List of Contributors
Part I Host-Cell-Virus Relationships
Chapter 1. Host-Virus Relationship at the Embryonic Level
I. Introduction
II. Differentiation of Early Mammalian Embryos in Vitro
III. Endogenous Viral Particles in Mouse Embryos
IV. Interaction of Oncogenic Viruses with Mouse Embryos
Chapter 2. DNA Transfer and Virus-Cell Relationships
I. Introduction
II. Rescue of SV40 from Transformed Cells
III. Alteration of Hamster Cells by Exposure to Simian Cell DNA
IV. Formation of "Heterologous" SV40 Pseudovirions
V. Discussion and Forecast
Chapter 3. Viruses with Separately Encapsidated Complementary DNA Strands
I. Introduction and Nomenclature
II. Adeno-associated Satellite Viruses (ASV, AAV) and Densonucleosis Virus (DNV)
III. Adeno-associated Satellite Viruses and Densonucleosis Virus and Disease
IV. Adeno-associated Satellite Viruses and Densonucleosis Virus and Cancer
V. Conclusions
Chapter 4. The Epstein-Barr Viral Genome and Its Interactions with Human Lymphoblastoid Cells and Chromosomes
I. The Virus
II. Viral DNA
III. Techniques of Nucleic Acid Hybridization
IV. Interactions of the Viral Genome in Various Tissues
V. Problems and Conclusions
Part II Comparative Aspects of DNA Oncogenic Viruses
Chapter 5. Comparison of Genome Replication Mechanisms of Oncogenic DNA Viruses
I. Introduction
II. Papovaviruses
III. Adenoviruses
IV. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 6. Early Proteins of Oncogenic Papovaviruses
I. Introduction
II. Early and Pre-early Functions
III. Intranuclear and Plasma Membrane Events
IV. Intranuclear Immunological Changes after Virus Infection
V. Are Early Intranuclear Antigens Polypeptides of Viral Information?
VI. Identification and Attempts to Purify Early Viral Proteins
VII. Viral Enzymes: Possible Candidates
Chapter 7. Adenovirus Genes and Cancer
I. Introduction
II . Conditionally Lethal Temperature-Sensitive (ts) Mutants of Type 5 Adenovirus
III. Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of Type 12 Adenovirus
IV. Intertypic Complementation with Type 5 and Type 12 ts Mutants
V. Transformation of Rat Embryo Cells by Type 5 Adenoviruses
VI. Perspectives
Chapter 8. Herpesvirus Etiology of Abnormal Growth
I. Introduction
II. Oncogenicity of Animal Herpesviruses
III. Association of Human Herpesviruses with Neoplasia
IV. Transformation by Human Herpesviruses
V. Role of the Herpesvirus Genome in Oncogenicity
VI. Future Expectations
Part III Comparative Aspects of RNA Oncogenic Viruses
Chapter 9. Replication and Integration of the Genome of Oncornaviruses
I. Introduction
II. The Viral Genome
III. The DNA "Provirus"
IV. The Cryptic Viruses
V. Discussion
Chapter 10. Comparison and Evolution of RNA Tumor Virus Components
I. Introduction
II. Materials and Methods
III. Results
IV. Discussion
Chapter 11. Genetics and Biology of Murine Leukemia Virus
I. Introduction
II. Isolation of ts Mutants of MuLV
III. Complementation by ts Mutants of MuLV
IV. Characterization of ts Mutants of MuLV
V. Genetic Recombination in MuLV
VI. Models of the Genome of MuLV
VII. Evidence That the RNA of the Virion is Segmented
VIII. Conclusions
Chapter 12. Comparative Biology of Murine and Avian Tumor Viruses
I. Introduction
II. Delineation of the Oncornavirus Group
III. Interactions between Host Genome and Oncornaviruses
IV. Technological Aspects of the Study of Oncornaviruses
V. Some Biological Aspects of Various Oncornaviruses
VI. Comparative Biology of Avian and Murine Tumor Viruses
VII. Genetics of Susceptibility to Oncornaviruses
VIII. Endogenous Oncornaviruses
IX. General Discussion
X. Epilogue
Part IV Viruses, Cell, Surface and Transformation
Chapter 13. The Cell Surface, Virus Modification, and Virus Transformation
I. Introduction
II. Interactions of Viruses with the Cell Surface
III. Oncogenic Viruses
IV. Virus Transformation: Its Relationship to Cellular Metabolism of Surface Molecules
V. Conclusions and Comments
Part V Comparative Viral Oncology
Chapter 14. Comparative Morphology, Immunology, and Biochemistry of Viruses Associated with Neoplasia of Animals and Man
I. Introduction
II. Morphological Studies
III. Biological Studies
