Yasargil Microneurosurgery Study Guide
Books I, II, IIIA, IIIB, IVA, and IVB
- 1st Edition - May 20, 2023
- Authors: Leonard Kranzler, Aikaterini Panteli
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 8 6 3 6 - 3
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 8 6 3 7 - 0
Yaşargil Microneurosurgery Study Guide is designed for effective learning and study of the neurosurgical principles contained in seminal microneurosurgery textbooks. From normal mi… Read more

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Request a sales quoteYaşargil Microneurosurgery Study Guide is designed for effective learning and study of the neurosurgical principles contained in seminal microneurosurgery textbooks. From normal microsurgical anatomy to aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, and CNS tumor microsurgery, this study guide provides a question-and-answer format to knowledge of the background, anatomy, and techniques of microneurosurgery. This work is a practical guide to the application of microneurosurgery to a variety of brain conditions, including intracranial aneurysms, extrinsic and intrinsic tumors, while providing guidance on instrumentation and equipment, neuroanesthesia, complications, and more. This practical book is ideal for neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuroanatomists, and other technical experts with a clinical interest in brain microsurgery.
- Provides a fill-in the blanks format structure of question and answers to test microneurosurgery learning
- Discusses pathology, physiology, imaging and treatment protocols in neurosurgery
- Details acronyms to help provide memory cues
- Allows readers to test their knowledge of neurosurgical anatomy, techniques, equipment, and more
- Ideal for both neurosurgeons, neurosurgical residents, and others working in the field of microneurosurgery
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Preface
- Section I. Microsurgical anatomy of the basal cisterns and vessels of the brain, diagnostic studies, general operative techniques, and pathological considerations of the intracranial aneurysms
- Chapter 1. Operative Anatomy
- Subarachnoid cisterns
- Normal cisternal anatomy
- Intracranial arteries
- Perforating arteries to basal ganglia and brainstem
- Cerebral veins
- Chapter 2. Diagnostic studies for ruptured aneurysms
- Lumbar puncture
- Electroencephalogram
- Radiological investigation
- Cerebral angiography
- Internal carotid aneurysms
- Vertebrobasilar aneurysms
- Diagnostic difficulties in cerebral angiography
- Computerized tomography
- Chapter 3. General operative techniques
- Instruments
- Operative approach
- Aneurysm clipping
- Alternative methods of aneurysm treatment
- Special operative problems
- Chapter 4. Anesthesia for microsurgical procedures in neurosurgery
- Chapter 5. Pathological considerations
- Classification
- Distribution
- Familial occurrence of cerebral aneurysms
- Occurrence without hereditary syndrome
- Associated vascular anomalies
- Pathology of saccular aneurysm formation and rupture
- Natural history of ruptured aneurysms
- Cerebral ischemia and infarction
- Vasospasm
- Prolonged chronic spasm or narrowing of the arteries
- Cerebral edema
- Ventricular dilatation and communicating hydrocephalus
- Unexplained SAH
- Section II. Clinical considerations, surgery of the intracranial aneurysms, and results
- Chapter 6. Clinical considerations
- Clinical presentation
- Special clinical presentations
- Chapter 7. Internal carotid artery aneurysms
- Infraclinoid ICA aneurysms
- Carotid ophthalmic aneurysms
- Distal medial wall aneurysm
- Superior wall aneurysms
- Inferior wall aneurysm of the ICA
- Carotid-posterior communicating aneurysm
- Anterior choroidal artery aneurysms
- Internal carotid bifurcation aneurysms
- Chapter 8. Middle cerebral artery aneurysms
- Relationship to the subarachnoid cisterns
- Relationship to MCA
- Lateral wall of proximal MCA
- Medial wall of proximal MCA
- MCA bifurcation
- Operative technique
- Chapter 9. Anterior cerebral and anterior communicating artery aneurysms
- Proximal ACA aneurysms I.E. from A1 (precommunicating segment)
- Anterior communicating artery (AComA) aneurysms
- Distal (pericallosal) anterior cerebral artery aneurysms
- Chapter 10. Vertebrobasilar aneurysms
- Background
- Basilar artery bifurcation aneurysms
- Upper basilar trunk aneurysms
- Posterior cerebral artery aneurysms (P1)
