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World Spatial Metadata Standards
Scientific and Technical Characteristics, and Full Descriptions with Crosstable
- 1st Edition - November 8, 2005
- Editors: Harold Moellering, H.J. Aalders, Aaron Crane
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 3 9 4 9 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 5 7 6 1 - 1
World Spatial Metadata Standards represents years of work by the ICA Spatial Data Standards Commission during the 1995-2003 ICA cycles. It consists of an Introduction and… Read more
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Request a sales quoteWorld Spatial Metadata Standards represents years of work by the ICA Spatial Data Standards Commission during the 1995-2003 ICA cycles.
It consists of an Introduction and six Regional Summary chapters that describe the spatial metadata activities happening in Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, Africa/Middle East, and the ISO community. These chapters provide the broader context and description of the milieu in which these standards operate, so that the reader can more easily understand the scientific and technical framework from whence a particular standard has emerged. The third section is a complete listing of all of the three levels of scientific and technical characteristics, and their meaning by the inclusion of a set of definitions for metadata terms used in the book. The fourth section, and by far the largest, contains 22 chapters that assess each of the major national and international spatial metadata standards in the world, and also contains a few representative subject matter profile derived from a major standard. They have been carried out in terms of all three levels of characteristics. Each assessment has been carried out by a Commission member who has been an active participant in the development of the standard being assessed in the native language of that standard. The fifth section contains a summary cross-table wall size summary chart that includes all 22 standards and profiles that are cross tabulated by 70 of the crucial characteristics. The columns provide a thumbnail sketch of each individual standard, while the rows facilitate a quick comparison of individual critical characteristics across all of the 22 standards and profiles. Many readers of our previous book have begun their standards evaluation process with this cross-table.
This current book on spatial metadata standards has been purposely designed to serve as a companion working volume to the 1997 book the Commission published on Spatial Data Transfer Standards, Moellering & Hogan, Editors, ISBN 008042433.
- Assesses the National and International Spatial Metadata Standards & Profiles in their native languages, and then reports the analysis in a scientifically consistent manner in a widely used scientific language (English)
- Provides a summary Crosstable of the 22 Spatial Metadata Standards/Profiles in a large wall-sized table highlighting 70 of the most important scientific characteristics
- Provides the scientific and technical detail for each of the 22 Standards/Profiles to 12 primary levels, 58 second levels, and about 278 tertiary levels. Scientific and technical characteristics can be used for a wide variety of uses with spatial metadata and associated standards
Presidential Foreword.
ISO/TC211 Foreword.
GIS Foreword.
Editor's preface.
Part I. Introduction to Spatial Metadata Standards in the World.
An introduction to metadata for geographic information (H.J.G.L. Aalders).
Part II. Regional Summaries of Spatial Metadata Developments and Associated
Activities (H.J.G.L. Aalders).
European efforts in the field of geographic metadata and related SDI activities (H.J.G.L. Aalders, F. Salge, A. Martynenko).
North American metadata standards developments in Canada and the United States
of America (V.E. Hume, J.B. Maitra, K. Fadaie).
Metadata standards development; activities in the Asia - Pacific region (C. Macauley et al.).
Metadata standards development; activities in Central and South America and the
Caribbean (T. Delgado-Fernandez, D.I. Rey-Martinez, M.I. Chaparro-Dominguez).
Spatial metadata in Africa and the Middle East (A. Cooper, E.J.O. Gavin).
Global spatial metadata activities in the ISO/TC211 geographic information domain (O. Østensen, D. Danko).
Part III. Scientific and Technical Characteristics for Assessing Metadata Standards
for Geographic Datasets (H. Moellering, A. Crone).
Introduction to the scientific and technical characteristics for assessing metadata
standards for geographic datasets (H. Moellering, A. Crane).
Scientific and technical characteristics of metadata standards for geographical
datasets (H. Moellering, A. Crane).
Part IV. Scientific and Technical Assessments with Full Descriptions of the
Spatial Metadata Standards (A. Crane, C. Ruhl).
Introduction to the scientific and technical assessments of spatial metadata standards (H. Moellering).
Australia and New Zealand: ANZLIC metadata guidelines (C. Macauley).
Canada: Directory information describing digital geo-referenced data sets information
de répertoire décrivant les ensembles de données numériques à référence spatiale CAN/CGSB-171.3-95 (V. Hume, K. Fadaie).
National Spatial Metadata Standards.
China: Metadata for geographic information GB/T XXXX.XXXX (J. Jingtong, L. Ruomei).
Czech Republic: Standard ISVS pro strukturu a vymenny format metadat informacnich
zdroju standard for structure and transfer format of metadata on geo-data sets
011/01.02 (P. Rapant, B. Horakova, J. Ruzicka).
Denmark: Infodatabase Om Geodata National Danish GI Metadata Service (A. Neilsen, P. Kjeld).
Finland: JHS 137 Tietotuoteseloste; JHS 137A Tietotuoteseloste - Paikkatiedot JHS
137 Data Product Description; JHS 137A Data Product Description - Geographic
Information JHS 137; JHS 137A (P. Ahonen).
Hungary: KIKERES Terinformatikai Profil KIKERES Spatial Metadata Profile (I. Kadar, T. Prajczer).
Israel: Israel Metadata Standard 2000 (A. Peled).
Japan: Chiri Joho Hyoujun Japanese National Standards for Geographic Information (S. Okuyama, S. Takazawa, K. Akeno).
Korea: National Geographic Information System Metadata Interim-Standard (T.J. Min, H.-Muk Cho).
NCGI Metadata The Netherlands (H.J.G.L. Aalders).
Russian Federation: State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 51353-99 "Geoinformatic Mapping.
Metadata of the Electronic Maps. Composition and Content", November 11, 1999 (A.I. Martynenko).
South Africa: Content standard for digital geospatial data (N. Scheepers, A. Cooper).
Spain: MIGRA (Mecanismo de Intercambio de Informacion Geografica Relacional
formado por Agregacion)[6pt] Aggregated Relational Geographic Information Interchange
Mechanism[6pt] UNE 148001 EX (S. Mas).
International Spatial Metadata Standards.
United States of America: Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDCSTD-
001-1998 (R.A. Pearsall, R. Hogan).
The Dublin core metadata element set ISSN: 1041-5653 (S.L. Weibel).
Geographic information - data description - metadata prENV 12657:1998 (F. Salge).
Subject Matter Metadata Standards/Profiles.
Geographic Information - Part 15: Metadata ISO 19115 (D.M. Danko).
LaClef core metadata subject: Topography (M. Wandinger, C. Luzet).
Recommendations on Metadata SSSA/ES/001 (B. Eckhardt).
GEIXS. Geological Exchange Information System - description - metadata (D. Bonnefoy).
Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata Biological Data Profile, FGDCSTD-
001-1998; Part 1 (1999) United States of America (S. Stitt, A. Frondorf).
Part V. Crosstable of National and International Spatial Metadata Standards
and Associated Characteristics (H. Moellering).
Introduction to the crosstable of spatial metadata standards and their scientific and
technical characteristics (H. Moellering).
Appendices (H.J.G.L. Alders).
Annex A: Acronyms.
Annex B: Membership List.
Annex C: Contributions.
- No. of pages: 712
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 8, 2005
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080439495
- eBook ISBN: 9780080457611
Harold Moellering
H.J. Aalders