IV. Immunological Studies
V. Biochemical Studies
VI. Conclusion
Chapter 15. Comparative Properties of Plant Tumors
I. Introduction
II. Different Types of Tumors
III. Plant Tumors: Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, and Cell Multiplication
IV. Induction and the Nature of the Tumor-Inducing Principle
V. Conclusion
Chapter 16. A New Look at the Mode of Action of Polyoma and Related Tumor Viruses
I. Introduction
II. The Lysogeny Hypothesis
III. The Lysogeny Hypothesis Critically Revisited
IV. The Mitogenic Effect of SV 40 and Polyoma Virus in Tissue Culture Cells
V. Polyoma-Induced Tumor Formation Revisited
VI. The Shope Papilloma Virus (SPV)
VII. A Comparison between Viral and Chemical Carcinogenesis
VIII. Discussion and Conclusions
Part VI Comparative Immunology of Oncogenic Viruses
Chapter 17. Immunological Patterns of Virus-Transformed Neoplastic Cells
I. Intranuclear Antigens
II. Virus-Induced Membrane Antigen Changes
Chapter 18. The Immune Response to Oncornavirus Infections
I. Introduction
II. Antigens of Avian, Feline, and Murine C Type Oncornaviruses
III. Tumor Cell Membrane Antigens Associated with Oncornavirus Infections
IV. Immune Response to Avian Oncornavirus Infections
V. Immune Response to Feline Oncornavirus Infections
VI. Immune Response to Murine Oncornavirus Infections
VII. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 19. Prospects for Vaccines against Cancer
I. Introduction
II. Cancer
III. Closing Remarks
Part VII Viruses and Their Evolution
Chapter 20. Visualization of the Evolution of Viral Genomes
I. Introduction
II. Reducing the Genome Size
III. Increasing the Genome Size
IV. Shortening the Intergene Distance
V. Insertosomes
VI. Acquiring a New Function
VII. Hybrid Phages
VIII. Plasmids
IX. Conclusions
X. Summary
Chapter 21. Comparative Structure, Chemistry, and Evolution of Mycoplasmaviruses
I. Historical Background
II. Virus Particles
III. Growth Cycle
IV. Virus Replication
V. Transfection
VI. Evolutionary Considerations
VII. Concluding Remarks
VIII. Appendix: Calculation of Adsorption Rate Constant
Chapter 22. The Evolution (Evovirology) of Herpesviruses
I. Introduction
II. The Problem of Classification
III. Origin of Herpesviruses
IV. The Matter of Survival
V. Phytogeny of Herpesviruses
VI. Envoi
Chapter 23. Evolution of Orthomyxoviruses
I. Introduction
II. The Virus
III. Antigenic Variation of Influenza Viruses
IV. Possible Mechanisms for Evolution of Pandemic Influenza A Viruses
V. Evidence for the Progenitors of the Hong Kong Strain of Human Influenza Virus
VI. Conclusions
Chapter 24. Reovirus: Early Events (in the Infected Cell) and Structure of the Double-Stranded RNA Genome
I. Introduction
II. Regulation of Transcription
III. "Early" Proteins Synthesized in Infected Cells
IV. Structure of the Viral Genome
Chapter 25. Physiological Properties of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Some Related Rhabdoviruses
I. Introduction
II. Structural Features of the VSV Group
III. Some Intracellular Events in the Replication of VSV
IV. Replication of T Particles
V. Intracellular Events during Interference
VI. Nucleic Acid Homology to Indiana VSV
VII. Conclusions and Speculations
Chapter 26. Evolution of Rhabdovirus Tropisms
I. Introduction
II. Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Tropism in Experimental Animals
III. Rabies and Rabies-Like Virus Tropism in Experimental Animals
IV. Tropism of Other Rhabdoviruses of Animals
V. Evolutionary Significance of Varying Tropisms
Chapter 27. The Biological Activity of Heterogeneous Particle Types of Plant Viruses
I. Terminology
II. The Basis of Heterogeneity
III. Techniques of Particle Separation
IV. Variation in Proportion of Particle Types
V. Role of Particle Types in Initiating Infection
VI. Multiple-Hit Dilution Curves
VII. Genetic Aspects of the Multiparticulate State
VIII. Comments
Chapter 28. Viroids as Prototypes or Degeneration Products of Viruses
I. Introduction
II. Recent Progress with the Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTV)
III. Other Viroids and Suspected Viroids
IV. Viroid Replication
V. Possible Origin of Viroids