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Journals in International economics

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Journal of Banking & Finance

  • ISSN: 0378-4266
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 3.6
The Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The aim of the Journal of Banking and Finance is to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial institutions and the money and capital markets within which they function. The Journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their implementation, empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research in banking and other domestic and international financial institutions and markets. The Journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities and policymakers and operational decision makers at financial institutions - private and public, national and international, and their regulators.The Journal is one of the largest Finance journals, with approximately 1500 new submissions per year, mainly in the following areas: Asset Management; Asset Pricing; Banking (Efficiency, Regulation, Risk Management, Solvency); Behavioural Finance; Capital Structure; Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Derivative Pricing and Hedging; Distribution Forecasting with Financial Applications; Entrepreneurial Finance; Empirical Finance; Financial Economics; Financial Markets (Alternative, Bonds, Currency, Commodity, Derivatives, Equity, Energy, Real Estate); FinTech; Fund Management; General Equilibrium Models; High-Frequency Trading; Intermediation; International Finance; Hedge Funds; Investments; Liquidity; Market Efficiency; Market Microstructure; Mergers and Acquisitions; Networks; Performance Analysis; Political Risk; Portfolio Optimization; Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions; Risk Management and Analysis; Systemic Risk; Term Structure Models; Venture Capital.
Journal of Banking & Finance

Journal of Comparative Economics

  • ISSN: 0147-5967
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Published on behalf of the Association for Comparative Economic StudiesThe mission of the Journal of Comparative Economics is to lead the new orientations of research in comparative economics. Before 1989, the core of comparative economics was the comparison of economic systems with in particular the economic analysis of socialism in its different forms. In the last fifteen years, the main focus of interest of comparative economists has been the transition from socialism to capitalism. In recent years, mostly as a result of the transition experience, a new orientation of comparative economics has emerged that focuses on the comparison of the economic effects of the various institutions of capitalism, be it in the legal sphere (common law versus civil law), in the political sphere (different types of democracies and electoral regimes) or in the sphere of culture, social norms, etc. This new orientation is a natural development following the very diverse experience of transitions from socialism to capitalism. The transition experience has indeed shown with a vengeance the importance of institutions in the process of economic development.Questions raised along these new orientations include: what institutions are critical (courts, credit markets, good regulations, etc) for successful growth?; how should institutions be measured (subjective surveys, particular laws on the books, etc); why are certain institutions, such as courts and regulatory culture, slow-moving while others, such as constitutions and electoral procedures, relatively fast-moving; why is there so much cross-sectional variance in the quality of institutions, and what kinds of initial conditions or historic natural experiments can be employed to estimate the causal impact of institutions on economic performance? The Journal of Comparative Economics will maintain its tradition of publishing the best papers on the Chinese economy and of being an important outlet for work on economies in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union; the Journal of Comparative Economics aims to enlarge the interest of the journal to other emerging market economies.
Journal of Comparative Economics

