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Well Productivity Handbook: Vertical, Fractured, Horizontal, Multilateral, Multi-fractured, and Radial-Fractured Wells, Second Edition delivers updated examples and solutions… Read more
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Well Productivity Handbook: Vertical, Fractured, Horizontal, Multilateral, Multi-fractured, and Radial-Fractured Wells, Second Edition delivers updated examples and solutions for oil and gas well management projects. Starting with the estimation of fluid and reservoir properties, the content then discusses the modeling of inflow performance in wells producing different types of fluids. In addition, it describes the principle of well productivity analysis to show how to predict productivity of wells with simple trajectories. Then advancing into more complex trajectories, this new edition demonstrates how to predict productivity for more challenging wells, such as multi-lateral, multi-fractured and radial-fractured.
Rounding out with sample problems to solve and future references to pursue, this book continues to give reservoir and production engineers the tools needed to tackle the full spectrum of completion types.
Reservoir engineers; production engineers; graduate-level petroleum engineering students
1: Introduction1.1 Oil and Gas Wells and Reservoirs1.2 Types of Well Completions1.3 Well ProductivitySummaryReferencesProblems
2: Petroleum Reservoir Properties2.1 Introduction2.2 Reservoir Fluid Properties2.3 Reservoir Rock PropertiesSummaryReferencesProblems
3: Reservoir Deliverability3.1 Introduction3.2 Vertical Wells3.3 Fractured Wells3.4 Horizontal Wells3.5 Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)3.6 Construction of IPR Curves Using Test Points3.7 Composite IPR of Stratified Reservoirs3.8 Predicting Future IPRSummaryReferencesProblems
4: Wellbore Performance4.1 Introduction4.2 Single-Phase Liquid Flow 4.3 Multiphase Flow in Oil Wells4.4 Single-Phase Gas Flow4.5 Mist Flow in Gas WellsSummaryReferencesProblems
5: Productivities of Wells with Conventional Completions5.1 Introduction5.2 Principles of Well Productivity Analysis 5.3 Deliverability of Vertical Wells5.4Deliverability of Fractured Wells5.5 Deliverability of Horizontal WellsSummary References Problems
Part II: Productivity of Multi-Lateral Wells
6: Productivity of Wells with Simple Completions6.1 Introduction6.2 Multi-Lateral Oil Wells6.3 Multi-Lateral Gas WellsSummaryReferencesProblems
7: Productivity of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells7.1 Introduction7.2 Multi-Fractured Horizontal Oil Wells7.3 Multi-Fractured Horizontal Gas WellsSummaryReferencesProblems
8: Productivity of Radial-Fractured Wells8.1 Introduction8.2 Estimate of Fracture Angle8.3 Productivity of Radial-Fractured Oil Wells8.4 Productivity of Radial-Fractured Gas WellsSummaryReferencesProblemsAppendixA: Unit Conversion FactorsB: Minimum Performance Properties of API TubingC: Mathematical Model for Obtaining Oil Rate Correction Factor FOD: Mathematical Model for Obtaining Oil Rate Correction Factor FG