Unconventional Oilseeds and Oil Sources
- 1st Edition - April 14, 2017
- Authors: Abdalbasit Adam Mariod, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed Mirghani, Ismail Hassan Hussein
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 9 4 3 5 - 8
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 3 4 3 3 - 7
Unconventional Oilseeds and New Oil Sources: Chemistry and Analysis is presented in three parts, with each section dedicated to different types of oil sources. Part One deals wit… Read more

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Request a sales quoteUnconventional Oilseeds and New Oil Sources: Chemistry and Analysis is presented in three parts, with each section dedicated to different types of oil sources. Part One deals with plants (vegetable, herbs, shrubs), such as Hibiscus, Mexican Poppy, Cucumber, Squashes, Sesame, etc. Part Two presents unconventional oils found in trees (like Balanites aegyptiaca, Annona squamosal and Catunaregam nilotica), and Part Three deals with new oils found in insects, as in the water melon bug and sorghum bug.
This book will be of interest to researchers in oilseed production, research and development personnel, food scientists, plant breeders, product development personnel, and government agency personnel involved in the production, transportation, distribution, and processing of oilseeds.
- Compiles information on unconventional oilseeds and new sources of oil found worldwide, including those from plants (vegetables, herbs, shrubs), trees, and insects
- Presents the physico-chemical properties of the seed oils, in addition to their mineral compositions and chemical analyses
- Thoroughly explores the chemistry of new oils, their composition, bioactive compounds, such as fatty acids, tocopherols, and sterols
- Introduces the composition of new oil sources, their content of minor and bioactive components, and the most used official methods for analysis
Food scientist, food chemists, oil chemists and R&D personnel working in the field of oil and fats industry
Part A: Principles of Oil Extraction, Processing, and Oil Composition: Unconventional Oils From Annuals, Herbs, and Vegetable
Chapter 1: Chrozophora brocchiana (Argessi)
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Geographical distribution
- Medicinal uses
- Seed chemical composition
- Mineral composition of Chrozophora brocchiana
Chapter 2: Argemone mexicana (Argemone Seed)
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Origin and distribution
- Medicinal uses
- Argemone seed proximate analysis
- Fatty acid composition of Argemone mexicana oil
Chapter 3: Cassia obtusifolia (Senna or Sicklepod Seed)
- Abstract
- Plant distribution
- Botanical description
- Different uses of Cassia obtusifolia
- Seed and leaves composition
- Physicochemical properties, fatty acids, and tocopherols
Chapter 4: Cassia (Senna) occidentalis L. (Coffee Senna)
- Abstract
- Plant distribution
- Botanical description
- Medicinal importance and bioactive potential
- Cassia occidentalis seed composition
- Seed oil, physicochemical properties, fatty acid, and tocopherols
Chapter 5: Abutilon pannosum (Forst.) Ragged Mallow
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Seed composition
- Edible and medicinal uses
Chapter 6: Ipomoea quamoclit Cypress Vine (Star Glory)
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Plant distribution
- Bioactive compounds and seed composition
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 7: Ipomoea indica Blue Morning Glory
- Abstract
- Botanical description and plant distribution
- Composition and bioactive components
- Oil physicochemical properties, fatty acid, and tocopherols composition
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 8: Sesamum alatum (Thonn) Winged-Seed Sesame
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Composition and bioactive components
- Oil physicochemical properties, fatty acids, and minor components
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 9: Hibiscus cannabinus L. Kenaf
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Composition and bioactive components
- Kenaf seed oil
- Potentiality and different uses
Chapter 10: Hibiscus radiatus Roselle
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Seed composition and bioactive compounds
- Potentiality and different uses
- Seed processing, oil properties, and stability
Chapter 11: Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Roselle
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Use in food and medicine
- Plant composition and bioactive components
- Physicochemical properties, fatty acids, and minor components of Karkade seed oil
Chapter 12: Monechma ciliatum Black Mahlab or Mahlab Balady
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Origin and habitats
- Uses and medicinal values
- Seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 13: Nigella sativa L. Black Cumin
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Seed composition and bioactive components
- Uses and medicinal values
Chapter 14: Cucurbits, Cucurbita Species As New Oil Sources
- Abstract
- Cucumis mello var. agrestis muskmelon
Chapter 15: Cucumis melo var. flexuosus The Armenian Cucumber or Snake Melon
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
- Uses and medicinal value
Chapter 16: Cucumis sativus Cucumber
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Food uses and medicinal values
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 17: Cucumis prophetarum Globe Cucumber or Wild Cucumber
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Food uses and medicinal values
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 18: Citrullus colocynthis Colocynth, Bitter Apple, Bitter Gourd
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
- Different uses and medicinal values
Chapter 19: Cucumis melo var. cantalupo Cantaloupe
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Fruit, seed composition, and bioactive compounds
- Medicinal and different uses
Chapter 20: Luffa echinata Bitter Luffa, Bristly Luffa
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Different uses and medicinal values
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 21: Luffa clynderica Loofah, Sponge Gourd
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 22: Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreek, Bird’s Foot, Greek Hayseed
- Abstract
- Botanical description and distribution
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Chapter 23: Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass. Niger
- Abstract
- Botanical description and distribution
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Fruit and seed composition and bioactive components
Part B: Unconventional Oils from Tree Sources
Chapter 24: Acacia tortilis Umbrella Thorn Tree Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Extraction of oil
- Methyl esterification
- Fatty acid analysis
- Organoleptic characteristics and analytic comparison with other oil
Chapter 25: Annona squamosa L. Sugar Apple Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Analytical and test methods
- Physicochemical properties of sugar apple seed oil
- Fatty acid composition of sugar apple seed oil
- Transesterification reaction
- Effect of catalyst concentration on biodiesel production
Chapter 26: The Potential of Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera and Calotropis gigantea) Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Apple of Sodom seed oil
- Potential uses of Sodom apple seed oil
Chapter 27: Balanites aegyptiaca Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Morphological study of Balanites aegyptiaca Del.
