Written by expert nursing and pharmacy clinicians and organized alphabetically by generic drug name, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2015 provides essential information for over 1,000 generic name and 4,000 trade name drugs in one quick, convenient source. With comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration as well as guidance through clinical priorities in the practice setting, this resource offers the precautionary information you need to provide safer patient care.
This internationally renowned guide to basic arithmetic for nursing students has been completely revised and updated for a new generation of readers. Now entering its ninth edition, Nursing Calculations comes with a quick-reference card fits in the pocket to remind readers of essential formulae and AN ON-LINE PROGRAM TO ALLOW FURTHER SELF-TESTING VIA THE USE OF COMPUTERS AND MOBILE DEVICES.
No nursing student should leave home without this book! Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 10th Edition offers the most reliable information, now presented in full color. With an A to Z organization, you have quick access to information on 50 drug classifications and more than 4,000 individual generic and trade name drugs. The newest NANDA-I nursing diagnoses help you write care plans, and data on interactions and therapeutic outcomes help you prevent errors. Detailed illustrations show how drugs work at the cellular level, and a photo atlas depicts physical landmarks and techniques for safe and effective drug administration. Known for its focus on drug safety, this handbook is compiled by Linda Skidmore-Roth, a well-known expert in nursing pharmacology, which means you will ALWAYS find the latest and most trustworthy drug information. An Evolve companion website includes profiles of several drugs commonly encountered in clinicals, vibrant animations of drug actions, comprehensive list of combination products, patient-teaching guides, clinical calculators, and more! 2014 Update includes 23 recently approved drugs.
Written by two expert nursing and pharmacy clinicians and organized alphabetically by generic drug name, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2014 provides essential information for over 1,000 generic name and 4,000 trade name drugs in one quick, convenient source. With comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration as well as guidance through clinical priorities in the practice setting, this resource offers the precautionary information you need to provide safer patient care.
Kurzbeschreibung Speziell für Altenpfleger und Auszubildende - Arzneimittelverabreichung bei alten Menschen Altenpflegende müssen Medikamente sicher verabreichen. Deshalb stehen hier Krankenbeobachtung und Beratung im Vordergrund, für die Anwendnung in der täglichen Praxis helfen Fallbeispiele. Die Altenpflegeschüler lernen die Beobachtung von Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen - mit Rückschlüssen auf die jeweilige vom Arzt angeordnete Therapie - Konsequenzen für die Pflege aus der Einnahme von Medikamenten - Krankenbeobachtung, Pflegeintervention in Bezug auf unerwünschte Wirkungen Langbeschreibung Arzneimittel für alte Menschen richtig verabreichen und die Wirkung pflegerisch beobachten Das Altenpflegegesetz und die Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsverordnung fordern die pädagogische Erneuerung in Unterricht und Lehre an Altenpflegeschulen und Ausbildungsinstituten. Die Rahmenpläne und Curricula der einzelnen Bundesländer beschreiben den fächerintegrativen Ansatz. So werden alle ehemaligen "Fächer" weniger von Honorardozenten unterrichtet. Gerade die Medikamentenlehre wurde früher hauptsächlich von externen Dozenten, meist von Apothekern unterrichtet. Nun unterrichten immer mehr hauptamtliche Pflegelehrer auch diese Fachgebiete und gehen von der Pflegesicht an die Themen heran. So arbeitet das Buch von Herrn Sittler genau diese Seite der Medikamentenlehre heraus. Es geht nicht um Arzneimittel, sondern die Beobachtung von Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen mit Rückschlüssen auf die jeweilige medikamentöse vom Arzt angeordnete Therapie. Es werden also die Konsequenzen für die Pflege aus der Einnahme von Medikamenten eines alten Menschen gezogen. Krankenbeobachtung, Pflegeinterventionen im Bezug auf unerwünschte Wirkungen und pflegerische Beratung stehen also im Mittelpunkt. So soll auch pro Organsystem von einem bestimmten Fall ausgegangen werden, sodass der Altenpflegeschüler lernt, auch sein Wissen um Medikamente in einem Bezugsrahmen der Situation zu stellen und pflegerisch anwenden zu können.
An easy-to-use reference for thousands of medications, Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2013 promotes safe patient care by outlining clinical priorities and providing comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration. It also helps nurses prevent medication errors with Black Box Alerts, information on drug dosages for combination drugs, and key nursing considerations. Side effects are separated by their frequency. Written by oncology nurse Barbara Hodgson and hospital pharmacist Robert Kizior, this handbook is organized alphabetically by generic drug name for quick access to essential information. It is ideal for the busy nurse! This e-book allows users to quickly find important information with enhanced navigation. Search and find drugs by Generic and Trade names. Also included is a linked, comprehensive list of all drugs found in the book. Linked index allows users to click on a link and go straight to monographs quickly. With this e-book, users can access drug information on nearly any mobile device!
This student study guide contains a variety of exercises specifically designed to reinforce content presented in the textbook. Chapter worksheets feature more than 1,800 study questions, 160 drug calculation and dosage problems, and case-based critical thinking exercises. Like the Kee text, the study guide features a strong nursing focus and comprehensive coverage of drug dosage calculations, including numerous sample drug labels.
• This complete lab book contains the latest information on testing organized alphabetically for quick reference. • It is both student-friendly and provides great information for practicing nurses. • Significance of Test Results sections list the diseases and disorders that are associated with abnormal findings and Test Result Indications sections list the possible clinical significance of abnormal findings. • Tests are presented in a format that emphasizes the nurse’s role, and includes Basics the Nurse Needs to Know and Nursing Care. • The clinical purpose of each test is identified, and how each test is performed is clearly explained. • A pronunciation guide for the name of each test helps with difficult terminology.
Administer drugs safely and prevent drug errors with accurate, up-to-date drug information! Concise and easy to understand, Introduction to Pharmacology, 12th Edition provides drug monographs with key information such as generic and trade names, indications, common adverse effects, and typical adult and pediatric dosages. Drug entries are organized by classification, and include the newest FDA-approved drugs. Coverage of special situations highlights the unique issues of drug therapy in children, pregnant and nursing women, and older adults. To provide a solid foundation for safe practice, authors Mary Asperheim Favaro and Justin Favaro also address the principles of pharmacology and the basic math needed to calculate drug dosages.