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Journals in Developmental and educational psychology general

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Cognitive Development

  • ISSN: 0885-2014
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Cognitive Development publishes empirical and theoretical work on the development of cognition including, but not limited to, perception, concepts, memory, language, learning, problem solving, metacognition, and social cognition. Articles will be evaluated on their contribution to the scientific debate, innovation and substance of the argument, sufficient sample size and methodological rigor.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Cognitive Development

Computers in Human Behavior

  • ISSN: 0747-5632
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.5
  • Impact factor: 9
Computers in Human Behavior is a scholarly journal dedicated to examining the use of computers from a psychological perspective. Original theoretical works, research reports, literature reviews, software reviews, book reviews and announcements are published. The journal addresses both the use of computers in psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines as well as the psychological impact of computer use on individuals, groups and society. The former category includes articles exploring the use of computers for professional practice, training, research and theory development. The latter category includes articles dealing with the psychological effects of computers on phenomena such as human development, learning, cognition, personality, and social interactions. The journal addresses human interactions with computers, not computers per se. The computer is discussed only as a medium through which human behaviors are shaped and expressed. The primary message of most articles involves information about human behavior. Therefore, professionals with an interest in the psychological aspects of computer use, but with limited knowledge of computers, will find this journal of interest.
Computers in Human Behavior

Contemporary Educational Psychology

  • ISSN: 0361-476X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 3.9
Contemporary Educational Psychology publishes empirical research from around the globe that substantively advances, extends, or re-envisions the ongoing discourse in educational psychology research and practice. Publishable manuscripts must be grounded in a rich, inclusive theoretical and empirical framework that gives way to critical and timely questions facing educational psychology. Further, general and specific questions should be closely linked to the selected methodological approach and authors should include actionable implications for education research and practice. In all cases, accepted manuscripts will advance cutting edge theoretical and methodological perspectives that address critical and timely education questions.The journal welcomes rigorously conducted qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods contemporary empirical research within educational psychology. The journal also aims to publish research that employs participant samples representative of the intended population and engaged in authentic teaching or learning contexts, through either formal or informal settings. The journal highly encourages empirical research that exemplifies values of diversity, equity, and inclusion within education.In addition to novel, empirical studies rooted in primary data or data sources, submissions may include:Purposeful replication studies designed to extend our understanding of fundamental relationships or processes,Measurement or validation studies that include a second, related empirical study that aligns with the editorial goals outlined above,Meta-analyses that have clear implications for teaching and learning, andSelf-report studies involving novel respondents, methodologies, and/or situated in unique contexts.
Contemporary Educational Psychology

Developmental Review

  • ISSN: 0273-2297
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.9
  • Impact factor: 5.7
Presenting research that bears on important conceptual issues in developmental psychology, Developmental Review: Perspectives in Behavior and Cognition provides lifespan, aging, infancy, child, and adolescent behavioral scientists with authoritative articles that reflect current thinking and cover significant scientific developments. The journal emphasizes human developmental processes and gives particular attention to research that is relevant to developmental psychology. This research has fundamental implications for the fields of cognitive science, developmental sciences, decision sciences, pediatrics, psychiatry, and neuroscience.Developmental Review publishes two types of articles: (1) theory papers that advance new empirically tested hypotheses or frameworks and (2) literature reviews that include but go beyond summaries, instead rigorously interpreting findings about important phenomena. Unlike many other journals, we do not publish empirical reports, although data can be used to test and illustrate new theories. That is, the journal publishes original integrative reviews of empirical studies from important segments of the developmental psychology literature, and it also publishes original theoretical articles on important segments of the developmental psychology literature. For both types of submissions, we emphasize research that tests hypotheses about underlying processes or mechanisms of behavior. Manuscripts are also reviewed for their novelty, currency, and relevance to our readership.FeaturesIntegrated collections of papers on a single themeReviews of the literatureTheoretical statementsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Developmental Review

Infant Behavior and Development

  • ISSN: 0163-6383
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
An International & Interdisciplinary JournalInfant Behavior & Development is an international and interdisciplinary journal, publishing high-quality work on infancy (prenatal to 36 months of age) in the areas of cognitive development, emotional development, perception, perception-action coupling, prenatal development, motor development, and socialization using a variety of methodologies (e.g., behavioral, physiological, computational). Article formats include empirical reports, theoretical and methodological reports, brief reports, and reviews. Authors may submit completed manuscripts, Registered Reports, or Results Masked Review articles; please see the Guide for Authors for further details.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterDissemination to a general audienceIn collaboration with the Child and Family Blog, some authors are invited to prepare pieces stemming from their articles published in the journal.
Infant Behavior and Development

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

  • ISSN: 0193-3973
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.2
The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (JADP) publishes scholarly empirical research relating to human development. The Journal focuses on two key concepts: human development and application of knowledge. Human development refers to the transformations and changes that occur during the life cycle and the processes or mechanisms which influence individuals' behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and moral development. Application refers to how the knowledge gained from research can be applied to the improvement of developmental outcomes, such as through policy making or within educational, clinical, and social settings. Consequently, papers published in JADP explicitly articulate how findings can be applied to improving the lives of children, youth and young adults. JADP publishes studies on a broad array of social issues and contexts (e.g., differences in cultural, racial, social and learning contexts) that impact human development.Please see our Guide for Authors for more information.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

