Volpe's Neurology of the Newborn
- 6th Edition - November 3, 2017
- Authors: Joseph J. Volpe, Terrie E. Inder, Basil T. Darras, Linda S. de Vries, Adre J du Plessis, Jeffrey Neil, Jeffrey M Perlman
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 4 2 8 7 6 - 7
A clear, engaging writing style, hundreds of full-color images, and new information throughout make Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn, 6th Edition, an indispensable resource for tho… Read more

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Request a sales quoteA clear, engaging writing style, hundreds of full-color images, and new information throughout make Volpe’s Neurology of the Newborn, 6th Edition, an indispensable resource for those who provide care for neonates with neurological conditions. World authority Dr. Joseph Volpe, along with Dr. Terrie E. Inder and other distinguished editors, continue the unparalleled clarity and guidance you’ve come to expect from the leading reference in the field – keeping you up to date with today’s latest advances in diagnosis and management, as well as the many scientific and technological advances that are revolutionizing neonatal neurology.
- Provides comprehensive coverage of neonatal neurology, solely written by the field’s founding expert, Dr. Joseph Volpe - for a masterful, cohesive source of answers to any question that arises in your practice.
- Focuses on clinical evaluation and management, while also examining the many scientific and technological advances that are revolutionizing neonatal neurology.
- Organizes disease-focused chapters by affected body region for ease of reference.
- Cover image
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contributors
- Preface to the Sixth Edition
- Preface to the First Edition
- Acknowledgments
- Video Contents
- Unit I Human Brain Development
- 1 Neural Tube Development
- Abstract
- Normal Development of the Fundamental Central Neuroaxis
- Disorders of Craniospinal Development
- References
- 2 Prosencephalic Development
- Abstract
- Normal Prosencephalic Development
- Disorders of Prosencephalic Development
- References
- 3 Congenital Hydrocephalus
- Fetal Ventriculomegaly
- Management of Congenital Hydrocephalus
- References
- 4 Cerebellar Development
- Abstract
- Normal Development of the Posterior Fossa Structures
- Abnormal Development of the Posterior Fossa Structures
- Reference
- 5 Neuronal Proliferation
- Abstract
- Neuronal Proliferation
- References
- 6 Neuronal Migration
- Abstract
- Migration
- References
- 7 Organizational Events
- Abstract
- Normal Development
- Disorders of Organizational Events
- References
- 8 Myelination Events
- Abstract
- Normal Development
- Disorders
- References
- Unit II Neurological Evaluation
- 9 Neurological Examination
- Normal Neurological Examination
- Abnormal Neurological Features
- Value of the Neonatal Neurological Examination
- References
- 10 Specialized Neurological Studies
- Abstract
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination
- Neurophysiological Studies
- References
- 11 Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up
- Abstract
- Principles and Concepts of Child Development
- Which Infants Need Follow-Up?
- Models of Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up
- The Timing of Follow-Up Assessments
- Duration of Follow-Up
- Neurodevelopmental Domains to Assess
- Child Characteristics
- References
- Unit III Neonatal Seizures
- 12 Neonatal Seizures
- Abstract
- Pathophysiology
- Clinical Aspects
- References
- Unit IV Hypoxic-Ischemic and Related Disorders
- 13 Pathophysiology
- Abstract
- Definitions
- Primary Mediators of Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Newborn Brain—Physiological and Biochemical
- Physiological Mediators: Cerebral Blood Flow
- Biochemical Mediators of Hypoxic-Ischemic Cerebral Injury—Human Newborn and Relevant Experimental Models
- References
- 14 Encephalopathy of Prematurity
- Abstract
- Neuropathological Features of the Encephalopathy of Prematurity
- Encephalopathy of Prematurity—Neuropathology in Living Infants
- References
- 15 Encephalopathy of Prematurity
- Abstract
- Overview of Pathogenesis
- References
- 16 Encephalopathy of Prematurity
- Abstract
- Clinical Settings
- NeurologicAL Syndrome
- Diagnosis
- Prognosis and Clinicopathological Correlations
- Management
- References
- 17 Intrauterine, Intrapartum Assessments in the Term Infant
- Abstract
- Antepartum Assessment
- Intrapartum Assessment
- References
- 18 Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Term Infant
- Abstract
- Neuropathology
- References
- 19 Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Term Infant
- Abstract
- Selective Neuronal Necrosis
