Chapter 1. The Activity of a Plasma Logenase in the Brain of the Developing Rat
Chapter 2. The Enzymic Formation of Cerebroside Sulphate in Sheep Brain
Chapter 3. Genetic Selection of Rats Differing in Brain Biochemistry
Chapter 4. Compartmentation of Glutamic Acid Metabolism in Developing Cat Brain
Chapter 5. The Determination and Distribution of Glutamine Synthetase in Developing Cat Brain
Chapter 6. Hydrolase Isozymes in Infant and Adult Human Brain
Chapter 7. Studies on Nad- and Nadp- Dependent Enzymes in Peripheral Nerve
Chapter 8. Chromatographic Separation and Quantitative Analysis of Some Amines
Chapter 9. The Participation of N-Acetylaspartic Acid in Acetylation Processes of Brain
Chapter 10. On the Glycoupids of the Developing Rat Brain
Chapter 11. Comparison between Serum Iron Level and Muscular Myoglobin Content in Neuromuscular Diseases
Chapter 12. Cell-Free Amino Acid Incorporation Systems from Ribosomal and Mitochondrial Fractions of Immature Rat Brain
Chapter 13. The Synthesis of Glycogen in Developing Nervous System
Chapter 14. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase of Human Brain
Chapter 15. Variation in Protein Biosynthetic Activity and Its Response to Morphine Administration in Brain Particulate Fractions from Five Strains of Rats
Chapter 16. The Role of Lipids in Myelinogenesis of the Central Nervous System
Chapter 17. Growth and Development of the Central Nervous System of the Pig
Chapter 18. Comparative Histochemical and Electron Microscopical Observations on the Differentiation of the Choroid Plexus in the Embryo of the Domestic Fowl
Chapter 19. A Histochemical Investigation of the Developing Brain of Rabbit and Chickbst
Chapter 20. Pathochemical Investigation on Patients with Amaurotic Idiocy Other than Tay Sachs' Disease and on Their Relatives
Chapter 21. Serotonin in the Developing Chick Brain
Chapter 22. Proteins of Nervous Tissue
Chapter 23. Xanthine Dehydrogenase Activity in Mammalian Brain
Chapter 24. Thyroid Control of Brain Steroid Composition in Chick Embryos
Chapter 25. The Effects of Drugs on the Synthesis of Sterols and Their Deposition in Experimental and Human Brain Tumours
Chapter 26. Changes with Age in Enzyme Systems Metabolizing Glucose in the Brain
Chapter 27. Homocystinuria. Cystathionine Synthetase in Lens
Chapter 28. Glucose and Glutamic Acid Metabolism in the Optic Tectum of Embryonic and Developing Chick
Chapter 29. Locauzation and Reversible Depletion of Biogenic Alky La Mines in Adult Mammalian Brain Cell Cultures
Chapter 30. Effects of Environmental Complexity and Training on Constituents of Brain and Liver
Chapter 31. Deposition of Lipids in the Developing Human Brain
Chapter 32. The Action of the Cyanacetylhydrazone of Pyridoxal-5' -Phosphate on Cerebral Glutamate Decarboxylase: The Modification of the Electrocorticograpmc Record in the Rat
Chapter 33. A Comparison of Mitochondria from the Brain of Neonatal and Adult Rats
Chapter 34. Biosynthesis of Cerebrosides and Ganguosides in Slices of Developing Rat Brain
Chapter 35. Regional Pattern of LDH-Isoenzymes during Postnatal Development of the Rabbit Retina
Chapter 36. Variations in the Lipid Composition of Mouse Brain Myeun as a Function of Age
Chapter 37. Pharmacogenetic Aspects of Cerebral Amino Acid Metabolism in Strain 129 Mice
Chapter 38. Experimental Data Concerning Metabolic Disturbances of Tryptophan in Schizophrenia
Chapter 39. Differences between Amine Oxidases Deaminating the Structurally Related 3:4:5 - Trimethoxyphenethylamine (Mescaline) and 3:4 - Dime Thoxyphene Thy La Mine
Chapter 40. Purification of Mammalian Brain Acetylcholinesterase
Chapter 41. Kinetic Studies on the Biosynthesis of Different Ribonucleic Acids in the Cellular Compartments of the C.N.S. of Adult and Growing Rats
Chapter 42. Metabolic Blocks in Sphingolipidosis
Chapter 43. Das Verhalten der Freien Nucleotide des Rattenhirns von der Neugeburtsperiode Bis Zum Erwachsenenalter
Chapter 44. Some Aspects of the Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid-Shunt in Developing Brain
Chapter 45. Activation Analysis of Trace Elements in Nervous Tissues and the Cerebrospinal Fluid
Chapter 46. Protein Biosynthesis in the Develxdping Brain
Chapter 47. Studies of Neural Lysosomes
Chapter 48. On the Pathways of Ammonia Formation in the Brain
Chapter 49. Phosphoupids of Brain Subcellular Particles in the Chick Embryo
Chapter 50. Purification and Properties of Brain and Kidney Glutaminases
