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Water and Thermal Management of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells introduces the main research methods and latest advances in the water and thermal management of PEMFCs. T… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Water and Thermal Management of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells introduces the main research methods and latest advances in the water and thermal management of PEMFCs. The book introduces the transport mechanism of each component, including modeling methods at different scales, along with practical exercises. Topics include PEMFC fundamentals, working principles and transport mechanisms, characterization tests and diagnostic analysis, the simulation of multiphase transport and electrode kinetics, cell-scale modeling, stack-scale modeling, and system-scale modeling. This volume offers a practical handbook for researchers, students and engineers in the fields of proton exchange membrane fuel cells.
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are high-efficiency and low-emission electrochemical energy conversion devices. Inside the PEMFC complex, physical and chemical processes take place, such as electrochemical reaction, multiphase flow and heat transfer. This book explores these topics, and more.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Energy and environmental issues and the roles of PEM fuel cell
1.2 Operation principles and fundamentals of PEM fuel cell
1.2.1 Operation principle
1.2.2 PEM fuel cell structure
1.2.3 Thermodynamics
1.2.4 Electrochemical reaction kinetics
1.2.5 PEM fuel cell performance
1.2.6 PEM fuel cell efficiency
1.3 Water and thermal management of PEM fuel cell
1.3.1 Roles of water and thermal management
1.3.2 Current status of water and thermal management
Chapter 2: Transport Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cell
2.1 Water and heat production and transport in PEM fuel cell
2.1.1 States of water in PEM fuel cell
2.1.2 Heat generation and transport in PEM fuel cell
2.2 Flow field and Bipolar plate
2.2.1 Traditional flow field
2.2.2 Three-dimensional flow field
2.2.3 Porous media flow field
2.3 Electrolyte
2.3.1 State of water
2.3.2 Proton transport
2.3.3 Water transport
2.3.4 Gas transport
2.4 Porous electrode
2.4.1 Porous electrode components
2.4.2 Diffusion and convection
2.4.3 Water phase change
2.4.4 Water transport
2.4.5 Charge transport
Chapter 3: Experimental Characterization and Diagnostics
3.1 Overview
3.2 Performance characterization
3.2.1 Polarization curve
3.2.2 Mechanical vibration testing
3.2.3 Gravity effects
3.2.4 Cold start performance
3.2.5 Durability testing
3.3 Electrochemical characterization
3.3.1 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
3.3.2 High-frequency resistance (HFR)
3.3.3 Current (I) interruption method
3.3.4 Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
3.3.5 Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV)
3.3.6 Carbon monoxide stripping voltammetry
3.4 Spatial-distribution characterization
3.4.1 Current density distribution
3.4.2 Impedance distribution
3.4.3 Gas species distribution
3.4.4 Temperature distribution
3.5 Visualization
3.5.1 Optical visualization
3.5.2 X-ray radiography
3.5.3 Neutron radiography
3.5.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
3.6 Material characterization
3.6.1 Porosity and permeability
3.6.2 Ionic conductivity
3.6.3 Microstructure analysis
3.6.4 Granularity analysis
3.6.5 Elemental analysis
Chapter 4: Multiphase Transport Modeling
4.1 Overview
4.2 Multiphase flow in flow field
4.2.1 Fluid flow in PEM fuel cell
4.2.2 Moving interface treatment
4.2.3 Lattice Boltzmann (LB) Method in flow field channel
4.2.4 Turbulent flow in flow field channel
4.3 Multiphase flow modeling in porous electrodes
4.3.1 Physical problems in electrodes
4.3.2 Electrode microstructure reconstruction
4.3.3 VOF method in electrodes
4.3.4 LB method in electrodes
Chapter 5: Cell-Level Modeling of PEM Fuel Cell
5.1 Overview
5.2 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model
5.2.1 Gas/liquid two-phase flow in flow field
5.2.2 Transport phenomena in electrodes
5.2.3 Water transport in membrane
5.2.4 Charge transport
5.2.5 Heat transfer
5.2.6 Model validation
5.2.7 Grid independence test
5.2.8 Model implementation
5.2.9 Simulation and numerical results
5.2.10 Cold start
5.3 Reduced-dimensional model
5.3.1 1D steady-state model
5.3.2 Quasi-2D transient model
Chapter 6: Stack-Level Modeling of PEM Fuel Cell
6.1 Overview
6.1.1 Stack structure
6.1.2 Stack assembly
6.1.3 Stack cooling
6.1.4 Stack water and thermal management
6.2 Stack modeling
6.2.1 Stack manifold modeling
6.2.2 Stack modeling considering fuel cell structure
Chapter 7: System-Level Modeling of PEM Fuel Cell
7.1 Overview
7.1.1 Hydrogen production, purification, and storage
7.1.2 Gas supply subsystems
7.1.3 Humidification subsystem
7.1.4 Heat management subsystem
7.1.5 Hybrid power system
7.2 Auxiliary subsystem modeling
7.2.1 Humidifier model
7.2.2 Electrochemical hydrogen pump model
7.2.3 Air compressor model
7.2.4 Radiator model
7.2.5 Integrated system model
7.3 Thermodynamic analysis
7.3.1 Energy analysis
7.3.2 Exergy analysis
7.4 System control and fault diagnosis
7.4.1 Control strategy
7.4.2 Fault diagnosis
Chapter 8: Book Summary