Journal of Development Economics

  • ISSN: 0304-3878
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 5.1
The Journal of Development Economics publishes original research papers relating to all aspects of economic development - from immediate policy concerns to structural problems of underdevelopment. The emphasis is on quantitative or analytical work, which is novel and relevant. The Journal does not publish book reviews. We welcome papers that take up questions in development economics that are of interest to the general readers of the journal, and then use data from a particular country or region to answer them. However, we do not publish articles that are essentially in-depth studies of a specific country, region, case, or event whose findings are unlikely to be of great interest to the general readers of the journal. In our review process we pre-screen all papers, some of which are immediately rejected. This includes papers that are not considered to be a good fit in terms of the topic or the methodology even though development is a broad field and sometimes this is a matter of subjective judgment. This also includes papers that fall short of our high standards, in terms of the contribution or value added to the literature, or in terms of methodological rigor. The Journal receives approx. 1300 papers per year and publishes only a small fraction (around 6-8%). To make this work in a timely fashion we only send 1/4 papers out for review. Given this volume we regret that we cannot provide explanations on our desk reject papers. Under normal circumstances, an author cannot submit (either s/he directly or through a co-author) more than three papers within any 12 month period. Papers that are once rejected by the JDE will not be considered for publication again, even if the authors use a new dataset or a new model. This is only possible if the editor in his or her decision letter explicitly leaves open this possibility.Special submissions:Registered Reports: The JDE offers authors the opportunity to have their prospective empirical projects reviewed and approved for publication before the results are known (referred to as 'Registered Reports'). This pre-results review track may be particularly suitable for authors working on research projects for which they have not yet collected or accessed data. Submissions in this track will follow existing policies outlined in the Author Information Pack, including the Mandatory Replication Policy, but specific information is available in the JDE Registered Reports Author Guidelines. A website including the Guidelines and information on Phase 1 acceptances to data is available here. To submit a Registered Report, select "Registered Report Stage I: Proposal" as the article type in the submission portal. "Registered Report Stage II: Full Article" should only be used for articles derived from accepted Stage I submissions.Short Papers: The JDE offers the authors a short-paper limited revision track. Submission guidelines follow AER: Insights. Manuscripts should be at most 6,000 words, with at most 5 exhibits (tables or figures). Online appendices of at most 20 pages are permitted, but manuscripts must be self-contained. Submissions will be desk rejected, rejected after review, or conditionally accepted. Decisions on refereed manuscripts generally occur within 6-8 weeks of initial submission, faster than for standard-length papers. To submit a short-format manuscript, select "Short Paper" as the article type in the submission portal. In addition to the direct submission process, the editors will also monitor standard-format rejections to identify manuscripts that would meet the journal's standards if they were rewritten in short format. In such cases, informed by the referee reports on the original standard-format submission, the Insights Co-editor will invite a new submission of the manuscript in short form, with a commitment to publish without further review if the authors follow a clear set of revision instructions.(See also: to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.
Journal of Development Economics

Journal of Financial Markets

  • ISSN: 1386-4181
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.1
The Journal of Financial Markets publishes high quality original research on applied and theoretical issues related to securities trading and pricing. Area of coverage includes the analysis and design of trading mechanisms, optimal order placement strategies, the role of information in securities markets, financial intermediation as it relates to securities investments - for example, the structure of brokerage and mutual fund industries, and analyses of short and long run horizon price behaviour. The journal strives to maintain a balance between theoretical and empirical work, and aims to provide prompt and constructive reviews to paper submitters.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Financial Markets

Journal of Financial Stability

  • ISSN: 1572-3089
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Published in collaboration with the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham UniversityThe Journal of Financial Stability provides an international forum for rigorous theoretical and empirical macro and micro economic and financial analysis of the causes, management, resolution and preventions of financial crises, including banking, securities market, payments and currency crises. The primary focus is on applied research that would be useful in affecting public policy with respect to financial stability. Thus, the Journal seeks to promote interaction among researchers, policy-makers and practitioners to identify potential risks to financial stability and develop means for preventing, mitigating or managing these risks both within and across countries.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Financial Stability

Journal of International Economics

  • ISSN: 0022-1996
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 3.8
The Journal of International Economics is intended to serve as the primary outlet for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of international economics. These include, but are not limited to, the following: trade patterns, commercial policy; international institutions; exchange rates; open economy macroeconomics; country or regional growth and development; international finance; international pricing; sovereign debt; international factor mobility; spatial economics; and international monetary and fiscal theory and policy. The Journal encourages the submission of articles that are empirical or theoretical in nature.Theoretical and empirical work submitted to the Journal should be original in its motivation or modelling structure. All results should be capable of replication. It is required that all materials needed for replication of published papers (including computer programs and data sets) be made available at the JIE's secure repository.The Journal charges a non-refundable submission fee of US$ US$ 190 / EURO 169.20 / JPY 20,660. Please note that for authors from European countries, the relevant VAT amount will be added to the submission fee. Submission fees will be used to support journal activities.SubmissionStart link: case of questions regarding the Journal of International Economics or a submission, please contact [email protected]
Journal of International Economics