- Aneurysms at the P1–P2 junction
- Aneurysms of the P2 segment
- Aneurysms of the P3 segment
- Aneurysms of the lower basilar artery
- Fusiform aneurysms of the lower basilar artery
- Distal superior cerebellar artery aneurysms
- Saccular aneurysms of the vertebral artery
- Fusiform aneurysms of the vertebral artery
- Distal PICA aneurysms
- Chapter 11. Giant intracranial aneurysms
- Chapter 12. Multiple aneurysms
- Chapter 13. Unoperated cases
- Chapter 14. Complications of aneurysm surgery
- CNS complications
- General medical complications
- Chapter 15. Addendum
- New series of aneurysm patients 1979–83
- Chapter 16. Final comments
- Section III. Arteriovenous malformation of the brain, history, embryology, pathological considerations, hemodynamics, diagnostic studies, and microsurgical anatomy
- Chapter 17. History of cerebral AVMs
- Chapter 18. Embryology
- Embryogenesis of the early vascularization of the CNS
- Vascular malformations—embryology
- Chapter 19. Pathological considerations
- Pathogenesis
- Locations of AVMs
- The nidus
- Sizes, shapes and elements of AVMs
- Elements of an AVM
- Enlargement, growth, and regrowth of AVMs
- Growth
- Spontaneous regression and thrombosis
- Multiple AVMs
- Association of persistent trigeminal artery and AVMs
- Association of aneurysm and AVM
- Intracranial AVM with stenosis and occlusion of major vessels
- Chapter 20. Hemodynamics
- Cerebral circulation
- Effects of AVMs upon cerebral function
- Operative considerations regarding hemodynamics
- Chapter 21. Diagnosis and follow-up of patients with cerebral AVM using Doppler ultrasound
- Chapter 22. Neuroradiological evaluation
- Computed tomography
- Cerebral angiography
- Chapter 23. Microsurgical anatomy of the brain
- Supratentorial sulci and fissures
- Fissures
- Vascular patterns
- Infratentorial sulci and fissures
- Organization of cerebral microcirculation
- The venous system of the brain
- The collateral circulation
- Chapter 24. Cortical blood vessels of the human brain
- Blood vessels of the cerebral cortex
- Blood vessels of the cerebellar cortex
- Chapter 25. Anatomy of the calcarine sulcus
- Section IV. AVM of the brain, clinical considerations, general and special operative techniques, surgical results, nonoperated cases, cavernous and venous angiomas, and neuroanesthesia
- Chapter 26. Anatomical location of AVMs from the surgical viewpoint
- Chapter 27. Clinical considerations
- Chapter 28. Surgical concerns
- General operative concepts and techniques
- Opening of fissures and sulci
- Chapter 29. Special surgical considerations
- Convexity (pallial) AVMs
- Deep central AVMs
- Conclusions concerning central AVMs
- Chapter 30. Summary of operative results
- Chapter 31. Children with AVMs
- Chapter 32. Nonoperated patients with AVM
- Chapter 33. Venous, cavernous, and occult angiomas
- Neuroradiological considerations
- Clinical features and surgical results
- Chapter 34. Final comments on AVMs
- Chapter 35. Anesthesia in the surgery of cerebrovascular malformations
- Section V. CNS tumors: Surgical anatomy, neuropathology, neuroradiology, neurophysiology, clinical considerations, operability, and treatment options
- Chapter 36. Anatomy
- Embryology
- Divisions of the brain
- Cerebrum
- Summary
- Infratentorial anatomy
- Vascular anatomy
- Chapter 37. Neuropathology
- Introduction
- General considerations: categorization of CNS tumors
- Specific considerations
- Tumor infiltration
- Peritumoral changes
- Tumor demarcation
- Brain tumor: adherence and adhesiveness
- Tumor vascularization
- The number and types of tumors
- Conclusions
- Chapter 38. Neuroradiology
- Current neuroimaging with CT and MRI
- The application of neuroimaging capabilities to CNS tumors
- Postoperative changes
- Difficulties and limitations of neuroimaging
- Peritumoral changes
- Cleavage
- Summary
- Chapter 39. Neurophysiology
- Neural and glial parenchymal systems
- Pathophysiology: cerebral edema
- Cerebrospinal fluid system
- Cerebrovascular system
- Circumventricular organ system
- Neuroendocrine system
- Central nervous and immune systems
- Chapter 40. Clinical considerations—operability
- Section VI. Microsurgery of CNS tumors: Instrumentation and equipment, laboratory training, surgical approaches, strategies, tactics and techniques, surgery and results of extrinsic and intrinsic tumors, interventional neuroradiology, neuroanesthesia, and complications