  • ISSN: 2212-1447
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 3.4
The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science is the official journal of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS).Contextual Behavioral Science is a systematic and pragmatic approach to the understanding of behavior, the solution of human problems, and the promotion of human growth and development. Contextual Behavioral Science uses functional principles and theories to analyze and modify action embedded in its historical and situational context. The goal is to predict and influence behavior, with precision, scope, and depth, across all behavioral domains and all levels of analysis, so as to help create a behavioral science that is more adequate to the challenge of the human condition.Contextual behavioral science is a strategic approach to the analysis of human behavior that proposes the need for a multi-level (e.g. social factors, neurological factors, behavioral factors) and multi-method (e.g., time series analyses, cross-sectional, experimental) exploration of contextual and manipulable variables relevant to the prediction and influence of human behavior.The journal considers papers relevant to a contextual behavioral approach including:Empirical studies (without topical restriction - e.g., clinical psychology, psychopathology, education, organizational psychology, etc.)Brief reports on preliminary, but still impactful findings (e.g., pilot studies, cross-sectional research on psychological flexibility processes)Reviews (e.g., scoping reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses)Conceptual and philosophical papers on contextual behavioral sciencePractical innovations (descriptions of practical innovation applying contextual behavioral science)CommentariesRegistered reportsWe are particularly interested in:Papers that examine theories and interventions based in CBS (e.g., process-based therapy, acceptance & commitment therapy, relational frame theory, functional analytic psychotherapy, compassion-focused therapy, etc...) to novel research areas with rigorous methodologies. We currently are especially interested in increasing the number of published articles on basic CBS research and translational research.Papers bridging different approaches (e.g., connecting behavioral approaches with cognitive views; or neurocognitive psychology; or evolutionary science)Papers that challenge a contextual behavioral science approach from an informed perspectivePapers that are written from the perspective of and/or report data collected from diverse, underrepresented, and minoritized individuals.The journal welcomes papers written by researchers, practitioners, and theoreticians from different intellectual traditions. What is distinctive is not a narrowly defined theory or set of applied methods but whether the methodology, conceptualization, or strategy employed is relevant to a contextual behavioral approach.JCBS has been receiving an increasing number of submissions that compete for limited space for publication. A notable portion of submissions to JCBS are cross-sectional survey studies on psychological flexibility-related processes (e.g., validating these measures, testing their relation to mental health and related outcomes). In order to balance research on these topics with other important methodologies and research areas of CBS, we are unfortunately only able to accept especially innovative and rigorous research using cross-sectional survey designs, and typically only when submitted as a brief report.Special IssuesThe Journal welcomes suggestions for Special Issues. Proposals for a themed Special Issue should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Michael Levin at [email protected], and should include suggested Executive, Advisory or Guest Editors, a proposed call-for-papers, 6-10 provisional authors and topics (specific titles or general areas), a proposed timeline for submission, peer-reviewing, revision and publication. All manuscripts in a special issue will be subject to the normal process of peer-review.
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

  • ISSN: 0022-0965
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.8
The Journal of Experimental Child Psychology is an excellent source of information concerning all aspects of the development of children. It includes empirical psychological research on cognitive, social/emotional, and physical development. In addition, the journal periodically publishes Special Topic issues.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

  • ISSN: 1499-4046
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Official Publication of Society for Nutrition Education and BehaviorThe Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB), the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, since 1969, serves as a global resource to advance nutrition education and behavior related research, practice, and policy. JNEB publishes original research, as well as papers focused on emerging issues, policies and practices broadly related to nutrition education and behavior. These topics include, but are not limited to, nutrition education interventions; theoretical interpretation of behavior; epidemiology of nutrition and health; food systems; food assistance programs; nutrition and behavior assessment; and public health nutrition. Strategies to implement nutrition education, such as policy, systems, and environmental approaches or technological advances are also considered. Skill development within interventions, such as food procurement and culinary expertise; physical activity partnered with nutrition education; and strategies to reduce food insecurity are valued.In addition to Research Articles and Briefs, JNEB accepts Intervention Methods, Questionnaire Development Methods, Perspectives, Reports, Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews, and GEMS (Great Educational Materials that have an evaluative component). Reviews of Educational Materials are invited. JNEB encourages data sharing to enhance scientific integrity. The procedure for submitting possible topics for position papers of SNEB can be found at, and calls for papers related to specific themed issues are also available at
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

Journal of Vocational Behavior

  • ISSN: 0001-8791
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.4
  • Impact factor: 5.2
The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes original empirical and theoretical articles that contribute novel insights to the fields of career choice, career development, and work adjustment across the lifespan and which are also valuable for applications in counseling and career development programs in colleges and universities, business and industry, government, and the military.The Journal primarily focuses on investigations of individual decision-making about work and careers rather than studies of employer or organizational-level variables. Example topics include initial career choices (e.g., choice of major, initial choice of work or organization, organizational attraction), the development of a career, work transitions, work-family management, work adjustment and attitudes within the workplace (such as work commitment, multiple role management, turnover).Editors will consider manuscripts that make significant contributions to the literature in the following areas: Studies of individuals' career and work-related choices examining topics such as: • Theories of career choice; occupational interests and their measurement • The inter-relation of abilities, needs, values, and personality • Occupational aspirations and the vocational decision-making process • Career adaptability; vocational development processes and stages • The effects of culture, demographic variables, and experiential factors on vocational choice • Career exploration • Job search • Organizational socialization. Studies of work decisions and adjustment within the workplace, investigating topics such as: • Job performance and satisfaction • Career success; • Theories of work adjustment • Adult vocational development and career patterns • Organizational commitment and job involvement • Multiple-role management and the work-family interface • Work-role salience • Culture, demographic variables, and experiential factors on workplace decisions • Work-leisure relations • Midlife career change • Occupational re-entry and transition from work to retirement. • Individual job characteristics and job design. • Work-related stress and well-being. The journal also publishes research on career interventions; mentoring; and psychometric research that reports the construction and initial validation of new inventories as well as studies that evaluate the reliability and validity of instruments that measure career related constructs. Please note: the Journal does not publish research on organization-, team-, or group-level variables nor does it publish studies on vocational education.
Journal of Vocational Behavior