Part A: Principles of Oil Extraction, Processing, and Oil Composition: Unconventional Oils From Annuals, Herbs, and Vegetable
Chapter 1: Chrozophora brocchiana (Argessi)
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Geographical distribution
- Medicinal uses
- Seed chemical composition
- Mineral composition of Chrozophora brocchiana
Chapter 2: Argemone mexicana (Argemone Seed)
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Origin and distribution
- Medicinal uses
- Argemone seed proximate analysis
- Fatty acid composition of Argemone mexicana oil
Chapter 3: Cassia obtusifolia (Senna or Sicklepod Seed)
- Abstract
- Plant distribution
- Botanical description
- Different uses of Cassia obtusifolia
- Seed and leaves composition
- Physicochemical properties, fatty acids, and tocopherols
Chapter 4: Cassia (Senna) occidentalis L. (Coffee Senna)
- Abstract
- Plant distribution
- Botanical description
- Medicinal importance and bioactive potential
- Cassia occidentalis seed composition
- Seed oil, physicochemical properties, fatty acid, and tocopherols
Chapter 5: Abutilon pannosum (Forst.) Ragged Mallow
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Seed composition
- Edible and medicinal uses
Chapter 6: Ipomoea quamoclit Cypress Vine (Star Glory)
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Plant distribution
- Bioactive compounds and seed composition
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 7: Ipomoea indica Blue Morning Glory
- Abstract
- Botanical description and plant distribution
- Composition and bioactive components
- Oil physicochemical properties, fatty acid, and tocopherols composition
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 8: Sesamum alatum (Thonn) Winged-Seed Sesame
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Composition and bioactive components
- Oil physicochemical properties, fatty acids, and minor components
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 9: Hibiscus cannabinus L. Kenaf
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Composition and bioactive components
- Kenaf seed oil
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 10: Hibiscus radiatus Roselle
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Seed composition and bioactive compounds
- Potentiality and different uses
- Seed processing, oil properties, and stability
Chapter 11: Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Roselle
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Use in food and medicine
- Plant composition and bioactive components
- Physicochemical properties, fatty acids, and minor components of Karkade seed oil
Chapter 12: Monechma ciliatum Black Mahlab or Mahlab Balady
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Origin and habitats
- Uses and medicinal values
- Seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 13: Nigella sativa L. Black Cumin
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Seed composition and bioactive components
- Uses and medicinal values
Chapter 14: Cucurbits, Cucurbita Species As New Oil Sources
- Abstract
- Cucumis mello var. agrestis muskmelon
Chapter 15: Cucumis melo var. flexuosus The Armenian Cucumber or Snake Melon
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
- Uses and medicinal value
Chapter 16: Cucumis sativus Cucumber
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Food uses and medicinal values
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 17: Cucumis prophetarum Globe Cucumber or Wild Cucumber
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Food uses and medicinal values
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 18: Citrullus colocynthis Colocynth, Bitter Apple, Bitter Gourd
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
- Different uses and medicinal values
Chapter 19: Cucumis melo var. cantalupo Cantaloupe
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Fruit, seed composition, and bioactive compounds
- Medicinal and different uses
Chapter 20: Luffa echinata Bitter Luffa, Bristly Luffa
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Different uses and medicinal values
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 21: Luffa clynderica Loofah, Sponge Gourd
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 22: Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreek, Bird’s Foot, Greek Hayseed
- Abstract
- Botanical description and distribution
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 23: Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass. Niger
- Abstract
- Botanical description and distribution
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Part B: Unconventional Oils from Tree Sources
Chapter 24: Acacia tortilis Umbrella Thorn Tree Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Extraction of oil
- Methyl esterification
- Fatty acid analysis
- Organoleptic characteristics and analytic comparison with other oil
Chapter 25: Annona squamosa L. Sugar Apple Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Analytical and test methods
- Physicochemical properties of sugar apple seed oil
- Fatty acid composition of sugar apple seed oil
- Transesterification reaction
- Effect of catalyst concentration on biodiesel production
Chapter 26: The Potential of Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera and Calotropis gigantea) Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Apple of Sodom seed oil
- Potential uses of Sodom apple seed oil
Chapter 27: Balanites aegyptiaca Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Morphological study of Balanites aegyptiaca Del.
