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Journals in Immunology

Elsevier's Immunology collection equips researchers with valuable insights to address the complexities of the immune system and its role in health and disease, offering original research, insightful analysis, and current theory on diagnosing, managing, and advancing treatments for allergies, asthma, and immunologic disorders.

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  • ISSN: 1472-9792
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Tuberculosis is a speciality journal focusing on basic experimental research on tuberculosis.Tuberculosis aims to publish original research and reviews. It publishes articles on host response and immunology of tuberculosis and the molecular biology, genetics and physiology of the organism.Submissions on bacteriological, immunological and pathogenesis aspects of the disease are particularly welcomed.The journal publishes topics including:• Clinical Trials • Diagnostics • Antimicrobial resistance • Immunology • Leprosy • Microbiology, including microbial physiology • Molecular epidemiology • Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria • Pathogenesis & Pathology • Vaccine developmentTuberculosis discourages submissions with a meta-analytical focus (eg, articles based on searches of published articles in public electronic databases, especially where there is lack of evidence of the personal involvement of authors in the generation of such material).Tuberculosis does not accept case report submissions or clinical case studies. You can submit manuscripts of this type to the companion journals IDCases and Clinical Microbiology Newsletter.


  • ISSN: 0264-410X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 4.5
The official journal of The Japanese Society for Vaccinology.Vaccine is unique in publishing the highest quality science across all disciplines relevant to the field of vaccinology - all original article submissions across basic and clinical research, vaccine manufacturing, history, public policy, behavioral science and ethics, social sciences, safety, and many other related areas are welcomed. The submission categories as given in the Guide for Authors indicate where we receive the most papers. Papers outside these major areas are also welcome and authors are encouraged to contact us with specific questions. We also invite authors to submit relevant basic science and clinical reviews, methodological articles, opinion and commentary pieces, visual pieces, and letters. Authors are required to consult the Guide for Authors as the submission guidelines are dynamic and therefore subject to change.Vaccine has an open access companion journal titled Vaccine: X.The Editors retain the right to desk reject submissions without peer review when it is clear that the Guide for Authors and the submission categories have not been consulted .

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology

  • ISSN: 0165-2427
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.4
An International Journal of Comparative ImmunologyThe journal reports basic, comparative and clinical immunology as they pertain to the animal species designated here: livestock, poultry, and fish species that are major food animals and companion animals such as cats, dogs, horses and camels, and wildlife species that act as reservoirs for food, companion or human infectious diseases, or as models for human disease.Rodent models of infectious diseases that are of importance in the animal species indicated above,when the disease requires a level of containment that is not readily available for larger animal experimentation (ABSL3), will be considered. Papers on rabbits, lizards, guinea pigs, badgers, armadillos, elephants, antelope, and buffalo will be reviewed if the research advances our fundamental understanding of immunology, or if they act as a reservoir of infectious disease for the primary animal species designated above, or for humans. Manuscripts employing other species will be reviewed if justified as fitting into the categories above.The following topics are appropriate: biology of cells and mechanisms of the immune system, immunochemistry, immunodeficiencies, immunodiagnosis, immunogenetics, immunopathology, immunology of infectious disease and tumors, immunoprophylaxis including vaccine development and delivery, immunological aspects of pregnancy including passive immunity, autoimmuity, neuroimmunology, and transplanatation immunology. Manuscripts that describe new genes and development of tools such as monoclonal antibodies are also of interest when part of a larger biological study. Studies employing extracts or constituents (plant extracts, feed additives or microbiome) must be sufficiently defined to be reproduced in other laboratories and also provide evidence for possible mechanisms and not simply show an effect on the immune system.Ideas and suggestions for Special Issues are also welcome. These may focus on a planned conference/symposium for which a selection of the best papers could be published together (after peer review). Alternatively, they could consist of a group of invited papers which together present an up-to-date overview on an important immunological topic.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology