Build the clinical judgment skills you need to provide quality care for maternity and pediatric patients! Clear and easy to read, Leifer’s Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Tenth Edition describes how you can provide effective, evidence-based care for women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and for newborns and growing children. The text spans the continuum of child development, making it easy to locate information by organizing topics from simple to complex and from health to illness. Another hallmark of the book is its strong focus on family-centered care, health promotion, and illness prevention. From nursing educators Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell, this bestselling text helps you prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX-PN® Exam and for the expanding role of the nurse in today’s healthcare practice.
Build the clinical judgment skills you need to provide quality care for maternity and pediatric patients! Clear and easy to read, Leifer’s Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Tenth Edition describes how you can provide effective, evidence-based care for women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and for newborns and growing children. The text spans the continuum of child development, making it easy to locate information by organizing topics from simple to complex and from health to illness. Another hallmark of the book is its strong focus on family-centered care, health promotion, and illness prevention. From nursing educators Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell, this bestselling text helps you prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX-PN® Exam and for the expanding role of the nurse in today’s healthcare practice.
Das Richter-Lehrbuch begleitet seit über 30 Jahren durch erfolgreiche Heilpraktikerausbildungen. Auch in der aktuellen 11. Auflage überzeugt es mit klarer, verständlicher Sprache, die komplexe medizinische Zusammenhänge einfach und nachvollziehbar erklärt.Ideal für den Einstieg: Selbst ohne medizinische Vorkenntnisse bietet Ihnen dieses Buch die notwendige Unterstützung, um Ihren Traum vom Heilpraktikerberuf zu verwirklichen.Dieses Werk verspricht:Vollständigkeit: alle relevanten Inhalte der Heilpraktikerausbildung, klar und verständlich präsentiertStruktur: von der Anatomie über die Untersuchungstechniken zu den Krankheitsbildern und der erforderlichen TherapiePrüfungserfolg: Mit diesem Werk und den beiden perfekt darauf abgestimmten Schwester-Titeln – dem farbigen Atlas und dem Prüfungstraining – sichern Sie sich Ihren Lernerfolg für die Heilpraktikerüberprüfung.Neu in der 11. AuflageErgänzung vieler Infektionskrankheiten, einschließlich COVID-19 und MpoxViele neue und aktuelle AbbildungenUmfangreiche Aktualisierung des Kapitels GesetzeskundeOnline-Kapitel zu psychischen Erkrankungen nach einer Entwurfsfassung der ICD-11 als Ausblick
Stay up to date with the uses, properties, and handling of dental materials! With just the right level and scope of content, Dental Materials: Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, Fifth Edition, emphasizes how knowledge of dental materials fits into day-to-day clinical practice. This hands-on resource features clinically focused content supplemented liberally with high-quality photographs, case applications, clinical tips and warnings, and step-by-step procedures, as well as videos and practice opportunities on a companion website. A focus on application and a strong art program with additional modern illustrations make this often-difficult subject matter approachable and relevant for today’s dental team members.
Stay up to date with the uses, properties, and handling of dental materials! With just the right level and scope of content, Dental Materials: Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, Fifth Edition, emphasizes how knowledge of dental materials fits into day-to-day clinical practice. This hands-on resource features clinically focused content supplemented liberally with high-quality photographs, case applications, clinical tips and warnings, and step-by-step procedures, as well as videos and practice opportunities on a companion website. A focus on application and a strong art program with additional modern illustrations make this often-difficult subject matter approachable and relevant for today’s dental team members.
Stay up to date with the uses, properties, and handling of dental materials! With just the right level and scope of content, Dental Materials: Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, Fifth Edition, emphasizes how knowledge of dental materials fits into day-to-day clinical practice. This hands-on resource features clinically focused content supplemented liberally with high-quality photographs, case applications, clinical tips and warnings, and step-by-step procedures, as well as videos and practice opportunities on a companion website. A focus on application and a strong art program with additional modern illustrations make this often-difficult subject matter approachable and relevant for today’s dental team members.
