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Journals in Health

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Value in Health

  • ISSN: 1098-3015
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.6
  • Impact factor: 4.9
AimsValue in Health aims to be a leading source of new methods, best practice guidelines, and innovative research in the field of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR).Value in Health aims to publish papers that expand the frontiers of HEOR science and have a direct impact on the methods used in HEOR and the evidence on value used in healthcare decision making around the world.Scope Value in Health publishes a wide range of article types that contribute to our aims, including:Original theoretical, conceptual and empirical research in HEOR. Our principal interest is in research that contributes to and extends the way value in healthcare is defined and measured, including (but not limited to):methods for the economic evaluation of drugs and other healthcare technologies; outcomes research to strengthen the methods and evidence available to reflect patient and societal perspectives on effectiveness and value.Innovative and high-impact applications of HEOR methods with interest and relevance beyond the specific country and disease area.Good Practices Reports: Value in Health publishes ISPOR’s Good Practices Reports that identify best and emerging practices in a wide range of areas within HEOR.Systematic Reviews: The Editors welcome systematic reviews of any aspect of HEOR. These should go beyond describing a given body of work by synthesizing and critically reviewing the literature and drawing out lessons for HEOR methods and practice. These papers should review empirical studies consistent with the methods outlined by the Cochrane Collaboration and PRISMA. Health Policy Analyses: Analysis and commentary on health policy issues with global relevance to the pursuit of a world where healthcare is effective, efficient, and affordable for all.The ISPOR journal portfolio consists of Value in Health and Value in Health Regional Issues. For more information and detailed guidance about the article types and formatting requirements for Value in Health, please consult the journal’s Instructions for Authors.
Value in Health

Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

  • ISSN: 1467-2987
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia serves as the official journal for the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA), the American College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ACVAA), and the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ECVAA). Its primary objective is to provide accessible and trustworthy resources in the field of veterinary anaesthesia, analgesia, and matters concerning animal ethics and welfare.The journal publishes a wide range of content, including original peer-reviewed articles spanning all aspects of anaesthesia and pain relief in animals, such as companion animals, equids, wildlife, exotic animals, laboratory animals, and food-producing animals. This content encompasses clinical and basic science research studies, pre-approved research protocols, systematic, scoping and narrative review articles, special features, historical insights, critically appraised topics, editorials, case reports, "case of the month", letters to the editor, and book reviews.Additionally, the journal welcomes articles related to the following topics within the realm of anaesthesia and analgesia:Fundamental scientific principlesPathophysiology of diseases and its implications for anaesthetic managementEquipment and technologySustainability in veterinary practicesIntensive care practicesChemical restraint of animals, including laboratory animals, wildlife, and exotic animalsWelfare concerns associated with pain and distressPalliative careEuthanasiaEducational initiatives in the field of veterinary anaesthesia and analgesiaThe journal also includes a correspondence section, encouraging ongoing dialogue and communication within the veterinary anaesthesia community.
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice

  • ISSN: 0749-0739
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.1
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice presents those in the veterinary medicine field with the most current treatment of horses, updates on the latest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published 3 times a year—in April, August, and December—each issue features expert, state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic in equine practice, including gastroenterology, imaging, infectious diseases, nutrition, orthopedics, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, and surgery.
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice

  • ISSN: 1094-9194
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice offers you the most current information on exotic animal treatment, updates you on the latest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue (January, May, and September) focuses on a single topic in exotic animal practice and is presented under the direction of an experienced editor. Topics include anesthesia/analgesia, infectious diseases, therapeutics, emergency medicine, surgery, gastroenterology, and clinical pathology.
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice

  • ISSN: 0749-0720
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice presents those in the veterinary medicine field with the most current treatment of food animals, updates on the latest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published 3 times a year—in March, July, and November—each issue features expert, state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic, including anesthesia/analgesia, infectious diseases, therapeutics, emergency medicine, surgery, gastroenterology, and clinical pathology.
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

  • ISSN: 0195-5616
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice offers you the most current information on the treatment of small animals such as cats and dogs, updates you on the latest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published bi-monthly—in January, March, May, July, September, November—each issue focuses on a single topic in small animal practice, including endocrinology, fluids and electrolytes, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, neurology, oncology, urology, respiratory issues , surgical information, small animal behavior, laboratory medicine, imaging methods, and nutrition.
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology

