Veterinary Toxicology
Basic and Clinical Principles
- 1st Edition - April 28, 2011
- Editor: Ramesh C. Gupta
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 8 1 6 0 - 9
Veterinary Toxicology, 2nd edition is a unique single reference that teaches the basic principles of veterinary toxicology and builds upon these principles to offer an essent… Read more

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Request a sales quoteVeterinary Toxicology, 2nd edition is a unique single reference that teaches the basic principles of veterinary toxicology and builds upon these principles to offer an essential clinical resource for those practicing in the field. This reference book is thoroughly updated with new chapters and the latest coverage of topics that are essential to research veterinary toxicologists, students, professors, clinicians and environmentalists. Key areas include melamine and cyanuric acid, toxicogenomics, veterinary medical geology, toxic gases, toxicity and safety evaluation of new veterinary pharmaceuticals and much more. The 2nd edition of this popular book represents the collective wisdom of leading contributors worldwide and continues to fill an undeniable need in the literature relating to veterinary toxicology.
- New chapters covering important and timely topics such as melamine and cyanuric acid, toxicogenomics, toxic gases and veterinary medical geology
- Expanded look at international topics, such as epidemiology of animal poisonings, regulatory guidelines and poisonous plants in Europe
- Heavily contributed book with chapters written by qualified and well-experienced authorities across all areas of veterinary toxicology
- Problem solving strategies are offered for treatment as well as in-depth knowledge of the basic mechanisms of veterinary toxicology
Professors and students (DVM, MS, or PhD level) in the area of veterinary toxicology, practicing veterinarians, veterinary toxicologists, poison control centers, marine biologists, environmentalists, animal scientists, schools/ colleges of veterinary medicine, and college and university libraries
ForewordGeneralIntroduction General Principles of Veterinary ToxicologyPharmacokinetics in Veterinary ToxicologyPhysiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Mechanism of ToxicityToxicological Testing: In Vitro in Vivo ModelsEpidemiology of Poisoning CasesChemical TerrorismRegulatory Considerations in Veterinary ToxicologyLegal Considerations in Veterinary ToxicologyOrgan ToxicityNervous System ToxicityHepatic ToxicityRenal ToxicityRespiratory ToxicityCardiovascular ToxicityEndocrine DisruptionReproductive ToxicityPlacental Toxicity Dermal ToxicityHematopoietic System ToxicityImmunotoxicityNanoparticles, Radiation Biomedical responses of NanoparticlesOxidative Stress Radiation MaterialsCarcinogenesis: Molecular mechanism Drugs of Use Toxicity of Over -the-Counter DrugsToxicity of Drugs of AbuseMetals ArsenicCadmiumCopperFluorideIronLeadMercuryMolybdenumPhosphorusSeleniumSodium ChlorideSulfurZincOther Elements (Aluminum, Chromium, Cobalt, Iodine, Manganese, Tin)InsecticidesOrganophosphates OrganochlorinesPyrethrins, Pyrethroids InsecticidesRodenticidesAnticoagulant RodenticidesNon-anticoagulant Rodenticides Herbicides Toxicity of HerbicidesToxicity of FungicidesToxic Gases Toxic GasesSmoke InhalationIndustrial ToxicantsEthylene glycol and OxalatesDetergents, Soaps, Surfactants Household ProductsPetroleum ProductsDioxin, PCBs Environmental ToxicologyAvian ToxicologyEcotoxicityAquatic ToxicologyBlue-Green Algae ToxinsToxicology of Marine ToxinsBacterial ToxinsBotulinum ToxinEnterotoxinsPoisonous OrganismsCaterpillars Reproductive Loss SyndromeZootoxinsEstrogenic ToxicantsPhytoestrogensChemical-Induced EstrogenecityPoisonous PlantsPoisonous PlantsCyanogenic PlantsNitrate Accumulating PlantsFescue ToxicosisMushroom ToxinsCotton Seed ToxicityTaxus PoisoningMycotoxinsAflatoxinsTrichothecenesVomitoxinZearalenoneFumonisinsPenicillium MycotoxinsTremorgenic MycotoxinsSlaframineErgotFeed ContaminantsIonophoresUrea Chicken LitterWater Quality Diagnostic ToxicologyAnalytical Toxicology PrinciplesSample Submission for Toxicological AnalysisAnalytical Instrumentation Applied in the Veterinary Toxicology LaboratoryToxicoproteomics in Diagnostic ToxicologyMicroscopic Analysis of Toxic Substances in Feed Role of Pathology in Diagnosing Toxicological CasesInterpretation of Analytical ResultsTherapeutic MeasuresPrevention of Poisonings
- No. of pages: 1224
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: April 28, 2011
- Imprint: Academic Press
- eBook ISBN: 9780080481609
Ramesh C. Gupta
Dr. Ramesh C. Gupta, Professor & Head of Toxicology Department at Murray State university, is engaged in experimental brain research in relation to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and pesticide toxicity. He has delivered lectures in Australia, Italy, Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic, China, South Korea, and Sweden. He served the panels of NIH, CDC, NIOSH, and NAS. He has >350 publications to his credit, including seven major books with Elsevier: (1) Toxicology of Organophosphate and Carbamate Compounds, (2) Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles, (3) Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents, (4) Anticholinesterase Pesticides: Metabolism, Neurotoxicity, and Epidemiology, (5) Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, (6) Biomarkers in Toxicology and (7) Neutraceuticals. He is recipient of Murray State University's distinguished researcher award of the year-2006. He is a diplomate of American Board of Toxicology, and fellow of American College of Toxicology, American College of Nutrition, and Academy of Toxicological Sciences.
Affiliations and expertise
Professor and Head, Toxicology Department, Breathitt Veterinary Center, Murray State University, Hopkinsville, KY, USARead Veterinary Toxicology on ScienceDirect