- Parasagittal Cerebral Injury
- Cerebral White Matter Injury/Periventricular Leukomalacia
- References
- 20 Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury in the Term Infant
- Abstract
- Clinical Settings
- Neurological Syndrome
- Diagnosis
- Clinicopathological Correlations
- Prognosis
- Management
- References
- 21 Stroke in the Newborn
- Abstract
- Classification-Nomenclature
- Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke
- Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis
- References
- Unit V Intracranial Hemorrhage
- 22 Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Abstract
- Overview
- Subdural Hemorrhage
- Primary Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
- Intraventricular Hemorrhage of the Term Infant
- Miscellaneous Examples of Neonatal Intracranial Hemorrhage
- References
- 23 Cerebellar Hemorrhage
- Abstract
- Cerebellar Hemorrhage: Preterm Infants
- Cerebellar Hemorrhage: Term Infant
- References
- 24 Preterm Intraventricular Hemorrhage/Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus
- Abstract
- Neuropathology
- Pathogenesis
- Clinical Features
- Diagnosis
- Prognosis
- Management
- References
- Unit VI Metabolic Encephalopathies
- 25 Glucose
- Definition
- Normal Metabolic Aspects
- Biochemical Aspects of Hypoglycemia
- Neuropathology
- Clinical Aspects
- References
- 26 Bilirubin
- Normal Bilirubin Structure and Metabolism
- Pathophysiology
- Neuropathology
- Clinical Aspects of Acute and Chronic Bilirubin Encephalopathies
- References
- 27 Amino Acids
- Abstract
- Overview of Aminoacidopathies With Neonatal Neurological Manifestations
- Maple Syrup Urine Disease
- Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (Glycine Encephalopathy)
- Hyperammonemia
- Acquired Disorders With Neonatal HYPERAMMONEMIA
- Miscellaneous Amino Acid Disorders
- References
- 28 Organic Acids
- Overview of Major Organic Acid Disorders and Neonatal Metabolic Acidosis
- Disorders of Propionate and Methylmalonate Metabolism
- Disorders of Pyruvate and Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism
- Disorders of Branched-Chain Ketoacid Metabolism
- Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation
- Other Organic Acid Disorders
- References
- Unit VII Degenerative Disorders
- 29 Degenerative Disorders of the Newborn
- Abstract
- Major Disorders
- Disorders Primarily Affecting Gray Matter
- Disorders Primarily Affecting White Matter
- Disorders Affecting Both Gray and White Matter
- References
- Unit VIII Neuromuscular Disorders
- 30 Evaluation, Special Studies
- Abstract
- Motor System
- Evaluation of Disorders of the Motor System
- References
- 31 Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
- Clinical Features
- Pathogenesis
- Pathology
- Diagnosis
- Management
- References
- 32 Levels Above Lower Motor Neuron to Neuromuscular Junction
- Abstract
- Levels Above the Lower Motor Neuron
- Level of the Lower Motor Neuron
- Level of the Peripheral Nerve
- Level of the Neuromuscular Junction
- References
- 33 Muscle Involvement and Restricted Disorders
- Abstract
- Level of the Muscle
- Restricted Neuromuscular Disorders
- Distinguishing Features of Disorders of the Motor System
- References
- Unit IX Intracranial Infections
- 34 Viral, Protozoan, and Related Intracranial Infections
- Abstract
- Destructive Versus Teratogenic Effects
- TORCH Infections
- Other Viruses
- References
- 35 Bacterial and Fungal Intracranial Infections
- Abstract
- Bacterial Meningitis
- Brain Abscess
- Disseminated Fungal Infection
- Tetanus Neonatorum
- Acknowledgment
- References
- Unit X Perinatal Trauma
- 36 Injuries of Extracranial, Cranial, Intracranial, Spinal Cord, and Peripheral Nervous System Structures
- Abstract
- Major Varieties of Perinatal Trauma
- Injury to Extracranial, Cranial, and Central Nervous System Structures
- Injury to Peripheral Nervous System Structures
- References
- Unit XI Intracranial Mass Lesions
- 37 Brain Tumors and Vein of Galen Malformations
- Abstract
- Brain Tumors
- Vein of Galen Malformation
- Arachnoid Cysts
- References
- Unit XII Drugs and The Developing Nervous System
- 38 Passive Addiction and Teratogenic Effects
- Abstract
- Major Factors Involved in Neurologic Disturbances Associated With Intrauterine Drug Exposure
- Developmental Consequences for the Infant
- Alcohol
- Antiepileptic Drugs
- Stimulants
- Opioids
- Antidepressants
- Sedatives
- Anesthetics
- Marijuana
- Drug Use and the Preterm Infant
- Conclusions
- References
- Index
- No. of pages: 1240
- Language: English
- Edition: 6
- Published: November 3, 2017
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780323428767
Joseph J. Volpe
Terrie E. Inder
Basil T. Darras
Linda S. de Vries
Adre J du Plessis
Jeffrey Neil