Chapter 51. A Comparative Study of Brain Esterases during Development
Chapter 52. Determination of Protein-Bound Phosphoinositides in Glial Cell Concentrates of Brain White Matter
Chapter 53. Neurolcxjical Diseases with Abnormal Ganglioside Patterns
Chapter 54. Carbohydrate Metabolism of the Developing Brain In Vivo and In Vitro
Chapter 55. Developmental Processes and Proteens and Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in the Human Brain
Chapter 56. In Vitro Studies of the Synthesis of Sulphatides
Chapter 57. Amino Acid Metabolism in Developing Rat Brain
Chapter 58. Developmental Changes in the Gamma Globulins of Bovine Cerebrospinal Fluid
Chapter 59. The Free Nucleotides in the Brain of Rats during Post-Natal Development
Chapter 60. Levels of Cerebral Acid and Neutral Proteinase during Development
Chapter 61. The Effects of Stress on Tissue Uptake of Biogenic Amines: The Modifying Influence of Morphine Sulphate and Ethanol
Chapter 62. The Genetic Block in Metachromatic Leucodystrophy (Ml)
Chapter 63. Changes in Human Brain Cerebroside Structure with Maturation
Chapter 64. The Chemical Composition and Metabolism of Lipoproteins of the Brain
Chapter 65. The Turnover of High-Energy Phosphate in Rat Brain Following Decapitation and Convulsions
Chapter 66. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Phospholipids of Developing Chick Embryonic Brain
Chapter 67. A Specific Nervous Tissue Protein
Chapter 68. Metachromatic Leucodystrophy: Chemically Abnormal Myelin and Cerebral Biopsy Studies of Three Siblings
Chapter 69. Chemical Findings, Including Abnormal Myeun and an Abnormal Ganglioside Pattern, in a Case of Subacute Sclerosing Leucoencephalitis
Chapter 70. Chemical Pathology of Congenital Amaurotic Idiocy
Chapter 71. The Effect of X-Irradiation on the 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Noradrenaline Levels in the Brain of New-Born and Adult Rats
Chapter 72. The Chounesterases in Single Nerve Cells and Clumps of Glial Cells of Albino Rats 1– 90 Days Old
Chapter 73. Cyanide Encephalopathy during Maturation: A Study of Vivo' 32p–Incorporation in Brain Fractions
Chapter 74. Biosynthesis of the RNA and Homopolynucleotides in the Cell Nuclei of the Brain
Chapter 75. Findings in a Biochemically Exceptional Form of Glycosphingolipid Storage
Chapter 76. Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase of Brain
Chapter 77. Protein-Calorie Deficiency and the Nervous System
Chapter 78. Further Studies on the Antigenic Lipids of Brain
Chapter 79. Soluble Proteins of Postnatal Rat Brain
Chapter 80. Retinal Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity in Relation to Development and Rate of Protein Synthesis
Chapter 81. Changes in Glucose, Lactate and Lactate Dehydrogenase in the Cerebrospinal Fluid in Carcinomatous Meningitis
Chapter 82. Copper and Iron Metabolism in Wilson's Disease
Chapter 83. Environmental Determinants of Acetylcholinesterase and Cholinesterase Activities in Rat Brain
Chapter 84. Phosphoinositides of Developing Rat Brain
Chapter 85. Maturation of the Rat Brain and Na+– K+ Atpase
Chapter 86. Correlative Morphology, Physiology and Biochemistry of the Developing Nervous System
Chapter 87. An Apparent 'Primate Specific' Salivary Amine
Chapter 88. Turnover of the Lipid Components of Myelin
Chapter 89. Chemical Composition of a Myelin Fraction Obtained from Bovine White Matter
Chapter 90. Influence of the Substantia Nigra on Amines of the Striatum of the Monkey
Chapter 91. The Contribution of Endogenous Substrate to the Metabolism of Cerebral Cortex Slices from Young and Adult Guinea Pigs
Chapter 92. Vitamin B6 Group, Pantothenic Acid, and Coenzyme A in the Brain during Ontogenetic Development
Chapter 93. Structural Properties of Nerve Growth Stimulating Proteins
Chapter 94. Histochemistry and Fine Structure of the Cerebellum in Some Storage Diseases
Chapter 95. Some Biochemical Aspects of the Developing Rabbit and Chick Brain
Chapter 96. Release by Psychotropic Drugs of Non-Specific Phosphatase from Rat Brain Cell Membrane
Chapter 97. Excretion of Precursors of Porphyrins in Wilson's Disease
Chapter 98. The Isolation and Composition of A Ganglioside-Rich Membrane Fraction from New-Born Rat Brain
Chapter 99. The Aromatic Esterase , Cholinesterase , Acid Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity of Brain Tumours
Chapter 100. N-Acetylaspartic Acid and Lipid Biosynthesis during Brain Development