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Vital Statistics: an introduction to health science statistics e-book is a new Australian publication. This textbook draws on real world, health-related and local examples, with… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Vital Statistics: an introduction to health science statistics e-book is a new Australian publication. This textbook draws on real world, health-related and local examples, with a broad appeal to the Health Sciences student. It demonstrates how an understanding of statistics is useful in the real world, as well as in statistics exams.
Vital Statistics: an introduction to health science statistics e-book is a relatively easy-to-read book that will painlessly introduce or re-introduce you to the statistical basics before guiding you through more demanding statistical challenges.
Written in recognition of Health Sciences courses which require knowledge of statistical literacy, this book guides the reader to an understanding of why, as well as how and when to use statistics.
It explores:
Chapter 1: A Fool-Resistant Introduction to statistics
Chapter 2: Statistics as information
Chapter 3: Descriptive statistics
Chapter 4: Probability
Chapter 5: Inferential statistics, sampling and hypothesis testing
Chapter 6: Significance testing, beyond significance testing and experimental design
Chapter 7: Measures of differences (1): t-tests and the chi-square test
Chapter 8: Measures of differences (2): analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Chapter 9: Measures of association (1): correlation
Chapter 10: Measures of association (2): regression
Chapter 11: Qualitative research methods
Chapter 12: Statistics in the health sciences
Chapter 13: Reliability, validity and norms
Chapter 14: Statistics and the computer