L. Spillmann and J.S. Werner, Introduction. G. Westheimer, Relating Neural Mechanisms to Visual Perception. Historical and Philosophical Considerations. D.Y. Teller, The Domain of Visual Science. M.L.J. Crawford, R.A. Anderson, R. Blake, G.H. Jacobs, and C. Neumeyer, Interspecies Comparisons in the Understanding of Human Visual Perception. J. Walraven, C. Enroth-Cugell, D.C. Hood, D.I.A. MacLeod, and J.L. Schnapf, The Control of Visual Sensitivity. Receptoral and Postreceptoral Processes. P. Lennie, C. Trevarthen, D. Van Essen, and H. Wadassle, Parallel Processing of Visual Information. A. Fiorentini, G. Baumgartner, S. Magnussen, P.H. Schiller, and J.P. Thomas, The Perception of Brightness and Darkness. Relations to Neuronal Receptive Fields. E. Zrenner, I. Abramov, M. Akita, A. Cowey, M. Livingstone, and A. Valberg, Color Perception. Retina to Cortex. R. Sekuler, S. Anstis, O.J. Braddick, T. Brandt, J.A. Movshon, and G. Orban, The Perception of Motion. H.R. Wilson, D. Levi, L. Maffei, J. Rovamo, and R. DeValois, The Perception of Form. Retina to Striate Cortex. A. Treisman, P. Cavanagh, B. Fischer, V.S. Ramachandran, and R. von der Heydt, Form Perception and Attention. Striate Cortex and Beyond. D. Regan, J.P. Frisby, G.F. Poggio, C.M. Schor, and C.W. Tyler, The Perception of Stereodepth and Stereo-Motion. Cortical Mechanisms. R.C. Van Sluyters, J. Atkinson, M.S. Banks, R.M. Held, K.P. Hoffmann, and C.J. Shatz, The Development of Vision and Visual Perception.