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  • Volume Issue

  • ISSN: 1754-4548

Now published by Elsevier, Infosecurity has been extensively redesigned and re-positioned to focus on user-based articles, providing factual, evidence-based information and ex… Read more

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Now published by Elsevier, Infosecurity has been extensively redesigned and re-positioned to focus on user-based articles, providing factual, evidence-based information and experiences.

Every issue of Infosecurity provides includes:

• In-depth analysis of specific business and management issues relating to information security
• Focus on evidence-based experiences and applications from within all industry sectors - learn from the experiences of others, good and bad?
• Unbiased coverage of the latest developments and products
• Representative views and opinions from industry experts
• Detailed information on the applications used by, and challenges facing specific industries in keeping their systems secure