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Books in Physical medicine and rehabilitation

101-110 of 134 results in All results

Neuromuscular Disease Management and Rehabilitation, Part I: Diagnostic and Therapy Issues, an Issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 23-3
  • August 28, 2012
  • Nanette C. Joyce + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 4 9 5 7 - 7
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 4 7 8 4 - 9
Neuromuscular disease is a broad term that encompasses many diseases and ailments that either directly or indirectly impair the function of the body’s muscle system, via the nerves. This issue of PMR will provide an overview of current treatments and therapies for a variety of diseases. The GEs have gone through every issue published since 1998, and these 23 chapters will be meant to fill the numerous gaps in PMR’s coverage of the field over the past decade. The issue will include chapters on different treatment techniques, such as exercises, stretches, and nutrition. It will also provide chapters focusing on specific areas of the body, specific conditions, and an update on mobility technology for those with NMDs.

Patient Safety in Rehabilitation Medicine, An Issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 23-2
  • May 3, 2012
  • Adrian Cristian
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 4 2 1 0 - 3
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 4 4 3 0 - 5
As the number of individuals undergoing rehabilitation medicine in a variety of rehabilitation settings increases, more and more patient safety concerns are being raised. Regulatory and accreditation organizations are scrutinizing the safety of patients in both hospital and rehabilitation settings and the general public and payors are demanding that patient safety is at the top of the agenda for institutions providing care. As leaders in the practice of rehabilitation medicine, physiatrists need to be educated on this important topic. The goal of this issue is to provide the reader with a foundation on the topic of patient safety as it applies to the practice of rehabilitation medicine as well as a set of tools that can be used to improve the safety of rehabilitation patients.

Reeducación postural global

  • 1st Edition
  • April 16, 2012
  • Philippe Souchard
  • Spanish
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 8 4 - 4 5 8 - 2 2 1 9 - 7
La "Reeducación Postural Global" (RPG) es un concepto elaborado y promovido desde hace más de treinta años por Philippe Souchard, quien en esta obra propone un manual completo y exhaustivo de su método, tanto desde el punto de vista de sus fundamentos como de su puesta en práctica. Este manual es el resultado de treinta años de evolución del método RPG. El autor hace un repaso de la fisiología y de la fisiopatología de la función muscular estática, y añade avances en biomecánica, fruto de su observación y estudio. El trabajo de síntesis reunido en este libro permite identificar claramente la responsabilidad de la retracción muscular en las patologías músculo-esqueléticas, ya sean morfológicas o lesiónales, y propone un tratamiento original de las disfunciones musculares. Tras una primera parte dedicada a los fundamentos fisiológicos de los músculos estáticos y los mecanismos del equilibrio, el autor expone la metodología propiamente dicha: los principios del tratamiento (alargamiento de los músculos, puesta en tensión) y las reglas de aplicación terapéutica. Al final de la obra, se exponen algunas secuencias de auto-postura preventiva, dirigidas a la propia educación del paciente. La obra está dirigida a fisioterapeutas, kinesioterapeutas y todos aquellos profesionales que aplican terapias manuales.

Combined Movement Theory

  • 1st Edition
  • March 19, 2012
  • Christopher McCarthy
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 5 0 6 6 - 4
This book expands on the widely used concept of combined movements and incorporates both grade IV- manipulative thrust techniques and muscle energy / proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques. The book is the first to include chapters on cervical artery dysfunction (VBI) and upper cervical instability with clinical chapters on the regional management of spinal dysfunction. The first section of the book discusses the underlying theoretical concepts underpinning combined movements theory and manipulation, with the second section offering a comprehensive manual of tests and treatments for each region of the spine. Revision multiple choice tests are at the ends of the theoretical chapters. A chapter on home exercise is included along with a DVD of video clips and clinical reasoning form. The book will provide readers with a comprehensive resource to start using combined movements theory immediately and is a real substitute to attending a course on the method. The book is an update, expansion and development of the Manual of Combined Movements published by Brian Edwards.

Recent Advancements in Neuromuscular Medicine, An Issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 23-1
  • February 7, 2012
  • Gregory T Carter
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 3 9 1 7 - 2
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 4 3 0 6 - 3
This issue will cover: sinle muscle fiber electrophysiology, skinned muscle fibers, magnetic resonance imaging in muscular dystrophy, ultrasound of nerve and muscle, microgenomics of the motor neuron system, and electrodiagnostic studies in animal models.

Pathologies musculosquelettiques douloureuses

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 2012
  • John Scott & Co + 3 more
  • French
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 2 - 2 9 4 - 7 2 8 3 5 - 8
Le Dr Steven D. Waldman, spécialiste de la prise en charge de la douleur, et le Dr Robert Campbell, radiologue connu, ont conjugué leurs compétences pour rédiger cet ouvrage. Il offre les clés pour déterminer les examens d'imagerie indispensables pour l'évaluation clinique de 200 pathologies musculosquelettiques. Le livre est découpé en 6 parties : - techniques d'imagerie permettant le diagnostic de la douleur ; - rachis ; - épaule, coude et extrémités supérieures ; - bassin, hanche et extrémités inférieures ; - genou ; - cheville et pied. Synthétiques et faciles à consulter, les chapitres suivent un plan identique : définition, symptômes, épidémiologie, stratégie diagnostique, interprétation des examens d'imagerie, autres examens utiles, diagnostic différentiel, traitement. Ils sont étayés par de multiples clichés radiologiques (radiologie standard, échographie, IRM, scanner…).

