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Weather and Climate Extremes

  • Volume 4Issue 4

  • ISSN: 2212-0947
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.3
  • Impact factor: 6.1

Weather and Climate Extremes provides academics, decision makers, international development agencies, nongovernmental organizations and civil society with publications on different… Read more

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Weather and Climate Extremes provides academics, decision makers, international development agencies, nongovernmental organizations and civil society with publications on different aspects of research in weather and climate extremes, monitoring and early warning systems, assessment of vulnerability and impacts, developing and implementing intervention policies, effective risk management and adaptation practices to address local and regional needs and circumstances, engagement of local communities in the adoption of these practices to cope with extremes, and information and communication strategies. The journal encourages the submission of original research papers, comprehensive review articles, and short communications which address the following:

Weather and Climate Extremes

•Types of extremes
•Quality and quantity of data and data analysis
•Frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration, and timing of extreme events
•Observed and projected changes in weather and climate extremes

Research Approaches

•Atmospheric science (processes and modeling)
•Short- and medium-range forecasts of weather extremes
•Seasonal forecasts of climate extremes
•Monitoring and early warning systems
•Modelling impacts of weather and climate extremes
•Statistical aspects of extremes

Vulnerability and Impacts of Weather and Climate Extremes

•Natural physical environment
•Human systems eg., coastal settlements, mountain settlements, urbanization etc.,
•Temporal and spatial dynamics of exposure and vulnerability
•Observed and projected impacts in different socio-economic sectors

Managing Weather and Climate Extremes

•Traditional knowledge
•Preparedness planning
•Risk Management
•Information and communication strategies
•Policies and practices for adaptation to weather and climate extremes
•Resilience to adverse impacts of extremes
•Issues and opportunities at the local, national and international levels
•Technological innovations and improved practices
•Reducing societal vulnerability to weather and climate extremes
•Case Studies

The journal manager can be reached at WACE at