- Flowering, fruit, and seed description
- Distribution and habitat
- Pharmacological activity
- Oil Extracted from Balanites aegyptiaca seed kernel
- Conclusion
Chapter 28: Vangueria madagascariensis (Rubiaceae) as New Oil Source
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Chemical composition and main constituents
- Medicinal and other uses
- Physicochemical properties of Vangueria madagascariensis kernel oil
- Fatty acid composition
- Tocopherols
- Sterol composition
- Amino acid profile
- Oxidative stability of kirkir oil
- Total phenolic content
- Identification of phenolic compounds using HPLC-DAD
- Total flavonoid
- 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity
- ORAC antioxidant activity assay
- Cytotoxic activity
- Stability of sunflower oil as affected by the addition of Vangueria madagascariensis extracts
- Stability of sunflower oil measured by conjugated dienes as affected by the addition of different extracts from Vangueria madagascariensis—VML, VMC, and VMB
Chapter 29: Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm Kernel Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Date palm kernels
- About date pits
Chapter 30: Durio zibethinus (Durian)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Durio zibethinus tree
- Conclusion
Chapter 31: Jatropha curcas L. Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Oil extraction
- Physicochemical property of oil
- Suitability for biodiesel production
- Other uses of Jatropha Oil
Chapter 32: Mesua ferrea Nahar Tree Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Applications of M. ferrea
- Characteristics of M. ferrea and its oils
- Biological properties
Chapter 33: Nephelium lappaceum L. Rambutan Kernel Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Constituents of the seed
- Extraction of seed oil
- Biochemical
- Physiochemical
- Suggested usages
Chapter 34: Mangifera indica Mango Seed Kernel Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Applications and uses of mango kernel oil
Chapter 35: Moringa oleifera Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Moringa seed oil
- Total phenolic, flavonoid, and antioxidant capacity
- Uses of Moringa seed oil
Chapter 36: Ziziphus spina-christi (Christ’s Thorn Jujube)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Seed oil and fatty acids
- Uses of the Christ’s Thorn Jujube tree
- Christ’s Thorn Jujube tree oil
- Conclusion
Chapter 37: Salvadora persica Seed and Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Total amount of phenolic compounds
Chapter 38: Sclerocarya birrea Marula (Homeid) Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Food uses
- Sclerocarya birrea seed oil
- Uses of Sclerocarya birrea seed oil
- Changes in oxidative stability
Chapter 39: Adansonia digitata Baobab Seed Oil
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Baobab (Adansonia digitata) seed oil
- Uses of baobab seed oil
Chapter 40: Sterculia setigera (Karaya Gum Tree) A New Oil Source
- Abstract
- Distribution and botanical description
- Chemical composition and main bioactive components
- Medicinal and other uses
- Fatty acid composition and physicochemical characteristics of Tartar (Sterculia setigera) oil
Chapter 41: Albizia lebbeck (L. Benth.) Lebbeck Tree Seed
- Abstract
- Botanical description
- Distribution and habitat
- Medicinal uses
- Albizia lebbeck seed composition
- Minor components and physicochemical properties of Albizia lebbeck oil
- Fatty acid composition of Albizia lebbeck oil
Part C: Unconventional Oils from Insects
Chapter 42: Tessaratoma papillosa Longan Stink Bug
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Insect composition and bioactive components
- Different uses and medicinal value
Chapter 43: Copris nevinsoni Dung Beetle
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Different uses
- Chemical composition
Chapter 44: Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust) and Locusta migratoria (Migratory Locust)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Description
- Distribution
- Food uses and other uses
- Chemical composition and bioactive compounds
Chapter 45: Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius Weaver Ant
- Abstract
- Description and distribution
- Different uses
- Composition and bioactive compounds
Chapter 46: Aspongopus viduatus Watermelon Bug As Source of Edible Protein and Oil
- Abstract
- Distribution and description
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Insect composition and bioactive components
Chapter 47: Agonoscelis pubescens Sorghum Bug as a Source of Edible Protein and Oil
- Abstract
- Distribution and description
- Different uses and medicinal value
- Insect composition and bioactive components
Chapter 48: Acheta domesticus House Cricket
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Composition
- Food uses and different uses
Chapter 49: Alphitobius diaperinus the Lesser Mealworm and the Litter Beetle
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Chemical composition and bioactive compounds
- Uses
Chapter 50: Tenebrio molitor Mealworm
- Abstract
- Description
- Food uses and other uses
- Composition and bioactive components
Chapter 51: Blaptica dubia Cockroaches
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Food uses and other uses
- Composition and bioactive components
Chapter 52: Macrotermes bellicosus Termite
- Abstract
- Description
- Distribution
- Food uses and different uses
- Chemical composition and bioactive components
Chapter 53: Principles of Oil Extraction, Processing, and Oil Composition
- Abstract
- Oil extraction
- Traditional methods
- Refining
Chapter 54: Unconventional Oils From Annuals, Herbs, and Vegetables
- Abstract
- Introduction
- No. of pages: 382
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: April 14, 2017
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128094358
- eBook ISBN: 9780128134337
Abdalbasit Adam Mariod
Mohamed Elwathig Saeed Mirghani