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Books in Partial differential equations

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Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow

  • 1st Edition
  • September 20, 1995
  • H. M. Haitjema
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 9 9 1 0 - 9
Modeling has become an essential tool for the groundwater hydrologist. Where field data is limited, the analytic element method (AEM) is rapidly becoming the modeling method of choice, especially given the availability of affordable modeling software. Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow provides all the basics necessary to approach AEM successfully, including a presentation of fundamental concepts and a thorough introduction to Dupuit-Forchheimerflow. This book is unique in its emphasis on the actual use of analytic element models. Real-world examples complement material presented in the text.An educational version of the analytic element program GFLOW is included to allow the reader to reproduce the various solutions to groundwater flow problems discussed in the text. Researchers and graduate students in groundwater hydrology, geology, andengineering will find this book an indispensable resource.

The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic, Revised Edition

  • 1st Edition
  • March 10, 1995
  • Richard A. Epstein
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 7 1 8 4 - 3
[Man] invented a concept that has since been variously viewed as a vice, a crime, a business, a pleasure, a type of magic, a disease, a folly, a weakness, a form of sexual substitution, an expression of the human instinct. He invented gambling.Richard Epstein's classic book on gambling and its mathematical analysis covers the full range of games from penny matching, to blackjack and other casino games, to the stock market (including Black-Scholes analysis). He even considers what light statistical inference can shed on the study of paranormal phenomena. Epstein is witty and insightful, a pleasure to dip into and read and rewarding to study.

Solution of Continuous Nonlinear PDEs through Order Completion

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 181
  • July 14, 1994
  • M.B. Oberguggenberger + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 2 9 2 - 6
This work inaugurates a new and general solution method for arbitrary continuous nonlinear PDEs. The solution method is based on Dedekind order completion of usual spaces of smooth functions defined on domains in Euclidean spaces. However, the nonlinear PDEs dealt with need not satisfy any kind of monotonicity properties. Moreover, the solution method is completely type independent. In other words, it does not assume anything about the nonlinear PDEs, except for the continuity of their left hand term, which includes the unkown function. Furthermore the right hand term of such nonlinear PDEs can in fact be given any discontinuous and measurable function.

Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

  • 3rd Edition
  • August 24, 1992
  • William F. Ames
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 7 1 3 0 - 0
This volume is designed as an introduction to the concepts of modern numerical analysis as they apply to partial differential equations. The book contains many practical problems and their solutions, but at the same time, strives to expose the pitfalls--such as overstability, consistency requirements, and the danger of extrapolation to nonlinear problems methods used on linear problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition reflects the great accomplishments that have taken place in scientific computation in the fifteen years since the Second Edition was published. This new edition is a drastic revision of the previous one, with new material on boundary elements, spectral methods, the methods of lines, and invariant methods. At the same time, the new edition retains the self-contained nature of the older version, and shares the clarity of its exposition and the integrity of its presentation.

Attractors of Evolution Equations

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 25
  • March 9, 1992
  • A.V. Babin + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 5 4 6 - 0
Problems, ideas and notions from the theory of finite-dimensional dynamical systems have penetrated deeply into the theory of infinite-dimensional systems and partial differential equations. From the standpoint of the theory of the dynamical systems, many scientists have investigated the evolutionary equations of mathematical physics. Such equations include the Navier-Stokes system, magneto-hydrodynamics equations, reaction-diffusion equations, and damped semilinear wave equations. Due to the recent efforts of many mathematicians, it has been established that the attractor of the Navier-Stokes system, which attracts (in an appropriate functional space) as t - ∞ all trajectories of this system, is a compact finite-dimensional (in the sense of Hausdorff) set. Upper and lower bounds (in terms of the Reynolds number) for the dimension of the attractor were found. These results for the Navier-Stokes system have stimulated investigations of attractors of other equations of mathematical physics. For certain problems, in particular for reaction-diffusion systems and nonlinear damped wave equations, mathematicians have established the existence of the attractors and their basic properties; furthermore, they proved that, as t - +∞, an infinite-dimensional dynamics described by these equations and systems uniformly approaches a finite-dimensional dynamics on the attractor U, which, in the case being considered, is the union of smooth manifolds. This book is devoted to these and several other topics related to the behaviour as t - ∞ of solutions for evolutionary equations.

Pseudo-Differential Operators on Manifolds with Singularities

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 24
  • October 17, 1991
  • B.-W. Schulze
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 5 4 5 - 3
The analysis of differential equations in domains and on manifolds with singularities belongs to the main streams of recent developments in applied and pure mathematics. The applications and concrete models from engineering and physics are often classical but the modern structure calculus was only possible since the achievements of pseudo-differential operators. This led to deep connections with index theory, topology and mathematical physics.The present book is devoted to elliptic partial differential equations in the framework of pseudo-differential operators. The first chapter contains the Mellin pseudo-differential calculus on R+ and the functional analysis of weighted Sobolev spaces with discrete and continuous asymptotics. Chapter 2 is devoted to the analogous theory on manifolds with conical singularities, Chapter 3 to manifolds with edges. Employed are pseudo-differential operators along edges with cone-operator-valued symbols.

Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 164
  • November 22, 1990
  • E.E. Rosinger
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 2 7 5 - 9
A massive transition of interest from solving linear partial differential equations to solving nonlinear ones has taken place during the last two or three decades. The availability of better computers has often made numerical experimentations progress faster than the theoretical understanding of nonlinear partial differential equations. The three most important nonlinear phenomena observed so far both experimentally and numerically, and studied theoretically in connection with such equations have been the solitons, shock waves and turbulence or chaotical processes. In many ways, these phenomena have presented increasing difficulties in the mentioned order. In particular, the latter two phenomena necessarily lead to nonclassical or generalized solutions for nonlinear partial differential equations.

Scattering Theory, Revised Edition

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 26
  • February 22, 1990
  • Peter D. Lax + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 3 3 8 - 1
This revised edition of a classic book, which established scattering theory as an important and fruitful area of research, reflects the wealth of new results discovered in the intervening years. This new, revised edition should continue to inspire researchers to expand the application of the original ideas proposed by the authors.

Scattering Theory for Hyperbolic Operators

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 21
  • November 20, 1989
  • V. Petkov
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 5 4 2 - 2
Scattering Theory for dissipative and time-dependent systems has been intensively studied in the last fifteen years. The results in this field, based on various tools and techniques, may be found in many published papers.This monograph presents an approach which can be applied to spaces of both even and odd dimension. The ideas on which the approach is based are connected with the RAGE type theorem, with Enss' decomposition of the phase space and with a time-dependent proof of the existence of the operator W which exploits the decay of the local energy of the perturbed and free systems. Some inverse scattering problems for time-dependent potentials, and moving obstacles with an arbitrary geometry, are also treated in the book.

Problems in Distributions and Partial Differential Equations

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 143
  • April 1, 1988
  • C. Zuily
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 2 5 4 - 4
The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory of distributions, by the use of solved problems. Although written for mathematicians, it can also be used by a wider audience, including engineers and physicists.The first six chapters deal with the classical theory, with special emphasis on the concrete aspects. The reader will find many examples of distributions and learn how to work with them. At the beginning of each chapter the relevant theoretical material is briefly recalled. The last chapter is a short introduction to a very wide and important field in analysis which can be considered as the most natural application of distributions, namely the theory of partial differential equations. It includes exercises on the classical differential operators and on fundamental solutions, hypoellipticity, analytic hypoellipticity, Sobolev spaces, local solvability, the Cauchy problem, etc.