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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

  • Volume 24Issue 24

  • ISSN: 1572-6657
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 4.1

JEAC (Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry) is the foremost international journal devoted to the interdisciplinary subject of electrochemistry in all its aspects, theoret… Read more

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JEAC (Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry) is the foremost international journal devoted to the interdisciplinary subject of electrochemistry in all its aspects, theoretical as well as applied.

Papers presenting new and interesting electrochemical science that is accessible to the reader are particularly welcomed. Authors should pay particular attention to the key issues of novelty, topicality and quality. The presentation and discussion should be at a level that is consistent with the international status of JEAC.

JEAC does not accept reports describing the application of well-established techniques to problems that are essentially technical. Similarly, papers that report observations but fail to provide adequate interpretation will be rejected. Papers dealing with technical electrochemistry should be submitted to other specialist journals unless the authors can show that their work provides substantially insights into electrochemical processes.