P. Kumar and E. Foufoula-Georgiou, Wavelet Analysis in Geophysics: An Introduction. C.R. Hagelberg and N.K.K. Gamage, Applications of Structure Preserving Wavelet Decompositions to Intermittent Turbulence: A Case Study. G.G. Katul, J.D. Albertson, C.R. Chu, and M.B. Parlange, Intermittency in Atmospheric Surface Layer Turbulence: The Orthonormal Wavelet Representation. J.F. Howell and L. Mahrt, An Adaptive Decomposition: Application to Turbulence. Y.Brunet and S. Collineau, Wavelet Analysis of Diurnal and Nocturnal Turbulence above a Maize Crop. P.C. Liu, Wavelet Spectrum Analysis and Ocean Wind Waves. S.A. Little, Wavelet Analysis of Seafloor Bathymetry: An Example. C.J. Pike, Analysis of High Resolution Marine Seismic Data Using the Wavelet Transform. K.E. Brewer and S.W. Wheatcraft, Including Multi-Scale Information in the Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity Distributions. A. Davis, A. Marshak, and W. Wiscombe, Wavelet-Based Multifractal Analysis of Non-Stationary and/or Intermittent Geophysical Signals. N. Saito, Simultaneous Noise Suppression and Signal Compression Using a Library of Orthonormal Bases and the Minimum Description Length Criterion. D.B. Percival and P. Guttorp, Long-Memory Processes, the Allan Variance and Wavelets. Bibliography. Subject Index.