- Flowering, fruit, and seed description
- Distribution and habitat
- Pharmacological activity
- Oil Extracted from Balanites aegyptiaca seed kernel
- Conclusion
Chapter 28: Vangueria madagascariensis (Rubiaceae) as New Oil Source
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Chemical composition and main constituents
- Medicinal and other uses
- Physicochemical properties of Vangueria madagascariensis kernel oil
- Fatty acid composition
- Tocopherols
- Sterol composition
- Amino acid profile
- Oxidative stability of kirkir oil
- Total phenolic content
- Identification of phenolic compounds using HPLC-DAD
- Total flavonoid
- 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity
- ORAC antioxidant activity assay
- Cytotoxic activity
- Stability of sunflower oil as affected by the addition of Vangueria madagascariensis extracts
- Stability of sunflower oil measured by conjugated dienes as affected by the addition of different extracts from Vangueria madagascariensis—VML, VMC, and VMB
Chapter 29: Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm Kernel Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Date palm kernels
- About date pits
Chapter 30: Durio zibethinus (Durian)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Durio zibethinus tree
- Conclusion
Chapter 31: Jatropha curcas L. Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Oil extraction
- Physicochemical property of oil
- Suitability for biodiesel production
- Other uses of Jatropha Oil
Chapter 32: Mesua ferrea Nahar Tree Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Applications of M. ferrea
- Characteristics of M. ferrea and its oils
- Biological properties
Chapter 33: Nephelium lappaceum L. Rambutan Kernel Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Constituents of the seed
- Extraction of seed oil
- Biochemical
- Physiochemical
- Suggested usages
Chapter 34: Mangifera indica Mango Seed Kernel Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Applications and uses of mango kernel oil
Chapter 35: Moringa oleifera Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Moringa seed oil
- Total phenolic, flavonoid, and antioxidant capacity
- Uses of Moringa seed oil
Chapter 36: Ziziphus spina-christi (Christ’s Thorn Jujube)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Seed oil and fatty acids
- Uses of the Christ’s Thorn Jujube tree
- Christ’s Thorn Jujube tree oil
- Conclusion
Chapter 37: Salvadora persica Seed and Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Total amount of phenolic compounds
Chapter 38: Sclerocarya birrea Marula (Homeid) Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Food uses
- Sclerocarya birrea seed oil
- Uses of Sclerocarya birrea seed oil
- Changes in oxidative stability
Chapter 39: Adansonia digitata Baobab Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Baobab (Adansonia digitata) seed oil
- Uses of baobab seed oil
Chapter 40: Sterculia setigera (Karaya Gum Tree) A New Oil Source
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Chemical composition and main bioactive components
- Medicinal and other uses
- Fatty acid composition and physicochemical characteristics of Tartar (Sterculia setigera) oil
Chapter 41: Albizia lebbeck (L. Benth.) Lebbeck Tree Seed
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Distribution and habitat
- Medicinal uses
- Albizia lebbeck seed composition
- Minor components and physicochemical properties of Albizia lebbeck oil
- Fatty acid composition of Albizia lebbeck oil
Part C: Unconventional Oils from Insects
Chapter 42: Tessaratoma papillosa Longan Stink Bug
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Insect composition and bioactive components
- Different uses and medicinal value
Chapter 43: Copris nevinsoni Dung Beetle
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Different uses
- Chemical composition
Chapter 44: Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust) and Locusta migratoria (Migratory Locust)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Description
- Distribution
- Food uses and other uses
- Chemical composition and bioactive compounds
Chapter 45: Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius Weaver Ant
- Abstract
- Description and distribution
- Different uses
- Composition and bioactive compounds
Chapter 46: Aspongopus viduatus Watermelon Bug As Source of Edible Protein and Oil
- Abstract
- Distribution and description
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Insect composition and bioactive components
Chapter 47: Agonoscelis pubescens Sorghum Bug as a Source of Edible Protein and Oil
- Abstract
- Distribution and description
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Insect composition and bioactive components
Chapter 48: Acheta domesticus House Cricket
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Composition
- Food uses and different uses
Chapter 49: Alphitobius diaperinus the Lesser Mealworm and the Litter Beetle
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Chemical composition and bioactive compounds
- Uses
Chapter 50: Tenebrio molitor Mealworm
- Abstract
- Description
- Food uses and other uses
- Composition and bioactive components
Chapter 51: Blaptica dubia Cockroaches
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Food uses and other uses
- Composition and bioactive components
Chapter 52: Macrotermes bellicosus Termite
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Food uses and different uses
- Chemical composition and bioactive components
Chapter 53: Principles of Oil Extraction, Processing, and Oil Composition
- Abstract
- Oil extraction
- Traditional methods
- Refining
Chapter 54: Unconventional Oils From Annuals, Herbs, and Vegetables