  • ISSN: 0165-2427
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.4
An International Journal of Comparative ImmunologyThe journal reports basic, comparative and clinical immunology as they pertain to the animal species designated here: livestock, poultry, and fish species that are major food animals and companion animals such as cats, dogs, horses and camels, and wildlife species that act as reservoirs for food, companion or human infectious diseases, or as models for human disease.Rodent models of infectious diseases that are of importance in the animal species indicated above,when the disease requires a level of containment that is not readily available for larger animal experimentation (ABSL3), will be considered. Papers on rabbits, lizards, guinea pigs, badgers, armadillos, elephants, antelope, and buffalo will be reviewed if the research advances our fundamental understanding of immunology, or if they act as a reservoir of infectious disease for the primary animal species designated above, or for humans. Manuscripts employing other species will be reviewed if justified as fitting into the categories above.The following topics are appropriate: biology of cells and mechanisms of the immune system, immunochemistry, immunodeficiencies, immunodiagnosis, immunogenetics, immunopathology, immunology of infectious disease and tumors, immunoprophylaxis including vaccine development and delivery, immunological aspects of pregnancy including passive immunity, autoimmuity, neuroimmunology, and transplanatation immunology. Manuscripts that describe new genes and development of tools such as monoclonal antibodies are also of interest when part of a larger biological study. Studies employing extracts or constituents (plant extracts, feed additives or microbiome) must be sufficiently defined to be reproduced in other laboratories and also provide evidence for possible mechanisms and not simply show an effect on the immune system.Ideas and suggestions for Special Issues are also welcome. These may focus on a planned conference/symposium for which a selection of the best papers could be published together (after peer review). Alternatively, they could consist of a group of invited papers which together present an up-to-date overview on an important immunological topic.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology

Veterinary Microbiology

  • ISSN: 0378-1135
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Veterinary Microbiology is concerned with bacterial and viral diseases of domesticated vertebrate animals (livestock, companion animals, fur-bearing animals, game, poultry, but excluding fish) that supply food, other useful products or companionship. In addition, Microbial diseases of wild animals living in captivity, or as members of the feral fauna will also be considered if the infections are of interest because of their interrelation with humans (zoonoses) and/or domestic animals. Studies of antimicrobial resistance are also included, provided that the results represent a substantial advance in knowledge. Authors are strongly encouraged to read - prior to submission - the Editorials ('Scope or cope' and 'Scope or cope II') published previously in the journal. The Editors reserve the right to suggest submission to another journal for those papers which they feel would be more appropriate for consideration by that journal.Original research papers of high quality and novelty on aspects of control, host response, molecular biology, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of microbial diseases of animals are published. Papers dealing primarily with immunology, epidemiology, molecular biology and antiviral or microbial agents will only be considered if they demonstrate a clear impact on a disease. Papers focusing solely on diagnostic techniques (such as another PCR protocol or ELISA) will not be published - focus should be on a microorganism and not on a particular technique. Papers only reporting microbial sequences, metagenomics data, transcriptomics data, or proteomics data will not be considered unless the results represent a substantial advance in knowledge related to microbial disease.Drug trial papers will be considered if they have general application or significance. Papers on the identification of microorganisms will also be considered, but detailed taxonomic studies do not fall within the scope of the journal. Case reports will not be published, unless they have general application or contain novel aspects. Papers of geographically limited interest, which repeat what had been established elsewhere will not be considered. The readership of the journal is global.Papers will be rejected if standards of care of, or procedures performed on animals are not up to those expected of humane veterinary scientists. At a minimum, standards must meet the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research involving Animals, as issued by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. (C.I.O.M.S., c/o WHO, CH 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Veterinary Microbiology