Stay up to date with the uses, properties, and handling of dental materials! With just the right level and scope of content, Dental Materials: Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, Fifth Edition, emphasizes how knowledge of dental materials fits into day-to-day clinical practice. This hands-on resource features clinically focused content supplemented liberally with high-quality photographs, case applications, clinical tips and warnings, and step-by-step procedures, as well as videos and practice opportunities on a companion website. A focus on application and a strong art program with additional modern illustrations make this often-difficult subject matter approachable and relevant for today’s dental team members.
Die chinesische Diätetik ist neben der Akupunktur und Arzneimitteltherapie ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Chinesischen Medizin bei der Prävention und Behandlung von Krankheiten. In diesem Leitfaden werden über 100 Lebensmittel in ihrer energetischen Qualifikation vorgestellt, damit sie entsprechend der jeweiligen Therapiestrategien eingesetzt werden können. Viele schmackhafte und wirksame Rezepte werden detailliert analysiert und ermöglichen eine praktische Umsetzung der gewünschten Ernährungsziele.Besonders wertvoll und essenziell sind die spezifischen diätetischen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern, die nach westlichen Diagnosen sowie nach chinesischen Symptomkonfigurationen geordnet sind. Das ist das Kernstück dieses Leitfadens. Die tabellarische Auflistung erlaubt die schnelle Zuordnung von Symptomen und Befunden zu den geeigneten Lebensmitteln und Rezepturen. Die zusätzliche grafische Gewichtung der Informationen zur Wirkung sowie die drei Register im Anhang ermöglichen eine gute Orientierung und machen das Buch zu einem wahren Helfer für die Praxis.Informationen und Hintergründe zur chinesischen Diätetik, Hinweise zur gesunden Ernährung und Prävention sowie Hilfestellungen der erfahrenen Autoren für die Anwendung der chinesischen Diätetik in der Ernährungsberatung runden den Leitfaden für Ratsuchende wie Anwender umfassend ab.Das Buch eignet sich fürÄrztinnen und Ärzte, TCM-Therapeutinnen und -Therapeuten, Ernährungstherapeutinnen und -therapeuten, Ernährungswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler sowie für interessierte Laien.
Develop your skills to expertly conduct evidence-based practice (EBP) or quality improvement (QI) projects! Advancing Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare, Second Edition, is a straightforward yet comprehensive guide to planning, implementing, and evaluating EBP and QI projects to improve healthcare quality and outcomes. Building on the legacy built by Geri LoBiondo-Wood and Judi Haber, this edition is newly tailored to meet the goals and strategic priorities of a variety of healthcare settings, with the tenets of ANCC Magnet designation, JCAHO accreditation, and other current regulatory and quality standards integrated throughout. This edition features a new focus on both academic and practice settings, including content informed by recent guidance documents such as The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (AACN, 2021), Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing (AACN, 2016), and the principles of Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity (NASEM, 2021). Also new to this edition are 10 new chapters (including topics related to the impact of academic practice partners; nurse wellness; diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; population health and innovation; new models of evidence-based practice; and more!) and an entirely new unit on Evidence-Based Practice Innovation in Healthcare.
Develop your skills to expertly conduct evidence-based practice (EBP) or quality improvement (QI) projects! Advancing Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare, Second Edition, is a straightforward yet comprehensive guide to planning, implementing, and evaluating EBP and QI projects to improve healthcare quality and outcomes. Building on the legacy built by Geri LoBiondo-Wood and Judi Haber, this edition is newly tailored to meet the goals and strategic priorities of a variety of healthcare settings, with the tenets of ANCC Magnet designation, JCAHO accreditation, and other current regulatory and quality standards integrated throughout. This edition features a new focus on both academic and practice settings, including content informed by recent guidance documents such as The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (AACN, 2021), Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing (AACN, 2016), and the principles of Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity (NASEM, 2021). Also new to this edition are 10 new chapters (including topics related to the impact of academic practice partners; nurse wellness; diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; population health and innovation; new models of evidence-based practice; and more!) and an entirely new unit on Evidence-Based Practice Innovation in Healthcare.