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The challenges facing vehicle thermal management continue to increase and optimise thermal energy management must continue as an integral part of any vehicle development programme.… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Chapter 1: Study of the vehicle thermal management focused on the engine lubricant oil
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical study
3 Experimental study
3.4 Sensitivity analysis of the oil temperature
4 Oil warm up behavior
5 Conclusions
Chapter 2: A numerical approach on the use of heat storage in order to achieve high EGR rates in cold-climate conditions
1 Introduction
2 Description of the Studied System
3 Numerical Model Presentation
4 Results of Simulations
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Chapter 3: The effectiveness of stop-start and thermal management measures to improve fuel economy
1 Introduction
2 Stop-Start Operation
3 Thermal Management Strategies
4 Nedc Simulations
5 Discussion
6 Conclusions
Chapter 4: Reducing thermal losses from automotive lubricant circuits during cold start by the application of polymer insulation
2 Introduction
3 Oil Flow Test Rig
4 Finite Difference Model Structure
5 Correlation of the Computational Model With the Experimental Data
6 The Effect of Oilway Polymer Insulation on Rig Temperature Profiles
7 Discussion
8 Conclusion
9 Acknowledgements
Chapter 5: The thermal management and fuel consumption effect of future engine technology
1 Introduction
2 Mahle Di3 Engine & Demonstrator Vehicle
3 Thermal Loading Of The Mahle Downsize Engine
4 Future Gasoline Technologies Applied to the DI3 Engine
5 The Effect of Future Technologies on Thermal Management
6 Conclusions
Chapter 6: Method for active EGR cooler refreshing during cold start
1 Introduction
2 Egr Fouling And Refreshing Theory
3 Description Of The Active Refreshing Method
4 Experimental Setup, Testing And Results
5 Discussion, Conclusion And Outlook
Chapter 7: Concepts for cost efficient turbo bearing cooling
1 Abstract
2 Introduction
3 Design Concepts
4 Testing
5 Summary And Outlook
Heat Exchangers
Chapter 8: Enhanced corrosion protection by microstructural control of aluminium brazing sheet
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Procedure
3 Results
4 Discussion
5 Conclusions
Chapter 9: Refrigerant maldistribution in an evaporator of automotive air conditioning system: investigation and a design improvement by numerical simulations
1 Introduction
2 Modelling Approach
3 Model Validation
4 Two-Phase Flow Distribution From the Header of Plate and Fin Evaporator
5 Conclusions
Waste Heat/Energy Recovery
Chapter 10: Heat exchanger design and analysis for an automotive thermoelectric generator
1 Introduction
2 Teg Heat Exchanger & Control System Design Requirements
3 Principles Of Energy Recovery And Teg Design
4 Teg Location and Package Volume
5 Fin Inclusions And Heat Exchanger Design
6 Numerical Simulations
7 Results and Comparisons
8 Conclusions and Future Work
Chapter 11: An investigation of bottoming cycle fluid selection on the potential efficiency improvements of a Euro 6 heavy duty diesel engine
1 Introduction
2 Baseline Hdde Vehicle Platform
3 Methodology And Modelling
4 Results And Discussion
5 Conclusion And Future Work
Chapter 12: Waste heat recovery utilising engine coolant on a hybrid bus
1 Introduction
2 Waste Heat Recovery
3 Objective And Methodology
4 Modelling
5 Modelling Of Waste Heat Recovery
6 Result Of Modelling
7 Summary
8 Conclusions
Chapter 13: Thermal systems evaluation in hybrid electric vehicle by simulation
1 Introduction
2 Vehicle Simulator
3 Teg
4 Rankine System
5 Heat Storage Tanks
6 Simulation Results
7 Conclusion
8 Acknowledgement
Chapter 14: Cooling system simulation for an off-road machine under transient conditions
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Model Description and Formulation
3.0 Transient Testing
4.0 Model Configuration and Component Level Validation
5.0 Transient System Level Simulation
6.0 Conclusions
Chapter 15: Mathematical modelling of a reciprocating piston expander
1 Introduction
2 Expander Modelling
3 Predicted Results
4 Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 16: Thermal assessments of virtual product applications in the pre-development stage
1 Introduction
2 Overview Emission Regulation
3 Measurements On A Test Vehicle
4 Thermal Simulation Model
5 Virtual Product Application
6 Validation Of Virtual Product Application
7 Outlook
Underhood and Vehicle Simulation
Chapter 17: Flow and thermal performance prediction for automotive accessory units and their integration into underhood CFD flow analysis with multi thermal systems
1 Introduction
2 Underhood Simulation With Multi Thermal Systems
3 The Concept Of Virtual Bench Testing For Accessory Components
4 Test Bench For An Egr Cooler Module (A-Type)
5 Type B and Type C Virtual Testbecnhes
6 Conclusion
Chapter 18: Transient fan modelling and effects of blade deformation in a truck cooling fan installation
1 Introduction
2 Theory (Fan Affinity Laws)
3 Method
4 Results And Discussion
5 Conclusions
Chapter 19: Effect of sun’s orientation on boot thermal load
1 Introduction
2 Test Setup
3 Numerical Simulaton
4 Results
5 Conclusions
6 Future Work
Alternative Powertrain/Heat and AC
Chapter 20: Thermodynamic model of electric vehicle A/C system with single evaporator
1 Introduction
2 Model Description
3 Model Parameterization And Validation
4 Model Utilization
5 Conclusion
Chapter 21: Use of palliative technologies in minimising HVAC loads and their impact on EV range
1 Introduction
2 Simulation Methodology
3 Results
4 Impact of Performance On Ev Range
5 Ev Range Study
6 Technology Selection Process
7 Discussion
8 Conclusion
Chapter 22: System thermal and water balance in an evaporatively cooled PEM fuel cell vehicle
2 Introduction
3 Thermal and Water Balance
4 Fuel Cell System Model
5 Simulation Results
6 Conclusion
7 Acknowledgements
Chapter 23: The estimation of electric vehicle battery cell temperatures in driving cycles based on NEDC
1 Introduction
2 The Model Definition
3 Experimental Measurements
4 Results And Discussion
5 Driving Cycles
6 Conclusion
Appendix 1: The Model Electrochemical Equations
For Publication Only
Chapter 24: CFD simulation and experimental investigation of pressure-drop through 90° and 30° angled compact heat-exchangers relative to the oncoming airflow
1 Introduction
2 Case Definition
3 Method
3 1 Experiments
4 Results And Discussions
5 Conclusions
6 Continuing Investigation
Chapter 25: The effects of thermal state changes on friction during the warm up of a spark ignition engine
1 Introduction
2 Engine, Test Facility and Instrumentation
3 Influences on Warm-Up Characteristics
4 Manipulating Temperature to Improve Fuel Economy During Warm Up
5 Discussion
6 Conclusions
Chapter 26: Long term transient cabin heating simulation with multiple fluid node approach
1 Introduction
2 Experiment Process
3 Simulation Methodology
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusions
6 Acknowledgment
Author Index