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  • Volume 12Issue 12

  • ISSN: 2589-5370
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.9
  • Impact factor: 9.6

eClinicalMedicine is a gold open access clinical journal that publishes original research to help frontline health professionals navigate the complex and rapid health transitio… Read more

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eClinicalMedicine is a gold open access clinical journal that publishes original research to help frontline health professionals navigate the complex and rapid health transitions facing societies worldwide. The journal helps practitioners solve the problems and challenges of health care across all communities. From diagnosis to treatment, prevention to health promotion and protection, it will integrate disciplines across all specialties and across the life course with the goal of strengthening health systems as core institutions in our societies. It is a journal that has the courage and vision to rethink and reframe the future of health and health care.