Posturologie clinique. Comprendre, évaluer, soulager les douleurs

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 2012
  • API + 2 more
  • French
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 2 - 2 9 4 - 7 3 0 7 0 - 2
J'ai (du) mal à tenir debout - P.- M. Gagey résume ainsi la plainte qui amène habituellement un patient à consulter. Quelle réalité clinique sous-entend ce mal être ? Habituellement une souffrance durable qui se place dans le cadre des douleurs chroniques ; le plus souvent hors de tout contexte de maladie à symptomatologie définie, sauf peut-être la fibromyalgie. Comprendre cette souffrance suppose de la replacer dans les conceptions actuelles des origines locales ou centrales, voies et régulations, y compris viscérales, des douleurs, en intégrant les acquis des centres hospitaliers qui la prennent en charge. L'évaluer nécessite de valider les moyens expérimentaux et cliniques qui permettent d'objectiver leur expression langagière mais aussi comportementale, trop souvent méconnue ou niée chez le jeune enfant. Enfin, la traiter et la soulager exigent de savoir faire appel aux possibilités qu'offrent les techniques les plus récentes aussi bien qu'à celles, anciennes, que retrouvent certaines compétences modernes, neurostimulations (semelles de posture, thérapies manuelles et ostéopathie) lorsqu'elles peuvent valider leur pratique. C'est dire que ces textes – reflets des exposés présentés lors des XVIIIes journées de Posturologie clinique –, dans leurs particularités, peuvent intéresser et éclairer des praticiens (kinésithérapeutes, ostéopathes, dentistes, podologues, orthoptistes), quelle que soit leur spécialité déclarée, mais aussi un public médical au sens large.

Youth Sports Concussions, An Issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 22-4
  • November 28, 2011
  • Stanley A. Herring + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 7 9 8 9 - 5
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 0 9 4 7 - 2
Epidemiology of Sports Concussions, Pathophysiology of Concussion in Youth, On the Field Identification and Sideline Management of Concussion, Return to Play Decisions, Diagnosis of Concussion: The Role of Imaging Now and In Future, Use of Neuropsychological Examinations, Subacute Management of Concussion Related Symptoms, Long Term Consequences: Effects on Normal Development Profile After Concussion, School and the Concussed Youth, Community Response to Concussion: Legislative Updates, Best Practices in Concussion Education and PreventionEpidemiology of Sports Concussions, Pathophysiology of Concussion in Youth, On the Field Identification and Sideline Management of Concussion, Return to Play Decisions, Diagnosis of Concussion: The Role of Imaging Now and In Future, Use of Neuropsychological Examinations, Subacute Management of Concussion Related Symptoms, Long Term Consequences: Effects on Normal Development Profile After Concussion, School and the Concussed Youth, Community Response to Concussion: Legislative Updates, Best Practices in Concussion Education and Prevention

Klinikleitfaden Medizinische Rehabilitation

  • 1st Edition
  • September 19, 2011
  • Oliver Rick + 1 more
  • German
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 3 - 4 3 7 - 5 9 3 4 7 - 5
Informieren Sie sich über alle Facetten der medizinischen Rehabilitation! Gegliedert in die Hauptgebiete der Rehabilitation (onkologisch, neurologisch, orthopädisch etc.), werden alle wichtigen Krankheitsbilder behandelt. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellung der Erkrankung mit den wichtigsten Eckdaten werden die Reha-relevanten Aspekte im Detail dargestellt: Reha-Planung Reha-relevante Diagnostik Reha-relevante funktionelle Störungen Komplikationen Spezifische Reha-Ziele Sozialmedizinische Aspekte Nachsorge und ambulante MaßnahmenWeitere Kapitel liefern Spezialwissen für die geriatrische und pädiatrische Reha, für die Schmerztherapie und für Notfällen bzw. Akutsituationen. Dieses Buch hat mehr!Mit dem Code im Buch haben Sie ab Aktivierung Zugriff auf die Abbildungen.* * Angebot freibleibend

Management of Neck Pain, An Issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 22-3
  • August 28, 2011
  • Allen Sinclari Chen
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 1 1 2 1 - 5
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 5 5 7 - 1 2 1 9 - 9
Anatomy and Pain Generators of the Neck, Physical Examination and Assessment of Neck Pain, Differentiating Between Neck and Shoulder Pain, Radiology of the Neck: A review of Xxray, Ultrasound, CT, MRI, and other Imaging Modalities, Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Neck Pain, Cervical Radiculopathy, Cervical Facet-Mediated Pain, Neck Pain in the Athlete, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Current Diagnostics, Treatments, and Controversies, Neck Pain from a Rheumatologic Perspective, Conservative Treatment for Neck Pain: Medications, Physical Therapy, and Exercise, Complementary and Alternative Treatment for Neck Pain: Acupuncture, Massage, TENS, Yoga, Chiropractic Care, Interventional Treatments for Neck Pain: Epidural Steroid Injections, Medial Branch Blocks, Radiofrequency Ablation, Pulsed Radiofrequency, and Spinal Cord Stimulation, Neck Pain From a Spine Surgeon's Perspective