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money

  • ISSN: 1042-4431
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.3
  • Impact factor: 5.4
International trade, financing and investments, and the related cash and credit transactions, have grown at an extremely rapid pace in recent years. The international monetary system has continued to evolve to accommodate the need for foreign-currency denominated transactions and in the process has provided opportunities for its ongoing observation and study.The purpose of the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money is to publish rigorous, original articles dealing with the international aspects of financial markets, institutions and money. Theoretical/conceptual and empirical papers providing meaningful insights into the subject areas will be considered. The following topic areas, although not exhaustive, are representative of the coverage in this Journal.• International financial markets • International securities markets • Foreign exchange markets • Eurocurrency markets • International syndications • Term structures of Eurocurrency rates • Determination of exchange rates • Information, speculation and parity • Forward rates and swaps • International payment mechanisms • International commercial banking; • International investment banking • Central bank intervention • International monetary systems • Balance of payments.
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money

Journal of International Money and Finance

  • ISSN: 0261-5606
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Theoretical and Empirical Research in International Economics and FinanceSince its launch in 1982, Journal of International Money and Finance has built up a solid reputation as a high quality scholarly journal devoted to theoretical and empirical research in the fields of international monetary economics, international finance, and the rapidly developing overlap area between the two. Researchers in these areas, and financial market professionals too, pay attention to the articles that the journal publishes.Authors published in the journal are in the forefront of scholarly research on exchange rate behaviour, foreign exchange options, international capital markets, international monetary and fiscal policy, international transmission and related questions. With articles being submitted from economists and finance specialists in major research universities, smaller universities, central banks and private financial institutions worldwide, the journal achieves an extraordinary diversity, in both topic and approach, and provides a truly global perspective on international economic and financial questions.Index bound in last issue of calendar year.Editorial Policy The total time for refereeing and handling by the Editors and the Editorial Board will not exceed thirty (30) weeks. In order to ensure timely publication, authors will be allowed a maximum of six (6) months for delivery of a major revision, and a maximum of three (3) months for minor revisions. Any revisions submitted beyond these deadlines will be considered as resubmissions.
Journal of International Money and Finance

Journal of Multinational Financial Management

  • ISSN: 1042-444X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 2.9
International trade, financing and investments have grown at an extremely rapid pace in recent years, and the operations of corporations have become increasingly multinationalized. Corporate executives buying and selling goods and services, and making financing and investment decisions across national boundaries, have developed policies and procedures for managing cash flows denominated in foreign currencies. These policies and procedures, and the related managerial actions of executives, change as new relevant information becomes available.The purpose of the Journal of Multinational Financial Management is to publish rigorous, original articles dealing with the management of the multinational enterprise. Theoretical, conceptual, and empirical papers providing meaningful insights into the subject areas will be considered. The following topic areas, although not exhaustive, are representative of the coverage in this Journal.• Foreign exchange risk management • International capital budgeting • Forecasting exchange rates • Foreign direct investment • Hedging strategies • Cost of capital • Managing transaction exposure • Political risk assessment • International working capital management • International financial planning • International tax management • International diversification • Transfer pricing strategies • International liability management • International mergers.
Journal of Multinational Financial Management

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies

  • ISSN: 0889-1583
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2.6
The Journal of the Japanese and International Economies publishes original reports of research devoted to academic analyses of the Japanese economy and its interdependence on other national economies. The Journal also features articles that present related theoretical, empirical, and comparative analyses with their policy implications.Research Areas Include:• Analyses of the interdependence between the Japanese and Western economies • General analyses of economic theory and policy • Reviews of other international issues related to the Japanese economy and to the economies of the Pacific Basin • Studies of the Japanese perspective on contemporary economic issues • Theoretical, empirical, and comparative analyses of Japanese markets and institutionsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies