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Journals in Financial economics

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Journal of International Money and Finance

  • ISSN: 0261-5606
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Theoretical and Empirical Research in International Economics and FinanceSince its launch in 1982, Journal of International Money and Finance has built up a solid reputation as a high quality scholarly journal devoted to theoretical and empirical research in the fields of international monetary economics, international finance, and the rapidly developing overlap area between the two. Researchers in these areas, and financial market professionals too, pay attention to the articles that the journal publishes.Authors published in the journal are in the forefront of scholarly research on exchange rate behaviour, foreign exchange options, international capital markets, international monetary and fiscal policy, international transmission and related questions. With articles being submitted from economists and finance specialists in major research universities, smaller universities, central banks and private financial institutions worldwide, the journal achieves an extraordinary diversity, in both topic and approach, and provides a truly global perspective on international economic and financial questions.Index bound in last issue of calendar year.Editorial Policy The total time for refereeing and handling by the Editors and the Editorial Board will not exceed thirty (30) weeks. In order to ensure timely publication, authors will be allowed a maximum of six (6) months for delivery of a major revision, and a maximum of three (3) months for minor revisions. Any revisions submitted beyond these deadlines will be considered as resubmissions.
Journal of International Money and Finance

Journal of Multinational Financial Management

  • ISSN: 1042-444X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 2.9
International trade, financing and investments have grown at an extremely rapid pace in recent years, and the operations of corporations have become increasingly multinationalized. Corporate executives buying and selling goods and services, and making financing and investment decisions across national boundaries, have developed policies and procedures for managing cash flows denominated in foreign currencies. These policies and procedures, and the related managerial actions of executives, change as new relevant information becomes available.The purpose of the Journal of Multinational Financial Management is to publish rigorous, original articles dealing with the management of the multinational enterprise. Theoretical, conceptual, and empirical papers providing meaningful insights into the subject areas will be considered. The following topic areas, although not exhaustive, are representative of the coverage in this Journal.• Foreign exchange risk management • International capital budgeting • Forecasting exchange rates • Foreign direct investment • Hedging strategies • Cost of capital • Managing transaction exposure • Political risk assessment • International working capital management • International financial planning • International tax management • International diversification • Transfer pricing strategies • International liability management • International mergers.
Journal of Multinational Financial Management

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

  • ISSN: 0927-538X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.8
The Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ) aims to provide a specialized forum for the publication of reliable academic research on capital markets within the Asia-Pacific region (but excluding papers that only use US data). Primary emphasis is placed on the highest quality empirical investigations that focus on research questions in the broad realm of financial economics, addressing mainstream contemporary topics relevant to e.g., investments, asset pricing, corporate finance, financial decision-making.Further, we generally seek to encourage researchers to engage in topics that produce more "useful" research i.e., to produce research that goes meaningfully beyond narrow academic impact. Most notably, such useful research addresses the challenge of solving important and enduring issues of critical relevance to real-world financial problems and/or practical impediments inhibiting optimal decision-making by key stakeholders operating in financial markets.Moreover, PBFJ strongly welcomes submissions that embrace the principles of "responsible science", reflected in three foundational pillars:Credible/reliable research;Useful/relevant research; andIndependent/unbiased researchTo this end, while we continue to invite the submission of the traditional form of original and completed full-study research manuscripts, we also offer an alternative "pre-registration" pathway to publication as detailed in the PBFJ Editorial Note (accessible using the link below): by this form of innovative publication, the editors of PBFJ will exercise best efforts to publish well-executed bold and exciting research, irrespective of whether or not it produces statistically significant and/or positive findings. In other words, the editors of PBFJ believe that it is critical we take a conscious stand against publication bias in order to responsibly service our scientific community.
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

The North American Journal of Economics and Finance

  • ISSN: 1062-9408
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.8
A Journal of Financial Economics StudiesThe North-American Journal of Economics and Finance publishes high-quality, original manuscripts in financial economics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:• Stock market, • Financial intermediation and capital markets, • Law and finance, financial institutions, • Integration of financial markets, • International finance, • Corporate governance, • Information and security markets, • Behavioral finance, • Hedging and risk management, • Corporate financial policy, • Financial econometrics, • Other applied topics in micro and macroeconomics.The journal takes steps to ensure a balance between theoretical and empirical work and, in addition, it aims to provide prompt and constructive reviews to authors. Empirical analyses ought to be replicable. Where relevant, the authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to supply data and computer programs. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance

The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

  • ISSN: 1062-9769
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Published for the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignThe Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (QREF) attracts and publishes high quality manuscripts that cover topics in the areas of economics, financial economics and finance. The subject matter may be theoretical, empirical or policy related. Emphasis is placed on quality, originality, clear arguments, persuasive evidence, intelligent analysis and clear writing. At least one Special Issue is published per year. These issues have guest editors, are devoted to a single theme and the papers have well known authors. In addition we pride ourselves in being able to provide three to four article "Focus" sections in most of our issues. These "Focus" sections have a common theme, may or may not have a guest editor, and often contain papers that were presented in a session at a regional, national or international meeting. These can be published in a very timely manner. Finally, QREF is the journal of the Midwest Economic Association. The editors of QREF place special efforts into working with young authors.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance