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Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas

  • Volume Issue

  • ISSN: 2251-7294

Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas is an opportunity to express new ideas and hypotheses in the realm of medical sciences. It is impossible to register an idea or hypotheses… Read more

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Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas is an opportunity to express new ideas and hypotheses in the realm of medical sciences. It is impossible to register an idea or hypotheses as an intellectual property, before it has been practically tested and published or patented. This pitfall may render many from expressing their ideas and halt the future resulting ideas and innovations. It is also believed that the pool of ideas is present at the whole society level as "meme pool" and the horizontal level of thinking that is present at the editing processes may prevent the expression of these new ideas.

The main purpose of Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas is to remove these obstacles and provide an appropriate environment to share the huge mass of ideas of the whole medical society.

Normally in the current journals, articles that are not in accordance with the main paradigm of the medical society cannot be accepted. In Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas, the editorial board is not going to edit inside the articles and change them; instead it is going to choose between the ideas and hypotheses that have been admitted to the board. In fact, the author is responsible of the ideas and hypotheses that have been expressed. As a matter of fact, all submission must pass through peer review process.

In the field of science each innovation starts with an idea, then the idea will be translated to a research protocol, and upon completing that protocol a proof of concept will be achieved. In this way an article could be published or a patent registered and the rights be assigned to the author. Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas considers new or modified ideas and protocols to facilitate the process of idea sharing and innovation and also assigning some kind of right to the idea holder.

One of the intentions of Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas as an international journal is to consider submissions from the global scientific community to provide a medium of communication of scientists from different parts of the world. The journal welcomes scientists from different parts of the world to share in this medium by publishing their original ideas or cooperating in editorial and review board.

The journal and the editor-in-chief of Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas are members of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME; and European Association of Science Editors (EASE; and follow guidelines and recommendations of COPE, WAME, and EASE in publication.