Veterinary Parasitology

  • ISSN: 0304-4017
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2
An international scientific journal and the Official Organ of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP), the European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC) and the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP)Veterinary Parasitology is concerned with those aspects of helminthology, protozoology and arachno-entomology which are of interest to animal health investigators, veterinary practitioners and others with a special interest in parasitology. Papers of the highest quality dealing with all aspects of disease prevention, pathology, treatment, epidemiology, and control of parasites in all domesticated animals, fall within the scope of the journal.Hosts that will be considered: Domesticated animals include farmed or companion mammals, farmed or pet birds, wild game animals kept for commercial reasons, farmed insects (e.g. bees) and farmed marine and freshwater fish. Contributions relating to parasites and parasitic disease of other animals, including species kept in zoological gardens, will only be considered upon the Editors’ discretion if they are of interest to a broader readership.Studies on natural infections of experimental animals are within the scope of the journal, while parasitological studies laboratory animal models only fall within the scope of Veterinary Parasitology if they provide a reasonably close model of parasitic infection or disease of domestic animals.The journal will consider papers relating to wildlife species where they may act as parasite reservoirs for domestic animals or humans. In these cases, the actual transmission needs to be demonstrated. Parasitic organisms that will be considered: Endo- and ectoparasites of the host species investigated. Among the arthropods, parasites senso latu (i.e. organisms that spend prolonged times on the host for feeding and/or mating and reproduction and can cause clinically relevant alterations) such as mange and other parasitic mites, ticks, nuisance insects and flies as causes of obligate or facultative myiasis fall within the journal scope. Insects such as culicids (mosquitoes) or ceratopogonids (midges) are considered as vectors only in conjunction with the parasites they transmit to domesticated animals, and will only be considered when the submitted manuscript includes data on the transmitted parasites. Zoonotic parasites will only be considered if transmission from domesticated animals or wildlife to humans is included.Manuscripts dealing with organisms that do not fall into these categories are generally not accepted. However, in rare cases, eukaryotic organisms described as pathogens for domesticated animals can be considered at the Editors’ discretion.Manuscripts dealing exclusively with the taxonomy of parasites (i.e. first or re-descriptions of species or a taxonomic group, irrespective of the method applied) do not fall within the scope of the journal.Descriptions of genomes (nuclear, mitochondrial, or both) or transcriptomic/proteomic data will only be accepted for parasite species listed above, and only if they include phenotypic or functional investigations. Functional studies on parasites or hosts not included here, e.g. knockout studies in rodent or invertebrate models, will only be accepted if the model function for parasites of domesticated animals is clearly demonstrated.Case studies are rarely considered and need to be unique or of specific interest to the journal.Manuscripts of geographically limited (local) interest which are deemed not of interest to an international audience will not be accepted. Authors who submit papers based on local data will need to indicate in the Cover Letter why their manuscript is relevant to a broader readership. Otherwise they can submit to the journal’s companion title, Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, which welcomes manuscripts with a regional focus.Studies on vector-borne bacterial disease organisms (Neoehrlichia, Anaplasma, Borrelia….) will be considered for publication in Veterinary Parasitology only if the paper deals with the vector transmission of these organisms to domesticated animals and includes data on both vector(s) and host(s), or if zoonotic. Studies on bacteria per se will not be accepted.Studies dealing with parasite control by means of plant extracts, prebiotics, probiotics, paraprobiotics, fungi, micro-organisms or other derived products both in vivo and in vitro, fall within the scope of the journal, but only if well documented (including analytical data on the composition of the products) and with therapeutically relevant inhibitory concentrations of purified and identified active compound(s) being clearly demonstrated. Effects must be demonstrated against relevant parasite life stages.
Veterinary Parasitology

Vision Research

  • ISSN: 0042-6989
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.5
An International Journal for Functional Aspects of VisionVision Research is a journal devoted to the functional aspects of human, vertebrate and invertebrate vision and publishes experimental and observational studies, reviews, and theoretical and computational analyses. Vision Research also publishes clinical studies relevant to normal visual function and basic research relevant to visual dysfunction or its clinical investigation. Functional aspects of vision is interpreted broadly, ranging from molecular and cellular function, to perception and behavior. Detailed descriptions are encouraged but enough introductory background should be included for non-specialists. Theoretical and computational papers should give a sense of order to the facts or point to new verifiable observations. Papers dealing with questions in the history of vision science should stress the development of ideas in the field.Vision Research publishes both reviews and minireviews. A minireview is not intended to be a comprehensive overview, but rather a survey of recent developments in a fast-growing and active area of vision research. Reviews and minireviews are generally invited, but proposals for either may also be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.Vision Research welcomes Letters to the Editor in response to articles published in the journal. A Letter considered for publication is sent out for review and at the same time forwarded to the author or authors of the published article. If the Letter is editorially accepted, the original authors are invited to write a prompt reply, which the reviewers of the Letter are also asked to review.Vision Research publishes thematic Special Issues covering well-defined and timely research topics. Special Issues are usually edited by Guest Editors with one or more members of the Editorial Board. Proposals for Special Issues should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Board. Papers from special non-recurrent symposia may also be published in Vision Research and symposium organizers are encouraged to approach the Editor-in-Chief if interested.Vision Research does not routinely publish methods papers, however will consider submissions in which methods are tested and validated on real data, and the results give insight into visual function or its description.The obituary policy of Vision Research is restrictive. Obituaries should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and should not be more than one printed page in length (including a photograph).Vision Research participates in Elsevier's Open Archives publishing program and articles are automatically made open access, at no additional cost to the author, after an 18-month embargo. Authors wanting to fund immediate open access should consult the journal's Open Access page for more information.
Vision Research