DNA Repair
Volume 12 • Issue 12
- ISSN: 1568-7864
- 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
- Impact factor: 3
DNA Repair (DNAREP) is a journal focusing on DNA repair and cellular responses to DNA damage. DNA Repair publishes articles on genetic, cellular, biochemical, structural and m… Read more
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Request a sales quoteDNA Repair (DNAREP) is a journal focusing on DNA repair and cellular responses to DNA damage. DNA Repair publishes articles on genetic, cellular, biochemical, structural and molecular aspects of DNA repair. The journal welcomes articles describing databases, methods and new technologies supporting research on DNA repair and responses to DNA damage. Letters to the Editor, hot topics and classics in DNA repair, historical reflections, book reviews and meeting reports will also be considered for publication.
The journal publishes topics directly pertaining to DNA damage and repair, which include:
Biological responses to genomic insult
Cell cycle regulation
Cell fate decisions
Epigenetics and chromatin
Human diseases: aging, cancer, and neurological dysfunction
Immune responses
Mutagenesis & signature mutations
Structural biology and computational modeling
- ISSN: 1568-7864
- Volume 12
- Issue 12
- 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
- Impact factor: 3