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Dental Cadmos

  • Volume Issue

  • ISSN: 0011-8524

Fondato nel 1933, Dental Cadmos è un mensile di aggiornamento professionale e formazione continua per l'odontoiatra. La rivista, rinnovata nella veste grafica, mantiene una linea… Read more

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Fondato nel 1933, Dental Cadmos è un mensile di aggiornamento professionale e formazione continua per l'odontoiatra.
La rivista, rinnovata nella veste grafica, mantiene una linea editoriale sempre coerente alla sua tradizione che segue costantemente l'evoluzione della clinica e della ricerca e le conferisce una posizione di leadership nel panorama culturale odontoiatrico italiano.
Il nucleo di aggiornamento è costituito dal Dossier, lavoro di approfondimento che in ogni numero affronta in modo esaustivo e con un approccio didattico lo stato dell'arte di una delle varie specialità odontoiatriche. Il Dossier è ora abbinato al progetto di formazione a distanza (FAD), con relativo accreditamento ECM FAD presso la Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua e l'erogazione di crediti formativi.
La struttura editoriale si avvale di contenuti provenienti da un cospicuo bacino di autori e si articola nella pubblicazione di articoli originali, casi clinici, rubriche cliniche e di attualità.
Dental Cadmos è indicizzata in Scopus e Embase e dal 2011 è online sulla piattaforma ScienceDirect.
Società Scientifica affiliata: Italian District (10), International College of Dentists (ICD), European Section.

Historical Background: Dental Cadmos (formerly Kadmos) was founded in 1933 by Commander Giacomo Jacomucci, (1895-1962), who directed the journal for about 30 years, as the first Italian dentistry journal addressed to clinicians and dental technicians with an initial print run of 7000 copies. In June 1941, during the Second World War, the journal had to change its title to Cadmos, due to the restrictions of the fascist regime which banned any foreign reference and terminology from Italian language. As a consequence of the War the print run decreased to 6500 copies. Although efforts were made to continue publication of the journal, by the end of the year the editorial office had to move to the neutral Republic of San Marino and the journal's title changed to Dental Cosmos, picking up the name of an historical American dentistry journal. In 1945 the journal's publication returned to Italy and its title was finally changed to Dental Cadmos (as a combination of Kadmos and Dental Cosmos). Dental Cadmos has always focused on professional development and continuing education, providing highlights in clinical practice, research and developments in the field of dental science. Throughout the years the journal became a main point of reference in dentistry. In the early 80s Dental Cadmos was the first dentistry journal to provide programs on continuing medical education by introducing a complete and didactic-type review article (Dossier) analyzing in details the state of the art of a particular topic in dentistry and involving the readers with specific questionnaires to test their comprehension and knowledge of the presented topic. With 15000 certified copies per issue it is probably the best known and appreciated Italian journal in its category. Dental Cadmos used to be indexed in MEDLINE until the early 90s and is currently indexed in Scopus and Embase. Dental Cadmos is a publication addressed to clinicians, scientists and students of dentistry and is mainly distributed in Italy.
Aims and Scope: Dental Cadmos currently acknowledges the contribution of the most important authors and researchers in the country and can proudly ensure the coverage of all diverse topics in dentistry by dedicating particular attention to high standards studies. The editorial structure of the journal allows readers to find complete and diverse coverage of topics in dentistry including: management of dental disease, long-term clinical trials, evaluation of dental equipment, new experimental techniques, epidemiology and oral health, dental biomaterials science, restorative dentistry, periodontology, endodontology, operative dentistry, prosthodontics, paediatric dentistry, oral surgery, orthodontics, dental education and forensic dentistry. Dental Cadmos contributes to the professional update of its readers by offering 2 different CME courses per year structured in accordance to the Italian Ministry of Health's educational requirements.
Aegis: In 2010 the Journal received the aegis of the International College of Dentists (European Section, District 10).