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Underneath the Bragg Peaks: Structural Analysis of Complex Materials focuses on the structural determination of crystalline solids with extensive disorder. Well-establish… Read more
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Underneath the Bragg Peaks: Structural Analysis of Complex Materials focuses on the structural determination of crystalline solids with extensive disorder. Well-established methods exist for characterizing the structure of fully crystalline solids or fully disordered materials such as liquids and glasses, but there is a dearth of techniques for the cases in-between, crystalline solids with internal atomic and nanometer scale disorder. Egami and Billinge discuss how to fill the gap using modern tools of structural characterization. This problem is encountered in the structural characterization of a surprisingly wide range of complex materials of interest to modern technology and is becoming increasingly important.
Takeshi Egami received the 2003 Eugene Bertram Warren Diffraction Physics Award for the work described in the book.
The authors received 2010 J. D. Hanawalt Award from the International Union of Crystallography largely based on the success of this book.
Pergamon Materials Series
Preface to the first edition
Chapter 1. Structure of Complex Materials
1.1 Crystallography and Beyond
1.2 The Power of Total Scattering and PDF Methods
1.3 Resources for Learning Total Scattering and PDF Methods
Further reading
Chapter 2. Crystallographic Analysis of Complex Materials
2.1 Theoretical Background
2.2 Crystallographic Analysis
2.3 Crystallographic Methods and Disorder: Limitations of Crystallographic Methods
General Texts on Electron Diffraction
Chapter 3. The Method of Total Scattering and Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis
3.1 Total Scattering and the PDF
3.2 Compositionally Resolved Partial PDF
3.3 Magnetic Correlation Functions
3.4 The PDF in Higher Dimensions
3.5 Error Analysis for the PDF
3.6 Information Content in the PDF and the Nyquist–Shannon Sampling Theorem
Chapter 4. Total Scattering Experiments
4.1 General Considerations
4.2 The Neutron Scattering Experiment
4.3 The X-ray Scattering Experiment
4.4 The Electron PDF Experiment
4.5 Selected Bibliography
Chapter 5. Data Collection Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Data Analysis Overview
5.3 Obtaining S(Q) in Practice
5.4 Real-World Data Analysis
Selected Bibliography
Chapter 6. Extracting Structural Information from the PDF
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Direct Information
6.3 Modeling the PDF
6.4 Ab Initio Nanostructure Solution from PDF Data
Chapter 7. Dynamics of the Local Structure
7.1 Measurement of Inelastic Scattering
7.2 Dynamic Structure Factor
7.3 Correlated Dynamics and the PDF
7.4 Dynamic Pair-Density Function
7.5 Effect of Inelastic Scattering on the PDF
Chapter 8. Local Structure of Well-Ordered Crystals and Systems with Competing Interactions
8.1 Structure of Well-Ordered Crystals
8.2 Quasicrystals
8.3 Competing Interactions in Complex Oxides
8.4 Local Correlations and Phase Transitions
8.5 Phase Transition in Systems with Competing Interaction: Lithium-Nickelate
Chapter 9. Defects in Crystals and Crystallographically Challenged Materials
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Defective Crystals
9.3 Chemical Short-Range Order
9.4 In Situ and In Operando Studies
Chapter 10. Nanoparticles and Clusters
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Information in the PDFs of Nanoparticles
10.3 Clusters Suspended in a Solvent
10.4 Clusters and Molecules Intercalated in Nanoporous Solids
Chapter 11. Local Packing in Molecular Materials
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Fingerprinting
11.3 Sensitivity Dependence on Qmax
11.4 Modeling Molecular Systems
Chapter 12. Structure of Amorphous Materials
12.1 PDF Analysis of Amorphous Materials
12.2 Structure of Multicomponent Glasses
12.3 Structural Changes due to Structural Relaxation
12.4 Structural Changes due to Mechanical Deformation
Chapter 13. Concluding Remarks