- Chapter 41. Instrumentation and equipment
- Operating table systems
- Surgical instrumentation
- Chapter 42. Laboratory training
- Chapter 43. Surgical approaches
- The supine position
- Lateral position
- Semisitting position
- Sitting position
- Patient positioning and intracranial hemodynamics
- Safety and comfort of the patient
- Comfort of the surgeon
- The incision
- The size and site of the craniotomy
- General craniotomy techniques
- Craniotomies and individual approaches
- Localization, targeting, and navigation of tumors
- Chapter 44. Strategies, tactics, and techniques
- Surgical strategy
- Atraumatic brain retraction
- Elimination of tumor vascularization and preservation of hemodynamics
- Incision closure
- Difficulties
- Summary
- Chapter 45. Acoustic neurinomas
- Clinical presentation
- Microsurgical technique
- Outcome
- Complications
- Operative morbidity
- Bilateral acoustic neurinoma
- Natural history of acoustic neurinomas
- Conclusions
- Chapter 46. Other less common neurinomas: orbital, oculomotor, trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, accessory, and hypoglossal
- Trigeminal neurinomas
- Glossopharyngeal neurinomas
- Orbital and oculomotor neurinomas
- Facial neurinomas
- Hypoglossal neurinomas
- Chapter 47. Glomus jugulare tumors
- Surgical treatment and results
- Chapter 48. Meningiomas
- Localization and spread
- Operative removal on specific intracranial locations
- Surgical results
- Tumor site and surgical outcome
- Surgical outcome, postoperative course, and complications
- Completeness of resection
- Recurrence
- Histologic considerations
- Metabolic and other factors
- Systemic effects
- Endocrinologic factors
- Genetic aspects
- Neuroradiologic aspects
- Conclusions
- Chapter 49. Hemangiopericytoma
- Chapter 50. Chondromas
- Chapter 51. Chordomas
- Chapter 52. Epidermoid and Dermoid tumors
- Chapter 53. Intracranial lipoma
- Chapter 54. Transcranial surgery for large pituitary adenomas
- Localization
- Clinical presentation
- Surgical outcome
- Chapter 55. Craniopharyngiomas
- Surgical approaches
- Surgical outcome
- Complications and recurrence
- Chapter 56. Optic gliomas
- Chapter 57. Esthesioneuroblastoma (olfactory neuroblastoma)
- Chapter 58. Arachnoid cysts
- Chapter 59. Neocerebral and neocerebellar tumors
- Neocerebral tumors
- Neocerebellar tumors
- Surgical approaches
- Chapter 60. Limbic and paralimbic tumors
- Surgical approaches
- Surgical results
- Chapter 61. Midline tumors (Corpus callosum, Septum pellucidum, Basal ganglia, Diencephalon and Brainstem)
- Corpus callosum tumors
- Basal ganglia tumors
- Diencephalon tumors
- Brainstem tumors
- Surgical results
- Chapter 62. Intraventricular tumors
- Surgical approaches
- Histopathology of intraventricular tumors
- Surgical results in specific tumor groups
- Conclusions
- Chapter 63. Pineal tumors
- Chapter 64. Patient population and outcomes of glioma groups
- Summary (glial–neural tumors)
- Chapter 65. Malignant transformation
- Chapter 66. Embryonal CNS tumors
- Medulloblastoma
- Primitive neuroectodermal tumor PNET
- Ependymoblastoma
- Neuroblastoma
- Chapter 67. CNS non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and primary intracranial sarcoma
- Primary CNS non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Primary intracranial sarcoma
- Chapter 68. Germ cell tumors
- Germinomas
- Teratoma
- Embryonal carcinoma
- Chapter 69. Vascular tumors
- Hemangioblastoma
- Cavernomas
- Chapter 70. Cerebral metastases
- Chapter 71. Interventional neuroradiology in the management of CNS tumors
- Indications of embolization
- Principles of tumor embolization
- Embolization of meningiomas
- Tentorial and posterior fossa meningiomas
- Postembolization control of meningiomas
- Chapter 72. Neuroanesthesia for microsurgery of CNS tumors
- Supine position
- Sitting position
- Chapter 73. Summary of outcomes: Whole series
- Chapter 74. Summary: childhood tumors
- Chapter 75. Intra and postoperative complications
- Seizures
- Hydrocephalus
- Pineal–hypothalamic–pituitary axis dysfunction
- Iatrogenic complications
- Other complications
- Neurointensive care
- Chapter 76. Final remarks
- Abbreviations
- No. of pages: 406
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: May 20, 2023
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780443186363
- eBook ISBN: 9780443186370
Leonard Kranzler