide the book into chapters with a historical basis. The book begins with discussions of Greek and Roman life and medicine; Indian and Persian life and medicine; the Middle Ages; and the Renaissance and the resuscitation of science; and the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Separate chapters then deal with the development of hygiene; the bacteriological era; bacteriological control of food and water; and disease transmission by arthropods. Subsequent chapters cover drugs, antibiotics, hormones, and anesthetics; occupational medicine; degenerative diseases, cancer, radiology, and medical genetics; psychological medicine; and statistical methods and experiments on man and animals.

Model Answers in the Structure of Commerce

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • T. W. Cox + 1 more
  • C. W. Schofield
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 8 0 9 - 1
Model Answers in the Structure of Commerce aims to do the following: (a) to be a guide to students as to how to tackle questions in this particular subject; (b) to give some indication as to the length of answers and content an examiner would expect; and (c) to help students to appreciate the scope of the syllabus and also the type of questions likely to be set in examinations. The book begins with a discussion of how to answer examination questions on the Structure of Commerce. Subsequent chapters present questions relating to industry and commerce, types of business organizations, distribution methods, import and export procedure, foreign trade, the capital market, the banking system and methods of payments, transport, location of industry, insurance, consumer protection. Also provided are a selection of questions requiring brief treatment on a variety of subjects and questions relating to trade calculations. This book does not attempt to replace good textbooks on the subject of Commerce although much benefit will be derived from studying carefully the answers to the questions.

Society, Schools and Progress in Nigeria

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • L. J. Lewis
  • E. J. King
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 6 4 8 - 6
Society, Schools and Progress in Nigeria is one of a mutually supporting series of books on SOCIETY, SCHOOLS AND PROGRESS in a number of important countries or regions. Nigeria makes a good field of study for several reasons. As Africans, the Nigerians are closely scrutinized by neighbors throughout the huge continent. A hitherto underdeveloped people, they are helping to lead the rapid development of more than 2000 million people who have until now been in a similar position. Inevitably, therefore, their use and modification of previously unquestioned instruments of education seem likely to bring challenges (perhaps enlightenment) to educators everywhere. The book opens with an overview of Nigeria and its people. This is followed by separate chapters on the development of modern education in the country from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries, administration, the school system, family influences, and background social forces. The series is intended to serve students of sociology, government and politics, as well as education.

The Future of Music

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • Edward J. Dent
  • K. A. Wright Obe
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 7 6 7 - 4
The Future of Music was first published under the title TERPANDER or Music and the Future in 1926 in a series ""To-day and Tomorrow"" (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd.). It has been reset and is reissued as a tribute to a great British musician, Edward J. Dent. Dent was fifty years old when he wrote this little book the future of music. Though his book is concerned with twentieth-century music he scarcely mentions any living composer by name. He is dealing primarily with taste and with our varied reactions to the music of the past and the present. The past is important, because it is both a key and an obstacle to our appreciation of the present. For this reason Dent includes a masterly summary of the history of music, from which his own preferences are almost entirely excluded; and to this is added a miniature essay on aesthetics which can be read with profit even by those who have no special interest in music.

A Life Full of Meaning

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • R. W. J. Keeble
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 8 0 1 - 5
A Life Full of Meaning: Some Suggestions and Some Material for the Future Training of Youth Leaders is an attempt at comprehensive thinking about the training of youth leaders. There are two key words, "training" and "leaders", and both are capable of several meanings. For many, "training" implies the learning of routines of universal application, short cuts, techniques, and drill. But techniques, though often important, are never enough in human situations; here, personal quality counts supremely and. The author emphasizes the continued personal growth of the leader and encourages thoughtful attitudes and sensitive understanding. Equally, "leadership" is not something unitary and constant. The book interprets in contemporary terms what is meant by training and leadership for youth workers, what is involved in terms of experience, skill, study, and reflection. This book will prove to be a valuable stimulus and guide to all who have at heart the interests of the Youth Service.

What Happens in School

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • Violet Gordon
  • I. R. Maxwell + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 6 0 8 - 8
What Happens in School describes school procedure in England and the philosophies which support it. It attempts to tell a story of what really goes on in the schools and to explain, with an extraordinary sensitivity, the curriculum which is thought to be appropriate at each stage. The result is a pen picture of school life which is typical and representative rather than the rule. The author brings to the subject a lifetime of creative service in the cause of education. The essential humanity of her broad and catholic approach to the schools is reflected nowhere more apparent than in What Happens in School, which contains a distillation of knowledge accumulated over the years. Her book describes the most up-to-date features of schools of all kinds, from the nursery school to the special school. This book was written with the parent, the student, and the interested observer in mind, giving an account of educational practice without overcrowding the text with references and detail. It should be an invaluable guide for those (and particularly parents and students in training colleges and universities) who are seeking a practitioner's commentary on what the schools are trying to achieve.