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  • Volume 26Issue 26

  • ISSN: 0032-3861
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 4.1

The International Journal for the Science and Technology of PolymersPolymer is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative and significant advances in Poly… Read more

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The International Journal for the Science and Technology of Polymers

Polymer is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative and significant advances in Polymer Physics, Chemistry and Technology. We welcome submissions on polymer hybrids, nanocomposites, characterisation and self-assembly. Polymer also publishes work on the technological application of polymers in energy and optoelectronics.

The main scope is covered but not limited to the following core areas:

Polymer Materials

  • Nanocomposites and hybrid nanomaterials

  • Polymer blends, films, fibres, networks and porous materials

Physical Characterization

  • Characterisation, modelling and simulation* of molecular and materials properties in bulk, solution, and thin films

Polymer Engineering

  • Advanced multiscale processing methods

Polymer Synthesis, Modification and Self-assembly

  • Including designer polymer architectures, mechanisms and kinetics, and supramolecular polymerization

Technological Applications

  • Polymers for energy generation and storage

  • Polymer membranes for separation technology

  • Polymers for opto- and microelectronics

*Theory and simulation papers should include or reference previously published experimental results.

The scope of Polymer no longer includes the biomedical applications of polymers. We would strongly recommend that authors consider submitting these papers to our excellent sister title European Polymer Journal

Article Types and Submission

Polymer publishes the following article types: original research papers, review articles, featured articles, short communications and Research Insights.

Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

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