Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Volume 2 • Issue 50
- ISSN: 0735-1097
- 5 Year impact factor: 24.2
- Impact factor: 21.7
JACCA Journal of the American College of CardiologyAs the leader in its field, JACC publishes original peer-reviewed clinical and experimental reports on all aspects of cardio… Read more
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A Journal of the American College of Cardiology
As the leader in its field, JACC publishes original peer-reviewed clinical and experimental reports on all aspects of cardiovascular disease. Topics covered include coronary artery and valve disease, congenital heart defects, vascular surgery, cardiomyopathy, drug treatment, new diagnostic techniques, findings from the laboratory, and large multi-center studies of new therapies. JACC also publishes abstracts of papers presented at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology and the reports and recommendations of the Bethesda Conferences on current topics in cardiovascular disease.
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JACC has also launched a series of specialist titles you are welcome to submit to:
JACC: Basic to Translational Science
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions
- ISSN: 0735-1097
- Volume 2
- Issue 50
- 5 Year impact factor: 24.2
- Impact factor: 21.7